Report: Global Death against malaria and funding Both Trending Downward

Report: Global Death against malaria and funding Both Trending Downward -

World health officials had hoped to reduce the number of deaths due to malaria by 50% between 00 and 2010. They got halfway, according to the latest estimates of the global burden of malaria, published today by the World Health Organization. The World Malaria Report 2011 calculates that mortality from malaria fell by 25% in the last decade. In 2010, an estimated 655,000 people died of malaria. This is 5% less than the estimates for 09. 86% of the victims were children under 5, and 91% were in Africa.

The report attributes the decline to the major boost in funding that malaria prevention programs have benefited, but he predicted that 2011 could be a high-water mark. The world has spent about $ 2 billion on malaria control this year. "This is likely to decrease over the next two years," said Robert Newman, Director of WHO's Global Programme against Malaria. To fully finance control efforts, including nets treated with insecticide bed, insecticide spraying inside, disease surveillance and treatment programs would require more than $ 5 billion, he said.

the report also documents an alarming increase in resistance, both of mosquitoes to insecticides and of the malaria parasite to artemisinin, the most potent drug available to treat it. mosquitoes resistant to pyrethroids, the only insecticide used in ITNs have been reported in 39 countries. scientists are trying to understand how this could affect their monitoring efforts, and have developed guidelines to try to manage populations of resistant mosquitoes

artemisinin resistance was found in the border area of ​​Cambodia and Thailand in 09. it is now believed to have spread to Myanmar and Vietnam. The good news is that artemisinin combination therapies, using artemisinin in combination with other drugs, are still very effective.

The report also sets the next major control targets: By 2015, reduce malaria deaths to "near zero" and reduce malaria cases by 75% compared to 00. If the world is approaching achieving these objectives depends on sustained and increased funding, says Newman. The disease is both preventable and treatable, he said. "No one should die from malaria, for want of a bed net $ 2, a diagnostic test of 50 cents, and a processing $ 1."

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