Recipe to end Chlamydia: breast milk

Recipe to end Chlamydia: breast milk -

MIAMI - A molecule of fat found in human breast milk can a day be used to prevent? transmission of chlamydia and possibly other sexually transmitted diseases. The results, presented today at the American Society for Microbiology annual meeting, could lead to an antibiotic cream to fight against a bug that allowed each year 25,000 infertile American women.

Chlamydia proteins killing

Pharmaceutical companies are currently testing or mild detergents that could be added to the spermicidal lubricant. But Charles Isaacs, a microbiologist at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Staten Island, thought he could find drug candidates from a group misunderstand antibiotics :. fat molecules in milk

Isaacs four isolated lipid breast milk that had antibacterial properties in cell culture and sent them to chlamydia researcher Mary Lampe at the University of Washington, Seattle. Lamp and colleagues each lipid mixed with infectious chlamydia, was then added to the mixture of cells cultured mouse skin. After 2 hours, the bacteria have skin successfully infected cells bathed in three lipids; However, lipid - 2- O octyl-sn-glycerol - blocked the infection completely. Images of chlamydia thwarted indicated that the lipid had knocked gaping holes in the inner membrane of the microbe.

"This is an exciting antibacterial approach," says Elizabeth Wagar, a microbiologist who studies protein antichlamydia at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine. According to Lampe, preliminary results suggest that 2- O octyl-sn-glycerol also inhibits gonorrhea, indicating that it might be used as an antibiotic for more spectrum. the lamp group is now trying to develop a lipid cream covering that could be tested in animals.

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