Live Chat: Do you have a right to your personal data

Live Chat: Do you have a right to your personal data -

[Please hit refresh on this page if the video is not playing and it is after 3 p.m. EST. Leave your questions in the comment section at the bottom of the page. Our moderator will address them during the chat.]

Every day, people around the world submitted them -Same? in tests, providing data for research studies, clinical diagnostics and care. But donors should have access to their raw data? By what right, for example, if a donor must download the raw output from a genetic screen of saliva? As technology allows more people to access information and makes the tests once found in expensive laboratories available and affordable for businesses, should we worry about information overload triggering uninformed decisions by consumers? Or more data always a good thing?

Join us on Thursday, January 30 at 15 pm EST on this page for a live video chat with experts as we discuss the challenges donors access to raw data.

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