Panel Calls for Google Maps of Human Disease

Panel Calls for Google Maps of Human Disease -

A group of experts today called for the creation of a massive data network that combines advanced genomic and molecular data Stroke patients with their routine medical records. Such a database would be a boon to research and help advance medical care in the era of "precision medicine," said the panel.

The National Research Council panel was formed last year at the request of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to examine how more than 100 years, the disease classification system should be changed to take account of the molecular biology of ideas. But the committee decided that "our challenge is greater," said panel co-chair Susan Desmond-Hellmann, chancellor of the University of California, San Francisco, at a press conference today. Instead of a new classification, the nation needs a live network data on molecular tests for individuals and health records. This system will be used to develop a new taxonomy of disease and customize medical care, according to the report of 108 pages, entitled Toward Precision Medicine: Creating a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a new taxonomy of the disease .

Precision drug is already emerging in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, said the report, some patients now receive medications appropriate to a specific molecular marker in their tumor, and parents can be tested for some cancer risks. In contrast, a middle-aged man diagnosed with Type II diabetes usually receives a drug 50 who may or may not help. And no type II diabetes risk test are available for family members.

What is needed, says the report, is for patient health records to be combined with layers of genomic molecular and other measures, such as blood proteins and microbes in the gut of a patient. As GPS data used to make Google maps, this data could be connected in detail by researchers and used more superficially by others, such as doctors to treat patients, according to the report. Separate databases are combined to form a single network.

Modest efforts like this already exist. For example, the organization Kaiser Permanente health care is building a genetic database of 500,000 patients in the San Francisco area to be used for disease studies. "We want to do it on a larger scale," said panel co-chair Charles Sawyers of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York at the briefing. (Another example, he said, is a plan for the islands Faroe to sequence genomes of every 50,000 of its citizens and to use the data for research and health care.)

as a pilot project, the report recommends the sequencing of whole genomes 1 million Americans and combining data with medical history to look for genetic links to disease. This may seem expensive, although the costs of sequencing down to $ 1,000 per genome, it would cost $ 1 billion but $ 1000 is in range of costs that routine analysis of MRI, Desmond-Hellmann said. another use metabolomic profiles pilot blood from patients to help predict which patients with insulin resistance will continue to develop diabetes type II.

Creating network during the next decade or two should not require new funding, according to the report. "This is not to the Human Genome Project," Sawyers said. "It is taking advantage of things going anyway and unite and do it to the point of care." NIH needs to redirect resources and push for more long-term studies that combine research in health care, the report said. The construction of the network may also require a revision of the rules of confidentiality of patients and an "evolution" in public attitudes about enabling researchers to use their medical data.

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