Research and induced pluripotent embryonic stem cells "inextricably linked"

Research and induced pluripotent embryonic stem cells "inextricably linked" -

CT Scott et al . Cell 145 (10 June 2011)

A new analysis of the literature confirms that from the scientific cells have been saying for some time: studies induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are presented as an ethical alternative to embryonic stem cells (hESCs), often involve hESCs as well. Therefore, research that limits funding of hESC would also harm the iPSC research.

hESCs are derived from human embryos, whereas iPS cells are made by reprogramming adult cells. In a study in the June 10 issue of cell , Stanford University bioethicist Christopher Scott Thomas and colleagues analyzed 2,086 publications on hESCs and iPSCs from 1998 to 2010. Although the number of publications using iPSCs climbed since the first report on these cells in 07, 100 of the 161 iPSC documents (62%) published last year used the two cell types. especially established researchers tend to include hESCs, which are often used as controls.

Many researchers are worried that a lawsuit claiming hESC research funded by the federal government violates a ban on research that destroys human embryos could thwart their work. The authors say that any decision by the courts or legislators to limit funding of hESC "will also have disastrous consequences for [iPSC funding] because research using two different types of cell lines is deeply, perhaps inextricably , related."

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