Arthritis in motion

Arthritis in motion -

Invasion. WASR (black arrows, left ) degrade cartilage healthy mice (white arrows). This piece once healthy cartilage was torn WASR migrating through the body ( right ).

Stephanie Lefevre and Elena Neumann

The same cells that ravage the cartilage of patients with rheumatoid arthritis also carry the disease from one joint to a new study suggests. work points to several ways to stop the spread of this debilitating disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually appears in only one joint at first, but it often spreads in much the body in a few years. The autoimmune disease destroys cartilage padding between the bones and causes inflammation in the joints, causing severe pain and lack of mobility. It differs from osteoarthritis, which is the long term wear and tear of the padding in the insulated joints

Scientists had known that certain types of fibroblasts -. Cells that help bind wounds and build the connective tissue that supports other cells - are responsible for damaging cartilage, said Elena Neumann, a molecular biologist at Justus-Liebig University in Bad Nauheim, Germany. These rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts (WASR) appear in the fluid within the joints and secrete enzymes which break down cartilage.

To determine whether human cartilage WASR could spread arthritis from joint to joint, Neumann and colleagues implanted under the skin of mice genetically modified to not reject tissue from a different species. On a sidewall, the mice were healthy, normal cartilage; on the other, they received abundant with human cartilage WASR.

After 60 days, the WASR invaded and damaged the cartilage healthy in most mice, reports online this week in team Nature Medicine . The mice that received healthy cartilage in both flanks showed little damage, as did mice that received fibroblast patients with osteoarthritis of the implants, which does not spread from one joint to .

To show that WASR had traveled in the body (and are not just, for example, set walking distance by another secretion), scientists have dissected the 20 mouse organs. They found little evidence of WASR in most of the internal organs, but they found a high concentration in the spleen. This is an important index, Neumann said, because the spleen filters blood cells from the bloodstream. When the team examined 40 other mice with RASF / cartilage implants, he found WASR human blood about half, which strongly suggests that WASR use the bloodstream to invade the rest of the body.

How do WASR into the bloodstream in the first place? As metastasis of tumor cells, the team found, fibroblasts can wiggle through the cells that line and protect blood vessels.

The Neumann's team found no WASR in the joints of mice, as is seen in patients with arthritis. Neumann suspect WASR can invade the cartilage if it already has small nicks or other tiny openings resulting from wear. This probably explains why it takes years for rheumatoid arthritis to spread among humans.

Scientists could develop a treatment for arthritis by preventing WASR to invade the bloodstream, traveling around in the blood, or jumping from the blood into healthy tissue, said Neumann. These treatments may not prevent rheumatoid arthritis from occurring in a patient, she said, but they would stop its spread to other joints.

There is a document "very important" and "very thorough" said James Woods, a microbiologist at the University of Midwest Downers Grove ,, Illinois, who studied the migration of WASR "fibroblasts which were active, they are generally considered a resident [i.e., nonmobile] this paper cell is changing that mentality. ". Develop a cure, he said, "will certainly be a challenge, but knowing the right target cell to go after is a critical first step." In the future, he said, the ability to invade the cartilage WASR could even be turned to the advantage of medicine by reprogramming, perhaps with gene therapy, to provide protein that heal the articulation instead of demolishing it.

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