Staring at Goats, geoengineering World

Staring at Goats, geoengineering World -

Here is an overview of some of the stories that we followed on science political blog of science Insider:

a petition presented earlier this year at the direction of the American Physical society Council to change the official statement of the company in 07 to climate change fell in (carbon neutral) flames. The 07 statement warned that "if no mitigation measures are taken, significant disruptions in the physical and ecological systems of the Earth, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur."

Leading African science academies say in a report published yesterday in Ghana that the intensification of affordable medical interventions such as vaccination of 20% could save the lives of about 770,000 children and young mothers each year in nine countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

in the new film men who Stare at goats , George Clooney plays a former member of a secret sect of the soldiers trained by the . US military to deploy a weapon against the enemy crowd paranormal fatal their talents are meant the ability to kill a goat by psychokinesis - watching the beast they can make his heart stop with thought alone. The film takes some liberties in the name of comedy, but the program it is based on is real.

Scientists and policy experts will gather in March next year to hash rules for conducting field experiments on the controversial subject of geoengineering . Styled after the Asilomar conference 1975 mark on recombinant DNA, the conference has attracted top scientists to support climate and environmental groups. But he is also facing questions and criticism about its opening and the origins of some of the organizers.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) finally got his call vote to strip long-awaited political science studies of the 2010 budget of National Science Foundation (NSF). And while his amendment was soundly defeated, 36 to 62, it was not strictly a party-line vote. Five moderate Democrats - Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Evan Bayh of Indiana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and Jim Webb of Virginia - apparently agree with the argument that Coburn NSF, with a budget of $ 6.9 billion is "wasting" federal funds by spending $ 9 million per year to support research in the field.

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