New diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease include brain analyzes and marrow Taps

New diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease include brain analyzes and marrow Taps -

The disease most Alzheimer (AD), researchers agree that the disease began ravaging the years of the brain, or even decades before the first symptoms appear oblivion. New criteria, proposed yesterday at the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease in Honolulu, would shift diagnosis early in the course of the disease. A major motivation for the capture AD in its earliest stages is the belief that treatments will be more effective then.

The recommendations, developed by researchers working groups organized by the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association, is based on recent research with neuroimaging and other biomarkers that appear to pick up the first signs of the disease. The recommendations define full of Alzheimer's disease more accurately and create two new diagnostic categories to describe the early stages of the disease.

The first is a "preclinical AD" designation would require three criteria: proof of the β-amyloid accumulation (the peptide suspected to be the culprit in neurodegeneration) from PET scans brain or fluid samples of the spine, or neuroimaging evidence of spinal fluid samples of synaptic dysfunction or early stages of neurodegeneration, and signs of subtle cognitive decline. This preclinical designation is not intended for clinical use, for research only, including clinical trials of drugs to prevent entire AD.

The second designation is used clinically "mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to AD" Patients who meet the criteria for this diagnosis do not show a significant decline in memory and other cognitive functions. but would still be reasonably able to function independently. the proposal contains recommendations for clinicians on how to use neuroimaging and fluid biomarkers cerebrospinal to determine if the impairment is due to AD or a nascent another cause, although it recognizes that research in this area is ongoing.

"We are finally now developing tools to detect AD pathology in the brain and predict cognitive decline," Michael Weiner said the Alzheimer's researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in drafting the recommendations. Weiner said the new recommendations are "a very important step" that will help the development of drugs to prevent AD and help families by giving them more time to plan for the care of a loved one with the disease.

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