Gut bacteria could predict asthma in children

Gut bacteria could predict asthma in children -

dirty diapers are the most unlikely of crystal balls, but they could not hold the answer to why some children develop asthma . Only four types of intestinal bacteria in the stools seem to do all the difference, predict who will get the disease and who will not, researchers say. The discovery could help identify children at high risk of asthma and could also lead to the development of probiotic mixtures that prevent disease.

The new study "puts a lot of epidemiological observations from over the years into a new perspective," says researcher Marsha Wills-Karp asthma Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, who was not involved in the latest work.

a growing body of research has led to a new appreciation during the past decade to how the microbiome-collecting bacteria and viruses that live in the human health of those body shapes . And studies have suggested that the differences between microbiomes young babies, caused by biological methods, diet, environment and exposure to antibiotics could affect their chances of developing diseases such as asthma and allergies.

"There are all these smoking guns to indicate that the microbiota may be involved [in asthma], but there was no experience to prove it," says microbiologist Brett Finlay of the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada, lead author on the paper.

as part of the Child in Canadian Longitudinal Health Development (CHILD) Study, Finlay and his colleagues collected fecal and urine samples of more than 300 babies at 3 months and 1 year, as well as information on their health 1, 3 and 5 years. They then used the genetic high-throughput sequencing to detect levels of the intestine of microbes in each stool sample. Babies who had low or undetectable levels of four [1945003auxbactéries] Lachnospira Veillonella Faecalibacterium and old Rothia -at 3 months are all went to show the first signs of asthma wheezing and skin-allergies in one year. Babies who develop these symptoms still had high levels of the four bacteria in their stool samples to 3 months.

The Association held "fairly regularly" and "very" statistically significant, Finlay said. In addition to differences in bacteria stool, the team found differences in the urine of babies who developed asthma. Some bacterial byproducts were at higher or lower levels, suggesting that these chemicals produced in the gut, but distributed throughout the body could act on the immune system to make it more susceptible to disease.

, a group of Finlay

Next stool samples used from the asthmatic 3-month-olds subject to colonize the intestines of mice that had been raised in a bacteria-free environment. The animals continued to develop indicative inflamed lungs of asthma. But when the researchers added a mixture of the four missing microbes in the digestive tract of mice and feces, the mice had more increased risk of developing asthma, scientists report online today in Science Translational Medicine .

discovery has immediate application: identifying children at high risk of asthma in their first 100 days of life, said pediatrician Stuart Turvey University of British Columbia in Vancouver, a co-author on the paper. "These children could be followed or processed faster if they end up with asthma". But it also suggests he adds that providing this group with the unique mix of four bacterial combination not found in current commercial probiotics could prevent the occurrence of asthma.

But the development of therapies will be more difficult than a simple mixture of microbes together in pill form, Wills-Karp said, because babies have guts that are teeming with other bacteria. These "early settlers" can prevent new strains easily take over. and another study suggested various protective bacteria. "it is unclear at present exists for it means induce growth of these particular bacteria in children, "she said. "But it certainly begins to open the door to that possibility."

Finlay team Turvey and continues to monitor the health of the first group of children, the study will develop the real-asthma to date, more than a third of those who developed the first signs of the disease have the full version. In addition, since the microbiomes of people in different cultures are known to vary: they repeat the experience in a wider range, more diverse children, including some of Ecuador, to see if the four strains bacteria are universally important.

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