NIH: We conflicts Averse

NIH: We conflicts Averse -

Fearing that the US Congress will force the hand because of public interest, the National Institutes of Health is moving to change its rules on conflicts financial interest for scientists who receive grants. A new set of regulations could be ready in 6 months to 1 year, according to Acting Director Raynard Kington NIH during a meeting Friday in Bethesda, Maryland. Last week, the NIH submitted a draft list of issues in the White House in which he wants public participation, which will help shape the new rules: -

How to determine whether "significant." a financial interest if the current definition, which exempts any financial dispute is less than $ 10,000, will be replaced by a stricter limit or no lower limit at all

- What NIH should strengthen its policy to make institutions respect by requiring independent confirmation of the institutions of reports

- What NIH should seek conflicts involving financial agreements between universities and businesses

- What NIH should require investigators to disclose any and all financial interests

the latter possibility prompted Christine Seidman, professor of medicine and genetics at Harvard medical School in Boston, to observe that the new requirements could mean that the amount of required paperwork to disclose the links financial could "quickly exceed the scientific content" of a grant application.

She spoke at a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the NIH director, which was distributed and will soon appear archived online. The questions will be published soon for public comment, officials said.

Current regulations require recipients of NIH to submit financial conflicts "important" to their institution, which must then report the conflict to the NIH and ensure it was managed or eliminated. This year the NIH has reviewed 20 cases of alleged non-compliance. Six are still under investigation, but so far, the NIH found a single case in which rules were broken: that of a psychiatrist at Emory University in Atlanta who failed to report payments that it has received from pharmaceutical companies and device.

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