Not Launch sheepish in this field

Not Launch sheepish in this field -

Tomorrow is the 73rd anniversary of one of the founders of Neuroendocrinology, Roger Guillemin. He and a group led by Andrew Schally competitor showed that the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the brain, regulates the pituitary gland by secreting chemicals called hormones into the blood. Make this discovery was 99% perspiration: Guillemin and his colleagues had to travel 500 tonnes of sheep brains to isolate 5 million hypothalamic slices. Finally, they caught their prey, releasing hormone thyrotropin (TRH). In 1969, they reported the TRH structure that Guillemin said later marked the beginning of a major new science. In 1977, the American of French origin endocrinologist shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this work with Schally

[Source:EmilyMcMurrayEd Notable Twentieth Century scientists . Gale Research Inc., ITP 1995].

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