Beer Bellies fear

Beer Bellies fear -

Awesome. But a big belly may contribute to insulin resistance.

Chubby belly depriving their owners of more than a svelte figure, according to a new study. abdominal flab in middle age rats causes insulin resistance, a common precursor to diabetes that affects older people disproportionately. Surgically removing fat restores the function of insulin, suggesting that the disease develops because fat accumulates around the internal organs.

As people age, they acquire the beer belly and love handles. Their bodies also lose the ability to absorb glucose from the blood, a condition called insulin resistance. Circumstantial evidence linking the insulin resistance in visceral fat, fat found in the stomach, but not subcutaneous fat, which mold the love handles. Researchers have debated whether visceral fat is a byproduct or the cause of insulin resistance.

To study Nir Barzilai and colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York cut the fat of adult rats with insulin resistance. When subcutaneous fat was removed, the rats fared no better. But when visceral fat has been removed, the rats recovered and began extracting their blood glucose as well as youth is intact, the team reports in the October issue of Diabetes . The results suggest that visceral fat, but not subcutaneous fat crippled insulin function.

To determine how fat may alter the absorption of glucose, the researchers measured the production of blood molecules that fat cells secrete. They found that the elimination of visceral fat changes the signals sent by the subcutaneous fat cells. They produced about two-thirds less messenger RNA templates for the hormone leptin, which controls appetite and is overproduced in insulin-resistant people. There was also less TNF- a , a protein thought to counteract insulin by blocking its biochemical pathways. This observation implies that visceral fat causes insulin resistance by changing the output of molecules made by a wide range of fatty tissue.

"This is the first demonstration that I know that the elimination of visceral fat solves the problem of resistance," says endocrinologist Michael Schwartz of the University of Washington, Seattle. Endocrinologist Robert Schwartz of University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver suggest how the scheme could be considered in the equation :. calorie restriction - which is known to reduce insulin resistance - could alter metabolism by influencing the types of fat calories build

Related Sites
A longer version of this article at SAGEKE
laboratory Nir Barzilai of Albert Einstein
American Diabetes Association

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