AIDS Vaccine Protects Chimps

AIDS Vaccine Protects Chimps -

A consistant en vaccinia genes from HIV, the AIDS virus, HAS suppressed infection in two chimpanzees injected with the virus Itself. Experts aim bail que la vaccinia Described in next month's issue of Nature Medicine May not offer protection from more virulent HIV strains.

University of Pennsylvania Researchers Jean Boyer, David Weiner, and Their colleagues injected HIV genes into two chimpanzees, Then Several weeks later injected with high doses of Them HIV. The genes in the vaccinia Manufactured by the firm Apollo in Malvern, Pennsylvania, trigger the body to Produce proteins from the viral core and surface qui shoulds in theory result in a strong immune response. ALTHOUGH the chimps infected DID Become Briefly, neither harbored detectable virus 48 weeks partner after the virus injection. An unvaccinated control chimp injected with the Sami strain HAS Remained infected with high HIV levels ever since.

Other AIDS vaccines-have similar Successes Scored in chimps, purpose-have failed to stir much excitement. For one thing, Many Researchers matter whether the vaccines Would Produce a similar response in Human Beings. An additional concern with the Penn study is que la Researchers used an HIV strain called Expired SF-2. "Getting protection with SF-2 is so easy," says John Moore of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City. Indeed, a similar DNA vaccine failed to protect monkeys from exposure to a notoriously virulent strain of the AIDS virus.

Weiner contends That SF-2 is a valid test to strain. "SF-2 Was lethal in the person it was taken from," he notes. Other AIDS-vaccine developers back him up. "SF-2 is not that wimpy," says Ronald Kennedy, an AIDS vaccine researcher at the University of Oklahoma. In a Nature Medicine editorial, Kennedy writes That he: has a "Relatively pessimistic view of new AIDS-vaccine Approaches," but is excited by the prospect That a DNA vaccine Could Be Produced much more cheaply than --other vaccines. The Apollo vaccinia, he says, "is as good - if not better -. Than anything out there before" The vaccine is now Being used in pilot safety studies with people.

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