Dozen Win Top Sciences To Price Baker

Dozen Win Top Sciences To Price Baker -

WASHINGTON, DC - National Science Foundation director Neal Lane yesterday announced the winners 1997 the National Medal of science, the highest scientific honor of the nation. Also announced were the winners of the National Medal of Technology. Medalists will be honored at a ceremony at the White House later this year.

A winner of the Medal of Science, Princeton astronomer Martin Schwarzschild, died April 10 and so is being honored posthumously. The others are:

  • William K. Estes, scientist and professor emeritus of cognitive psychology at Harvard University
  • Darleane C. Hoffman, nuclear chemist and director of the Institute Glenn T. Seaborg to Transactinium science at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California (UC), Berkeley
  • Harold S. Johnston, professor emeritus of chemistry at UC Berkeley
  • N Marshall . Rosenbluth, a physicist at UC San Diego
  • James D. Watson, a molecular biologist and president of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor, New York
  • Robert A. Weinberg, geneticist cancer at the Whitehead Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • George W. Wetherill, planetary dynamicist Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC
  • Tung Yau Shing-mathematician to Harvard University.

The medalists of the technology are:

  • Norman R. Augustine, CEO of Lockheed Martin in Bethesda, Maryland
  • Ray M. Dolby , founder of Dolby Laboratories Inc. in San Francisco
  • Robert S. Ledley, professor of radiology at Georgetown University Medical School
  • Vinton Cerf gray MCI and Robert E. Kahn, Chairman of the Corporation for National Research initiatives. Both are honored as a team for the development of Internet protocols.
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