Final gift from a billionaire to Six U.S. Cancer Centers

Final gift from a billionaire to Six U.S. Cancer Centers -

A trust fund created by billionaire shipping magnate Daniel K. Ludwig ends today with a bang and donated for research. Six US medical centers will receive $ 540 million- $ 0 million each-funds to provide cancer studies in perpetuity, or until the cancer is no longer a problem, as specified in the will left by Ludwig, who is died in 1992. in all, his estate gave $ 2.5 billion in cancer research since the 1970s

new money goes to Ludwig centers already located six elite research institutions: . Harvard Medical School in Boston; Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland; Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge; Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York; Stanford University in Palo Alto; and the University of Chicago. Ludwig had established trust the same centers in 06.

Financing by the Ludwig Trust was "sort of under the radar," said oncologist Kenneth Kinzler, who with Bert Vogelstein, co-directs the Ludwig Center at Hopkins. These are among the most coveted awards in the biomedical field, said Kinzler. The money is held for endowment and comes with few strings attached just a mandate to investigate cancer and find ways to stop it. There is no progress reports or renewal requests to write, Kinzler said, which "allows you to focus on what you think give the most important results without worrying about respect artificial intermediate deadlines."

the Ludwig group seeks clinical outcomes, Kinzler said, a goal that he and Vogelstein heavily. Without money Ludwig, the Hopkins group was not able to make cancer genetic studies, they are famous for, he notes, for example, the duo used surveys of Exome to identify genes associated with colon and breast cancer.

size Ludwig endowments makes a difference, says Jedd Wolchok cancer immunologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering ". It allows a budget of respectable research "Wolchok figures that the budget of his group for Cancer Immunology Research will double this year, an increase of" several million dollars "and will continue to grow, thanks to the money earned by staffing. For Wolchok, this means that "we can go from concept to clinical research very, very quickly." For example, he expects his group to launch a clinical trial in two months to test a therapeutic antibody developed by a Japanese company that could be used to modulate the T cells that regulate the immune response. The team Memorial Sloan-Kettering also has a number of ongoing clinical trials to monitor immune system reactions to various cancer therapies, including radiation.

Ludwig, a friend of President Richard Nixon, was a supporter of Nixon unconditional "war against cancer" that has been linked to the Congressional legislation that restored National Cancer Institute of the United States in 1971. this year, the shipping magnate has created an independent in New York, the Ludwig Institute for cancer research. The organization now has an endowment of more than $ 1.2 billion and employs more than 0 people, including scientists in six countries outside the United States, according to the institute CEO Edward McDermott Jr.

the philosophy behind this research network, McDermott said, is that which led Ludwig McDermott adds "in its to personal business enterprises find the best people and resources as well". "We are investing in science, not science special. ... We are not in the area of ​​discovery, because of the discovery. It is a means to an end, which is improved patient outcomes. So we are very committed to infrastructure ... allow us to take our patient's bedside to the laboratory findings. "McDermott said that the institute has sponsored more than 100 clinical trials and eight during this time. these are focused on cancer immunotherapy.

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