Why you should not always listen dietary guidelines

Why you should not always listen dietary guidelines -

Of course, an ice cream sundae will probably cause your sugar levels peak in blood. But a tomato plate? Or a piece of toast? A new study reveals that different people have strikingly different reactions to the food they eat, a finding that may encourage doctors to rethink their one-size-fits-all dietary advice.

"We tend to think that obesity and diabetes epidemic is because people do not conform to what you tell them," says study author Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of science in Rehovot, Israel. "When you see these data, you think well, maybe part of the problem is in what we tell them to do."

Most current dietary advice is based on what appears to be the healthiest average large groups of people. Nutritionists designing diets that reduce blood sugar spikes, or blood sugar, limiting carbohydrate intake peoples or by directing them away from foods with a high "glycemic index," a measure of the amount of glucose in the blood of the average person increases after eating a particular food. But the carbohydrate content and glycemic index can not offer vague assumptions about how all food will affect a particular individual.

For a better understanding of how diet and metabolism interact, Segal and colleagues examined the metabolisms of 800 people, collecting data on the composition of their blood, body measurements , lifestyle, and gut microbiome. For a week, they also watched how the participants blood sugar fluctuated in response to two simple meals provided by the researchers and the food they made for themselves

What the researchers found was striking :. Two answers glucose peoples to the same food could be as different as their meal completely different reactions, even if their own responses remained constant over time, reports the online team today cell . The researchers analyzed the data using a machine learning algorithm, which they then developed a system to predict how someone might respond to a given food.

Segal and his team then used the results to develop customized diet plans for a group of 26 people. The researchers chose foods based on those who caused the smaller peaks and greatest blood sugar. Large glucose peaks are linked to a wide range of chronic diseases, including diabetes 2, a condition in which high blood sugar makes insulin resistant body type. The plans vary considerably, with food on "good" diet of a person sometimes showing on the "wrong" diet of another person. As expected, the "good" schemes equalized spikes glucose peoples, while "bad" regimes made more extreme.

Not everyone agrees that researchers failed to appreciate the unique metabolisms of people in the past. "We have known for decades that a person will experience a greater increase in blood sugar than the other for many reasons specific to the individual," says David Ludwig, an endocrinologist and researcher at the Hospital for nutrition Boston children, who was not involved in the study. "This provides valuable quantitative data on individual factors, but the fundamental point is not new."

The analysis of the various health factors and lifestyle is precious, Ludwig said, because it will help researchers understand why glucose responses varied. But personalized diets based on the new algorithm are not ready for the clinic, he said. On the one hand, researchers have yet to pit their customized diets against generic low carbs or low glycemic index diets. Until they do, it is impossible to know how much labor customization really helps.

Such comparisons are the next stage of the project, said Segal. The researchers plan a long-term study to see if the customized diets are more effective than traditional diets in the management of blood glucose levels in patients at risk for diabetes. They also work to simplify the customization process so they can affect diets based on fewer types of information.

Eleanor Scott, a diabetologist that manages patients at the University of Leeds in the UK, said she would supply such a customization tool. As Ludwig, Scott-who was not involved in the study-isn't surprised that people vary in their responses to food; she fights with such variation in daily practice. She says the custom regimes could be extremely useful for groups of people with an extra incentive to stick to them, as recent victims of a heart attack, and pregnant women with diabetes.

"We know there are quite wide interindividual variability in responses to meal and when we approach it in a very brutal manner," said Scott. Using body measurements, behavior and bacteria from the intestine to predict how people treat food, doctors may one day be able to treat metabolic ailments with more finesse.

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