A consummate insider pushes ideas from outside Indonesia

A consummate insider pushes ideas from outside Indonesia -

Sex and drugs reign of Rock Health Minister Mboi.

special section on HIV

June 14, 2012, the first day of Nafsiah Mboi to work as health minister of that country, it announced a new condom campaign to people at high risk of HIV infection. A loud noise followed, leading Mboi-more commonly known by the honorific Ibu Naf to post a YouTube video to explain that she did not advocate condom distribution in high schools, as rumors had.


Interview with Nafsiah Mboi, http://scim.ag/hiv2014.

Indonesia's HIV / AIDS policy and the fire Ibu Naf seems to like the heat. A training pediatrician, Ibu Naf has been a major political life, first as the wife of the governor of the province of Nusa Tenggara and as MP for 5 years in the 190s she continued to make a passage Geneva, Switzerland, the World health Organization as director of gender and women's health, and in 06, she was appointed Secretary of the national AIDS Commission Indonesia. She held the position for six years before being tapped to serve as minister of health. In June 2013, the Global Fund to Fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has appointed its Chairman of the Board

Indonesia has a serious epidemic. New infections jumped by 2.6 times between 01 and 2012, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS. The epidemic began mainly injecting drug users, but today the largest spread occurs in men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers and their clients, and transgender. An exception is the two Indonesian provinces of New Guinea, which have a largely heterosexual epidemic that reflects the one on the other side of the island in Papua New Guinea (see p. 158).

Islamic concerns complicate prevention efforts HIV / AIDS


Ibu Naf has successfully lobbied to expand access to antiretroviral drugs for people with HIV. She pushed through legislation that decriminalized drug use and allows clinics run by the government to provide methadone and clean needles and syringes. Tuti Parwati Merati, a clinician who runs a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to HIV / AIDS in Bali and works at Udayana University in Denpasar there too, said Ibu Naf "can pick the most difficult and make that happen."

Yet Ibu Naf recognizes that serious problems remain. Police harassment of drug users is continuing, and the epidemic among MSM is widely ignored. Science has spoken with Ibu Naf at his office in Jakarta on the country's response to HIV / AIDS and the challenges it faces. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity

Q :. long reports warned that HIV / AIDS would become a huge problem if you did not ramp up harm reduction for people who inject drugs. Does it take too long

A: For my taste, yes, but the fight does has not been easy. When I became the secretary of the National Commission on AIDS in 06, we already knew that we had over 60% prevalence in many regions due to injecting drug use. The first thing I did was to invite everyone: the legal beagles and people in the health sector, several ministries, the police, drug counseling, welfare, and said, "OK, that About us we believe we have 330,000 injecting children. do we want to kill them or save them? If we do nothing, if we continue to fight, they will die. they will die of AIDS. they will die of overdose. they will die of hepatitis. they will die in prison because they are going to beat them in there. If we want to save them, we must work together. "There was silence. Silence. But then I am very happy because it is the police who said, "Ibu, you are right. We must save our children. In fact, my son is a drug user and I do not know what to do. "

Nafsiah Mboi pushed through to harm reduction efforts


Q: what happened?

A:First all, I say.. "The law says they are criminals and we should decriminalize" We put together a new regulation, but it was very difficult to convince the various ministers So I invited our colleagues Australia to do a cost analysis and presented that to all the ministers and said: "this is what it will cost us if they receive all HIV and hepatitis." that was the thing that changed.

Q: did you have needle exchange immediately or was it a battle as [1945018?]

A: I knew that NGOs had started, but they were hiding under the cover It was illegal and they were captured. they went to prison. But I am very proud to say that we have very brave NGOs. These NGOs met with networks of people who use injection drugs. And then, the Global Fund has provided resources.

Q:The the government agreed

A:. Not always very happy, but we did

Q: when you became Minister, you had to fight very quickly condoms.

A:We've been fighting against condoms from the minute I got back to Geneva when I was Secretary of the National AIDS Commission. As minister, he was different, you see. There was an amoral health minister who is promiscuous who wanted to distribute condoms to students. So they have shown. I said, "OK, just" So we talked and I gave them sexual transmission of data, housewives being infected and babies born I say..? "Look, what can we do You are the religious leaders, and you were telling them they are not allowed to go to brothels or something, but I can not do that. I'm just the Minister of Health. All I can do is to prevent transmission of the disease and I can do it with condoms "Then they said." Yes, but it will not if the government does. "And they said," You have to beat them in public Beat them to death is the Islamic Sharia... "And I said," But it's not in our law. "So I say:" Let to disagree You do your job so that no one will ever go to brothels and no young will never have sex before marriage I will do my job with those.. who engage in unsafe sex and tell them to wear condoms.”

Q:You came from a Muslim background and converted to Catholicism. How do you see the Islamic community who questioned prevention interventions because they violate their moral tenets?

A:It has changed in reality. From the beginning, there was only a small group who were really aggressive look [HIV/AIDS] from the moral point of view. Many people actually knew that yes, what we were doing was the right thing to do . All they needed was someone to do you call it? -the A to get stones thrown at.

Q:They're still throw stones at you. Muslim leaders attacked the National Condom Week in December 2013, and the Ministry of Health Annual stopped event.

A:Yes, Yes. But not as ferociously before.

Q:One criticism is that the government has not spent enough on the MSM community. What are you think?

A:Yeah. It is because we believe that MSM can only be achieved by their peers. It's not that I do not want to spend money. Unfortunately, there are still many districts or provinces where this can not be done by our local government. once I had to essentially dismiss the secretary of the local board of AIDS because he said, "Ibu, I'll do anything you say, but do not ask me to work with men who have . sex with men is against my conscience "And I said to him." So you can not be the secretary of the local board of AIDS. "MSM is much hated in many areas in Indonesia, I'm sorry to say.

Q :. your fans are worried you get kicked out of the office with the upcoming elections

A: Most likely, yes

Q :. are you worried about whether there will continuity?

A:I am, but the only thing I can do is strengthen my colleagues who are still here, give them the means and the NGO community. We have a strong NGO community, and they need a voice over strong in government. And I can still do things outside, I think. I can not be as powerful as the minister, but I can always say what I want.

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