Tomorrow is the 73rd anniversary of one of the founders of Neuroendocrinology, Roger Guillemin. He and a group led by Andrew Schally competitor showed that the hypothalamus, an area of the brain, regulates the pituitary gland by secreting chemicals called hormones into the blood. Make this discovery was 99% perspiration: Guillemin and his colleagues had to travel 500 tonnes of sheep brains to isolate 5 million hypothalamic slices. Finally, they caught their prey, releasing hormone thyrotropin (TRH). In 1969, they reported the TRH structure that Guillemin said later marked the beginning of a major new science. In 1977, the American of French origin endocrinologist shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this work with Schally
[Source:EmilyMcMurrayEd Notable Twentieth Century scientists . Gale Research Inc., ITP 1995].
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