A New Journal for Biomedical Discoveries translate

A New Journal for Biomedical Discoveries translate -

discoveries out of the laboratory and into the clinical removal has become one of the main objectives of the leaders in biomedical research. They called for programs to deploy search results faster and get young researchers interested in the work of serious business of developing a new drug or treatment. Today AAAS, publisher of Science Insider, intensifying in this area with a new magazine called Science Translational Medicine .

The homepage of the journal explains that translational medicine "is based on the progress of basic research - the study of biological processes using cell cultures, for example, or animal models - and uses them to develop new therapies or medical procedures " Science Translational Medicine publish research and commentary every Wednesday, and the selected document will appear in a monthly print edition of


Chief scientist of the journal is Elias Zerhouni, who as director of the national Institutes of health 02-08 has led to a larger part of the NIH mission translation. Among the first documents review :. a small device to measure the risk of breast cancer, a strategy to improve bone marrow transplants, and a study of potential new drugs for osteoporosis

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