Report finds a fault committed surgeon trachea

Report finds a fault committed surgeon trachea -

An investigation concluded that the surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, famous for trachea transplantation of tissue engineering in more than a dozen people at fault scientist. The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, where Macchiarini is visiting professor, ordered the outside investigation in response to allegations by four researchers from the Institute and Karolinska University Hospital affiliated to Stockholm, where many of the transplants were performed.

The external investigator Bengt Gerdin, Emeritus Professor of Surgery at Uppsala University, presented his report (in Swedish), May 13 (The journal Svenska Dagbladet first reported the results of yesterday.)

The allegations made by the researchers involved Karolinska three surgeries performed at Karolinska for people who have a damaged trachea . One patient, described in an article The Lancet , survived for 2 years after receiving the artificial trachea, which incorporated human stem cells. Another patient survived for only two months. A third is still alive, but he was in intensive care at Karolinska since surgery in August 2012.

Gerdin said Science Insider that, in the relatively narrow definition of research misconduct Swedish law, his main task was to compare the data presented in six technical papers describing the laboratory and patient records to Institute and hospital. "There was information in the documents could not be found in the medical records," he said. The number of mismatches, Gerdin said, led him to conclude that there was "a systemic false statement of truth that will lead the reader to have a completely false impression of the success of the technique." Such misrepresentation is serious misconduct, he said.

science Insider has not been able to reach Macchiarini. He told Retraction Watch it could not comment until it had seen an English translation of the report.

The doctors who reported Macchiarini also alleged that he did not obtain proper authorization for surgery and failed to obtain informed consent from patients. These issues are of the right of Swedish health care rather than scientific misconduct regulations, Gerdin said that his report is not a judgment on the allegations. "I just listed the issues that I found a way that other authorities can take this over," he said. The Swedish Medical Products Agency referred the case to a prosecutor, they say it. (the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper reported on May 7 that the agency had begun an investigation.)

a separate investigation by the ethics of Karolinska council of misconduct allegations Pierre Delaere, a surgeon at UZ Leuven, Belgium, Macchiarini had cleared of wrongdoing.

spokesman Claes keisu Karolinska Institute said the institute is working on an English translation of the report of Gerdin, which should be available next. Macchiarini week and others will then have two weeks to comment on the findings. Vice Chancellor of Karolinska will then decide what action to take, said keisu. He said a decision is expected in mid or the end of June

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