Millionaires Get NIH to further examination

Millionaires Get NIH to further examination -

hard look. NIH will give further consideration to proposals from researchers with at least $ 1 million in direct support of research.


Some well-funded biomedical researchers may have to tighten their belts in a new funding policy announced yesterday by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The agency plans to give further consideration to the proposals of researchers receiving more than $ 1 million per year in direct support grants and can not finance such research is superimposed on what they already do.

After years of flat budgets and lower subsidies success rate, the NIH has been looking for ways to stretch its funding further research. An idea which floated last fall was to limit the amount of grant money the principal investigator (PI) might hold. While some fear that it would hamper the production laboratories, in February the agency announced it was moving forward: high quality researchers applications with at least $ 1.5 million in total annual funding would get a layer additional examination of the scientific council of the Institute funding. The council would ensure that the research is "very promising" and "separate from" the other IP projects.

After piloting the plane during its May round of grant reviews, the NIH has made some changes. A big problem was that because the indirect costs vary from school, those who have a higher overhead rate would be disproportionately affected. So the final policy will cover IPs with at least $ 1 million in direct costs. This adds about 19 grants to about 70 to be revised in September using the threshold of $ 1.5 million, writes the NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research Sally Rockey in his blog Rock Talk. NIH will not require large multi-PI grants to undergo special examinations unless all individual IPs are on the threshold of $ 1 million. And tips can make exceptions, for example for clinical trials, which tend to be more expensive than laboratory research.

Last fall, the NIH has estimated that about 1,0 IP, 6% of the total funds it would be above the threshold of $ 1.5 million of total costs. But with the restrictions in the final policy, less than 1% of all proposals will get additional advice examination, said NIH Scienc eInsider. And because politics is not a cap, it is unclear how much money it will eventually release. (The driver in May was intended to gather input ;. It has not resulted in funding decisions)

Howard Garrison of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, who last year wrote the NIH to support the policy, said it is important anyway. "It will not necessarily solve all our problems. But people have found it an appropriate measure, "says Garrison. A blogger, however, is disdainful of politics: "It will do nothing to feed all the hungry mouths," wrote DrugMonkey

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