"Coca-Cola" Malaria Drug Scheme starts with $ 225 million

"Coca-Cola" Malaria Drug Scheme starts with $ 225 million -

Until now, the main route that are self-righteous have supported malaria treatment programs worldwide development was to give the governments of poor countries money to buy drugs. The idea was that patients get their drugs from government clinics

But in what has been called "an incredibly exciting experience" in economics, started today a new way to make drugs against malaria to the poorest people in the world :. Go private road. The scheme, called Affordable Medicines Facility for Malaria was officially launched today in Oslo with a budget of $ 225 million, thanks to donations from the United Kingdom and UNITAID, a fund full of taxes on airline tickets.

The effort aims to tackle a major problem in malaria control. A new generation of drugs called combination treatments of artemisinin is safe, effective and cheap by Western standards; but in the pharmacies from which the poorest people of the world buy their drugs, they can still easily cost $ 6 or more per course of treatment. It's easily 30 times more than older, ineffective drugs and counterfeit medicines. With the new grant, paid directly to drug manufacturers, the price of a complete treatment with new drug combinations on the private market should fall to between 20 and 50 cents per course of treatment. This should make it much more attractive for patients to make the best choice.

From history Science the new method, published in November:

"For years, we say in public health: If only we knew how Coca-Cola gets his boxes in the remotest African villages, we could do the same for drugs ", says health economist Ramanan Laxminarayan of resources for the future in Washington, DC, sat on the IOM panel "well, here's how they do it. - based on the market."

the new scheme will be managed by the global Fund to fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Geneva; new director of the institution is a former economist with the World Bank Olusoji Adeyi

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