IOM to Obama: Get Your Act Together on Global Health

IOM to Obama: Get Your Act Together on Global Health -

A new Institute of Medicine report released today by a large group of scientists and former officials in a committee global health has a message for President-elect Barack Obama, Give us of this change you promised

committee, co-chaired by Harold Varmus, head of the cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering and Thomas Pickering, Under took his retirement. Secretary of State for Political Affairs, urges Obama to make "an important speech at the beginning of its mandate" which states that the United States consider global health as "an essential component of US foreign policy." In the eyes of the committee, more investment in global health will provide diplomatic security and economic returns. specifically, they call on the administration to double its commitment of $ 7.5 billion to $ 15 billion by 2012. they suggest that 13 billion $ should go towards the Millennium development goals related to health development, and another $ 2 billion for noncommunicable diseases and injuries.

While the Committee commended the United States to make "dramatic increases" in global health over the past decade, he noted that the United States "does not come close" to the spending of development aid made by most other rich countries. Denmark, one of the most generous countries, Password $ 1.07 per day per person, while US public and private contributions make up only 35 ¢, for example. In terms of gross national income, the United States goes to 0.16%, while several Scandinavian countries contribute more than 0.8% (see chart). "Overall, in percentage, we are still dealing with Greece at the bottom of the pile," Varmus, who is also on Obama's transition team, said Science Insider. "We need to get the level up."

But is it realistic to expect a doubling of funding during the current economic crisis? "We talk about spending lots of money on the stimulus plan, but a relatively small investment in health care, "said Varmus, Nobel laureate who once led the US National Institutes of health. "We must recognize that we have a lot at stake here."

More of the commission, including a blistering passage, after the jump.

In addition to calling for increased funding, Committee wants the US government to evaluate more carefully the way it spends money and what it buys. funding was "highly biased" towards HIV / AIDS, the Committee emphasized, noting that he received 70% of aid in the overall health of the country in 08. the Obama administration and Congress should "create a balance in the traditional portfolio of global health aid," the report recommends.

in one of his most blistering passages, the committee complained that the government does not have a good handle on who does what. "to date, the committee is not aware of all efforts to quantify the overall coordination and US equities in global health through even large government agencies, "the report said. "The tools available to follow US funding for the Government of global health are limited, and their results are often fragmented, subject to double counting, and do not include the work of all agencies. Therefore, the total commitment of the US Government to global health is not known with certainty, the United States can neither measure the positive impacts, nor justify the level of investment in global health "

to better coordinate the global health efforts of the US government, the report recommends that Obama create a white House. -level interagency committee chaired by a senior white House "to direct, plan, prioritize and coordinate "budgeting. the report also urges Congress and the White House to demand a more rigorous assessment of global health funding.

in April, the committee plans to publish a more complete report that said Varmus will "dot all the i's and cross all the t of" dealing with these complex issues such as helping developing countries strengthen their provision of health care and the role of non-governmental organizations, academia and the private sector environment. "This is a" letter report to attract the interest of the new administration and hopefully set them up in no time, "he said. Varmus would not discuss whether he could have a role in Obama administration or the reaction of the transition team report.

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