Updated: Paper Cardiology retracted Compromise 'Data Harvard Investigates

Updated: Paper Cardiology retracted Compromise 'Data Harvard Investigates -

A document 2012 on the human heart regeneration powers was removed from the magazine Traffic amid a compromised data survey. The American Heart Association, which publishes the newspaper published a retraction on April 8 for the paper, which was the corresponding author Piero Anversa, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. The retraction states that "a permanent institutional review by the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital has determined that the data are sufficiently compromised that a withdrawal is justified."

Another author circulation 's editor in chief, Joseph Loscalzo, who is chairman of the Department of Medicine Brigham. the newspaper received a letter last week from Harvard University dean for faculty and integrity search calling for the retraction, Rose Marie Robertson, chief science and doctor at the American Heart Association, said science Insider. She said the letter mentioned problems with data in multiple figures the paper. A Brigham representative declined to give details of the current review. Robertson said that, based on the Harvard letter she has no concerns about the role of Loscalzo in the newspaper and that he -even challenged both the review process and retraction.

* Harvard and Brigham sent a second letter raising concerns about another document involving Anversa, this one published in The Lancet . See the update below for more.

The document is part of a series of group Anversa defending the controversial idea that the human heart regenerates quickly muscle cells, and this regeneration increases with age. Some wondered if the heart muscle cells can be renewed as adults at all. A 09 document Science conducted by researchers in Sweden used a new technique to estimate that the cells are renewed at a rate of about 1% per year in 25 years, falling by 0.45% year 75. But Anversa and colleagues have challenged these estimates in the document 2012 and others, saying the renewal is much more dramatic, 7% per year from 20 to 40 years and that the rate increases with age, as much as 19 % in 80 years.

"They were rather lonely with this view," said Jonas Frisén , a researcher on stem cells at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, who led the work in 09 . He and his colleagues measured the age of cardiac muscle cells by matching the amount of carbon-14 in their DNA to carbon-14 in the atmosphere at the time they were formed. The group of Anversa used this technique, among others, the Traffic 2012 paper, and Frisén said he contacted the group to understand why their two efforts had reached different conclusions.

After the authors have shared more data Frisén said he began to suspect that the samples used by the Anversa group had been contaminated with other carbon sources, such as in that the cell proteins or chemicals used for reactions. He also raised other concerns about how the data were processed. Anversa did not respond to a request of Science Insider for comments

* Update, April 11, 4:57 p.m. :. Harvard and Brigham sent another letter raising concerns about the work of Anversa, this one about high level of clinical trial results published in The Lancet . On April 11, the newspaper published an "expression of concern" on paper, on which Anversa is the last author. He cites the Harvard Brigham letter saying that the medical school and the hospital "examine concerns the integrity of certain data generated in a laboratory at BWH, "and adds:" the purpose of this investigation is on two additional digits published online (figures 2A and 3). For all we know, the investigation is limited to work performed at BWH. "

When the document was published in November 2011, it was announced as the first study in humans to test the therapy of cardiac stem cells in the fight against heart failure. the authors reported an improved ability to pump blood and decrease the amount of dead heart tissue in patients severe heart failure after an infusion of stem cells.

The letter of concern to The Lancet was first reported by Retraction Watch.

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