Zika vaccine efficacy trials could begin in 2017

Zika vaccine efficacy trials could begin in 2017 -

In the most optimistic scenario, a vaccine could Zika prove his worth at the beginning of 2018, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of the United States allergy and infectious diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda, Maryland, said today.

NIAID plans to begin testing a vaccine produced in its laboratories in September to 80 people, said Fauci, who spoke at a press conference in a meeting on Zika communication challenges risks of viruses in Washington, DC If the vaccine proves safe and able to stimulate relevant immune responses, he said the NIAID plans to the first quarter of 2017 to launch what he called a phase 2b "in a country which has a very high rate of infection. "This study would enroll thousands of volunteers. "If in the first part of 2017, we still have major epidemics in South America and the Caribbean, we can show that it is effective or not in one year," Fauci said.

Several factors determine how long it takes a trial to determine the value of a vaccine, he warned the first is the way the vaccine. it is easy to see a difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated controls whether a candidate product is 100% safe and effective, which is rarely the case

a second important factor is the speed Zika virus spreads in communities participating in studies. a higher incidence it is easier to collect data faster, but the impact, in turn, can be affected by the degree of immunity that people have naturally acquired before the start of trial. specifically, the virus spreads more slowly in people who have already been exposed to it and developed effective immune responses.

Fauci noted that at the time of NIAID set to make Ebola vaccine efficacy trials in West Africa in 2015, there was a sharp drop off in new infections, making it difficult to execute effective tests. "If this happens during the Zika vaccine efficacy trials begin," he said, "it may take 3 years to show whether it works or not." But the massive pandemic Zika being contrary to the Ebola epidemic, should not disappear from Latin America and the Caribbean in the near future.

Sylvain Aldighieri of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, DC, who co-sponsored the conference with the US Department of Health and Social Services said, to date, the pandemic has affected 37 Zika countries and territories. "We believe that about 500 million people in the Americas are at risk of being infected by Zika virus," said Aldighieri.

Zika trigger any detectable symptoms in about 80% of people infected, but rarely cause serious damage. "It's one of the real problems we have with communication," said Fauci. "How do you communicate the danger and the threat of a disease that is basically historically sweet?"

but there is at least a real threat, "which drove him to the attention and concern worldwide," Fauci said, If the virus infects pregnant women, their babies may be born with small heads, called microcephaly and other abnormalities

Fauci said that. " we do not know exactly what the percent is "Zika infected women who give birth to babies with related problems. A small study suggested that it might be as high as 29%, but another study used a very different methodology found was only 1%.

to obtain more reliable figures, NIAID, the US centers for disease control and prevention, and Brazilian researchers plan to collaborate on a study who hopes to follow thousands of pregnant women infected Zika country. "We do not know beyond what microcephaly are the long term effects on babies might look like they were born normal, but may have defects that are more subtle hearing, vision, intellectual and others, "Fauci said." Although we know a lot about Zika, literally every week that passes, we learn more and more. "

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