Green light for research on stem cells from supernumerary embryos

Green light for research on stem cells from supernumerary embryos -

More details on the NIH draft guidelines on stem cells.

On March 9, Obama signed a decree that raised the bar of the Bush administration on funding lines derived after about 9 s August 01. But Obama has left the National Institutes of Health to work out the details, leaving unanswered the critical question of where the embryos could come. Many researchers would prefer to have the freedom to work not only on leftover embryos from fertility clinics, but also in human embryonic cell lines derived from embryos created for research purposes, for example, the skin cell of a patient suffering from a disease, so researchers could then use the cell line to study the disease in test tube experiments.

But NIH decided not to include embryos created specifically for research, despite the support of many scientists do. NIH Director Raynard Kington Acting told reporters during a conference call today that "there is strong, broad support" to allow research on cell lines from surplus embryos from fertility clinics, as shown in the legislation that has twice passed the Congress. "There is a broad support similar to not use other sources," he said, adding that "we do not believe that there is still no consensus even within the scientific community. " Moreover, Kington said, there are cell lines created by research cloning yet.

Even with the limitations, Kington predicted that "in a matter of months, we are likely to significantly increase the number of human embryonic stem cell lines eligible for federal funding, including cell lines with greater genetic diversity and lines with pathogenic mutations. "He said NIH estimates that up to 700 lines exist, although the number who qualify based on the number to comply with the draft policy. the proposals already submitted the NIH will be queued for review until the final guidelines are out.

the list of proposed rules to several conditions of a cell line must meet to be eligible, most involving obtaining informed consent for couples receiving fertility treatment are not required to donate their surplus embryos. the policy does not specify that embryos should be frozen rather than fresh, a possible restriction worries some scientists.

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