Windfall for the French Agency Biomedical

Windfall for the French Agency Biomedical -

PARIS - Researchers from the Biomedical research agency giant France, INSERM, rejoice over a 16% increase in the the organization for the year 01. the research budget windfall announced by INSERM CEO Claude Griscelli last week, is the largest increase since 1983. It will give the organization 260 laboratories an extra $ $ 13 million compared to the current research budget of approximately $ 83 million. In addition, 100 new research positions will be created, bringing the total number of scientists around 4000.

The new currency represents "a significant amount," said neuroscientist Marc Peschanski, laboratory director of INSERM neuroplasticity and Therapeutics near Paris. "It will really mean something" for laboratories. Geneticist Judith Melki, director of the Molecular Neurogenetics Laboratory in the Paris suburb of Evry, added that the influx of new money will help boost the "modest" argue that the laboratory INSERM received in recent years .

Griscelli said science that such a large increase was "totally unexpected." Indeed, other public research organizations were awarded smaller amounts - the basic research agency CNRS, for example, receive a blow from 9% Research thumb. Griscelli said that one reason the government smiled so hard on INSERM may be that the agency was prepared to shape its research program based on the priorities set by the Ministry of Research, who wants to see research on life sciences to repay in new therapies and products ( science , September 8, p. 1667). As CNRS researchers have strongly resisted what many see as government interference in research directions, INSERM has largely accepted the guiding hand of government. Thus the new money will be spent in a number of priority areas, including gene therapy, vaccines, research in psychiatry, and epidemiology

Griscelli insists that the basic science continue to receive strong support at INSERM :. "I do not know want to prioritize decreasing funding for basic research."

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