Brief famine may boost the risk of cancer

Brief famine may boost the risk of cancer -

Lean times. average daily caloric intake in the occupied areas of the Netherlands has fallen sharply during the winter 1944-1945.

the idea that a low calorie diet can reduce the risk of breast cancer has allowed to sell several popular books on cancer prevention diet. But a short and sudden combat famine may do just the opposite, according to a new study that found higher rates of breast cancer among Dutch women who lived a brief famine at the end of World War II.

As Allied forces tried to wage war to a quick conclusion advancing on the Rhine bridge at Arnhem, Netherlands, in the fall of 1944, the German authorities have imposed an embargo on food . For 6 months, the hungry Dutch. Adult calorie intake dropped from 1,500 to 700 kilocalories per day. Supply suddenly became abundant again when the Netherlands was released on May 5, 1945.

To determine whether the famine had an effect on the incidence of breast cancer epidemiologist Sjoerd Elias and colleagues from Julius center for health sciences and primary care in Utrecht analyzed data from a study of breast cancer that began in 1974. Between 1983 and 1986, as part of the screening protocol for the study, a 15.396 group of participants who experienced famine responded to a detailed questionnaire. From their responses, the Elias group calculated a "famine score" which estimated the degree of malnutrition each participant. They then randomly selected 2352 women and their health records referenced against various cancer registries.

Women who reported having been hit hard by the famine had a significantly increased risk of breast cancer, 1.5 times higher than those who had the most room, the group reports in 7 April issue of Journal of the National cancer Institute . The risk was even more pronounced, twice as high for older persons 2 to 9 to the time of famine. Researchers suspect that the temporary malnutrition followed by plentiful food at a young age may have had a lasting effect on the balance of hormones - insulin like growth factor I and sex steroids -. Which have been linked to breast cancer

"the rather surprising results ... [also] remind scientists to keep an open mind about the meaning of all the effects of famine on the risk of cancer" said the cancer epidemiologist Tim Key of Oxford University, UK He adds that the study is an "important contribution" because it is the first to bear the risk of breast cancer in the self-reported estimates women of the intensity of the famine, which are more accurate than only demographic, but warned that the results need to be confirmed.

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Context "hunger winter" of 1944-1945

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