A microbe of the intestine prevents food allergies

A microbe of the intestine prevents food allergies -

A class of bacteria commonly found in the bowels of the population and rodent-seems to keep the mice immune to allergies food, a study suggests. The same bacteria are among those reduced by the use of antibiotics in infancy. The research is perfectly in an emerging paradigm that helps explain a recent alarming increase in food allergies and other conditions, such as obesity and autoimmune diseases, and refers to strategies to reverse the trend.

Food allergies have increased by about 50% in children since 1997. There are several theories as to why. The first is that the lifestyle of the 21st century, which includes a very different diet of our ancestors, "much of the use of antibiotics, and even an increase in cesarean deliveries, has profoundly changed the composition of microbes in gut of many people in developed countries. For example, the average child in the United States took three courses of antibiotics at the time he or she is 2 years, says Martin Blaser, an infectious disease specialist and microbiologist at New York University in New York City. (See here for details on the scope of the microbiome research these days.)

Cathryn Nagler, an immunologist at the University of Chicago in Illinois, has spent years probing the links between the system immune, intestinal bacteria and the onset of allergies. In 04, she and her colleagues reported that erasing the intestinal bacteria in mice leads to food allergies. Since then, Nagler continued to try to understand which bacteria offer protection against allergies and how they accomplish this.

In one of the latest efforts, the team Nagler was first confirmed that mice given antibiotics early in life were much more sensitive to peanut sensitization, a model 'peanut allergy to human. Then they added a solution containing Clostridia, a common class of bacteria that is naturally found in the mammalian gut, mouth and stomach of rodents. food allergen sensitization of animals have disappeared, reports online today in the team Proceedings of the National Academy of Science . When scientists instead introduced another common type of healthy bacteria, called Bacteroides , to mice in the same allergy-prone, they do not see the same effect. The study of rodent more closely, the researchers determined that Clostridia have a surprising effect on the mouse intestine: Acting in certain immune cells, bacteria have helped to keep the peanut proteins that can cause allergic reactions blood flow. "Bacteria maintain the integrity of [intestinal] barrier," said Nagler.

The research "opens a new territory," said Blaser. It "extends the boundary of how the microbiome is involved" in immune responses and the roles played by specific bacteria. (Group Blaser reported earlier this month in cell that give penicillin mice shortly after birth has changed their gut microbiome and made much more likely to be obese as adults.) Nagler and his university have filed a patent application on the new results. the ultimate goal is to "interrupt [the allergy] process by manipulating the microbiota," she said of a probiotic consisting of Clostridia could be a new therapy of allergy, for example. Nagler not yet known on the market, and they need testing in people before becoming a treatment of choice.

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