Court approves the rescue Italian Research Center

Court approves the rescue Italian Research Center -

One of the most prestigious private biomedical research centers in Italy the Vatican Bank may have gained a new lease on life. On Friday, October 28, an Italian bankruptcy court gave the green light to an offer made by the Institute for Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican Bank, and Italian entrepreneur Victor Malacalza to save deep in debt San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Foundation, which manages clinical research hospital, a scientific institute internationally respected base, and a research park in Milan. Officials hope the approval of the bankruptcy court of the plan, in which the Vatican and Malacalza take over € 500 million of debt and invest another € 250 million, will persuade funding agencies to take over the now frozen and payments stem a potential exodus of scientists. The creditors of the foundation will then examine the details of the rescue plan and a hearing is scheduled for January to confirm that enough of them are willing to accept the terms.

The Institute San Raffaele hospital and research centers are to a large park of biomedical science orchestrated by Luigi Verzé priest, still officially president of the Foundation San Raffaele del Monte Tabor. Originally a private hospital founded in 1971, quickly became a medical center peak, the plant now has more than 1,000 hospital beds, employs hundreds of researchers, and a well-known research efforts in therapy gene and molecular medicine. But apparently because of poor investment decisions and too ambitious expansion, the foundation of Verzé has accumulated a debt of nearly € 1.5 billion. The details behind the huge debt are still obscure and criminal investigations into corruption allegations began; Italian media has widely covered the growing scandal, with the intensification frenzy after closing colleague Verze, San Raffaele Hospital Vice President Mario Cal, shot himself in July, apparently troubled by the financial difficulties of the foundation.

Adding more intrigue to the complex saga, an American charity yet undisclosed said he would be willing to donate $ 1 billion to strengthen teaching and research University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, which is located in the science park. The university is administratively independent of the foundation San Raffaele, but some of that money could end up helping the foundation. "After the news of the debt," says Massimo Clementi, the dean of the medical faculty at the university, "the charity decided that 20% of [donated] budget can be channeled to the Newco. "(Newco is the temporary name for the San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Foundation reformed that would be created if the approval of the bankruptcy moves forward.)

The researchers San Raffaele, the scientific activity on the Milan campus remained steady until September, when the debt of the foundation was revealed, shocking all laboratory benches. most research granting agencies then put the funding in standby, and some suppliers would not deliver goods. A computer manufacturer even showed up to remove the rented equipment Nature reported last month. "it has nothing to do with the hole in the silver and San Raffaele always a center of excellence, "says Maria Grazia Roncarolo, immunologist and scientific director of the institute. "San Raffaele is at the top in the nation for translational medicine, with 566 ongoing clinical trials and 10,000 patients enrolled."

Challenging recent media reports, and other scientists Roncarolo San Raffaele deny that they are considering leaving because of debt problems. Three scientists who recently won the European Research Council (ERC) grant Giulio demand Cossu, Fulvio Mavilio and Michele De Palma-are about to move to foreign institutions, but the ERC grants allow researchers to work they chose for most. "Their career moves started well before the economic catastrophe reaches the surface," says Roberto Sitia, a senior scientist San Raffaele. "They will be a great loss to our institution at this time, and a setback for the country." Yet Sitia acknowledges the financial problems have a temporary effect. "Now, we are not able to hire the future Cossu. Recruitment is on standby and I would not be surprised if our young lions have also been looking around. "

In addition, several scientists with the ERC Grant who recently moved to the US join the Institute San Raffaele, as immunologists Guidotti Luca and Matteo Iannacone, still trying to resolve them if research funding is in danger. "the CRF shall protect the financial interests of taxpayers E.Ü." said one ERC grant officer. For this reason, and given that there are currently ongoing legal proceedings involving the Institute San Raffaele, the ERC can not make new agreements to finance researchers San Rafaelle but will continue to pay existing grants, said the officer.

While it is a Catholic priest, Verzé has not imposed religious restrictions on research conducted on the campus of San Rafaelle and hired based solely on merit, according to scientists there. "Religion has never interfered with our science. During my 8 years as director, I have never had any type of intrusion, "said Jacopo Meldolesi neuroscientist and director of the original basic science at the Institute.

The Vatican and Malacalza made no public statements about why they are interested in saving the biomedical research center, nor have they commented on any new guidance provided once they are in charge. With the favorable consideration of the bankruptcy court, Roncarolo San Rafaele hope that new funds to the ERC, and other funding agencies, will soon sink in Milan. "I would have expected more support, then there is a total closure by E.Ü. This is surprising, because what we are going through will affect the whole European scientific community, "she complained. "We are ready to go to Brussels and explain to the ERC officials that the green light by the bankruptcy court means to our science."

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