Morehouse Cardiologist tapped to head National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Morehouse Cardiologist tapped to head National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute -

Gary Gibbons, a cardiologist and researcher at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, was today appointed director of the National Heart , Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

A Morehouse, Gibbons, 55, founder and director of cardiovascular research institute that focuses on areas such as basic science and ethnic disparities in health. own laboratory studies Gibbons how genetic variation affects the vascular biology and cardiovascular disease. In an announcement, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins praised the "extraordinary scientific skills, tremendous energy and a bold vision." From NIH Gibbons He will join this summer.

With a budget of $ 3.1 billion, NHLBI is the third largest of 27 NIH institutes and centers. The Institute has not had a permanent director since Elizabeth Nabel left in late 09 to head Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Gibbons will bring to four the number of NIH institutes of directors (all men) who are African American.

Gibbons said Science Insider that he was interested in the job because of his familiarity "intimate" with NHLBI he is a longtime dealer and advisor and commitment to be " sure NHLBI continues its legacy of doing science discovery that advances public health. " He would revisit the strategic vision of the institute "with a renewed look that is faster and more contemporary."

Although NHLBI was in good hands under Acting Director Susan Shurin (who will return to his position of deputy director), the absence of a permanent director slowed decisions like committing to large clinical trials, costly, said Leslee Shaw, a researcher results of health at Emory University and a member of the NHLBI Advisory Board. The set of skills Gibbons is "a kind of unique. It will be able to slide up and down the interests of NHLBI and offer extensive experience, "says Shaw. She also praises his leadership style. "It's very thoughtful" and a "good listener"

One reason it may have taken so long to find a new director NHLBI is that clinicians often take a . pay cut when they move to the NIH candidates for senior positions NIH could also be put off by money problems: the NIH budget has not increased in a decade and could face cuts

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