Hat in hand, Specter proposes a new agency for the race to life

Hat in hand, Specter proposes a new agency for the race to life -

Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) said to the US National Institutes of Health billion more is not enough to strengthen biomedical research. On Saturday at a Clinical Research meeting in Chicago, he proposed a new independent agency to get the bench to the bedside discoveries. And he wants your money to help him keep his seat.

Specter led a push to give NIH $ 10.4 billion in the recent stimulus package. It is now drafted a bill to be introduced this week that would allow NIH to receive funding as part of its base budget, bringing the total to $ 40 billion.

He explained his plan to a website, specterforthecure.com, which also invites visitors to contribute to his campaign, he is facing a primary battle hard to hold his seat in 2010 draft law would also create what he calls Cures network acceleration, an independent federal agency, financed $ 2 billion per year, it would try to fill the so-called valley of death between the discovery of a potential drug and test the patients.

The objective of the agency is to "transform biomedical research discoveries into better health for the American people," said Specter, a cancer survivor twice. Biotechnology companies, universities and patient groups could all apply for scholarships, Specter said.

at least one prominent scientist think that the network is a great idea. Former Director National Institute for Human Genome Research Francis Collins, who was at the same meeting, said Science Insider that Specter's proposal is a "bold step" and that "... the medical community should line up and try to understand how to get there."

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