bottle chemical linked to the disease

bottle chemical linked to the disease -

ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND - The first major epidemiological study of bisphenol A, a common ingredient in baby bottles and beverage containers, suggests that relatively high doses of the chemical double the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The result is presented as a Scientific Review Committee meets here to start the assessment of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) draft risk assessment for the health of the compound.

Many laboratory studies have examined the health impact of bisphenol-A, but the results were contradictory. A concern is that the chemical binds weakly to the estrogen receptor. Some researchers have found evidence of rodent reproductive problems, developmental disorders, cancer and neurological problems, while others do not ( Science NOW, April 16).

A team led by David Melzer, an epidemiologist and physician at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, United Kingdom examined data from the US Centers for Nutrition Examination Survey, a representative sample of the general population Disease Control and National Health and prevention. Over 0% had detectable levels of bisphenol A in their urine.

Melzer and his colleagues then examined the levels of bisphenol A and health status for adults in 1455, sampled in 03 and 04. Divided by the amount of BPA measured in urine, those in top fourth had double the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease compared to those in the rest of the bottom. The levels of enzymes routinely used to diagnose liver problems were also higher, they report in tomorrow's issue of Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA ).

The logical link diabetes, Melzer said, pointing to recent animal and cell studies finding that BPA interferes with insulin production in mice. However, the increased risk of cardiovascular disease was a surprise, he admits. Approximately gauging exposure from urine levels Melzer suspect in the investigation adults with higher levels of BPA were still consumes much less than the current daily level considered safe by the FDA for adults ( 50 micrograms per kilogram of body weight).

The study was released early to coincide with today's hearing. An ad hoc advisory group of six scientists examined the draft of the FDA assessment of bisphenol A, released last month. In the evaluation, the FDA reviewed the current literature. Focus heavily on two major studies funded by industry, the agency decided that the current safety level remains adequate. He rejected many other animal studies, mostly by academics, as too small, inconsistent or unreliable. (This contrasts with a final report released September 3 by the National Toxicology Program, managed by the National Institute of Health Sciences of the environment, which found "minimal" to "some" concern when evaluating these studies.)

the JAMA paper is not included in the project evaluation, and some members of the panel were skeptical of the findings. "I fear that this article will let people with the message that BPA causes heart disease and diabetes, "says Garret FitzGerald cardiovascular biologist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, which concerned the small sample size; only 79 people reported cardiovascular disease.

Environmental groups urged the panel recommended that the FDA considers JAMA paper, as well as the full range of animal studies, and to revise its calculation of a safety deposit high level. This is not a simple task. "How in the world do you put all these things together in a quantitative risk assessment?" Member of Philip Bushnell group Neurotoxicology division of the Environmental Protection Agency wondered aloud. The panel will report to the Scientific Council of the FDA by October 31.

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