Drug Test Lab to become Olympic National Centre Phenome

Drug Test Lab to become Olympic National Centre Phenome -

Test. The anti-doping laboratory was unveiled in January.


LONDON -The Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), both funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, designed to support the Olympics antidoping laboratory. They plan to turn it into a national center dedicated to the metabolic phenotyping, a field that examines the blood, urine and tissues for thousands of molecules produced by chemical reactions in the body, the purpose of the relate to diseases.

"There is nothing like this anywhere in the world," said Jeremy Nicholson, head of the surgery department and cancer at Imperial College London and an area of ​​emerging pioneer, will become the first center's research director.

The antidoping laboratory state-of-the-art, the size of seven tennis courts, was originally a partnership between drug control scientists at King's College London and the pharmaceutical company British GlaxoSmithKline. It was going to be closed at the end of the Olympics, said Jonathan Weber, research director for medicine at Imperial College London, who helped coordinate the proposal. The transition to the MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre, as it is known, is scheduled for early October, and the center will open in January.

A phenome describes all the physiological features of a person in the same way a genome describes the genetic characteristics; metabolic phenotyping focuses on metabolites, products of chemical reactions within the body. By studying these unique biochemical signatures in fluids such as blood and urine, it is possible to make the link between a person's metabolism and diseases they develop, which can lead to diagnostic tests and targeted drugs to individual biochemistry of a person.

The anti-doping laboratory mass spectrometers and machines for liquid chromatography, high-performance gas chromatography, which enables high-speed tests of more than 6,000 urine and blood samples of athletes. About 60% of this material will be reused.

MRC and NIHR each provide £ 5 million funding; the site and buildings owned by GlaxoSmithKline, while the equipment manufacturers based US Bruker BioSpin and Waters will provide instrumentation. The center will analyze approximately 25,000 samples in its first year, the scaling purposes up to 100,000 per year.

More on this story in the press the Friday edition of Science .

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