Renew resolutions

Renew resolutions -

resolutions Renew

We all put our New Year's resolutions with the best intentions in mind; eat healthier, lose weight, fitness, and quitting smoking are among the most popular resolutions. The first days in the new year are always viewed with more vigor and hope, but after a few weeks, our will to do something better or add a task to our already busy schedules can Fizzle.

A "better you" is still possible, even if life gets in the way and you encounter setbacks. The challenge is to summon the courage to change and the renewed commitment to complete. Careful preparation increases the probability of achieving the desired results

Take a second look at your goal, given that: ..

  • Your level of commitment to purpose
  • Express your positive goal, in terms of "I will" rather than "I will not do it."
  • Set specific, measurable and achievable. Be clear in terms of time, dates and amounts when and where you will measure your success.
  • Prioritize your goals when you have several of them to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Write your goals to give concreteness. Keep your notes where you can see them frequently and track your progress.
  • Break larger goals or long-term in a set of small steps. Keep the steps you are immediately working towards (daily or weekly goals) realistic and achievable.
  • Build in rewards and plan for an occasional setbacks.

Goal Setting the correct level can take some practice. If you set your goals too high, you may find yourself frustrated by your progress, or lack thereof. By defining and working towards your goal, consider the following:

  • Do you have enough information? Do some research on the requirements of your target part of the process. You can learn that achieving your goal, you must acquire specific knowledge, skills or equipment that you initially factor.
  • Are you trying to please other people? Consider if your goal is something you want or something that your partner wants. It is normal to be inspired by the needs and interests of the other; However, your goal should be your own. If your goal will impact or involve other, take time to discuss your feelings and plans. Offer to help them in their goal too.
  • Do you expect perfection? Even if you set a realistic goal, you may face challenges along the way. If you take a step back, focus on your next step. You might have to change your expectations and timing.
  • Have you built in time to rejuvenate? Consider the intensity of the plan to achieve your goal. If you start sprinting, you can tire too quickly. Be prepared to work hard and also build in time for rest and relaxation. As you can see progress towards your goal, you will likely feel motivated to continue.

For some, the idea of ​​setting a goal can be overwhelming. Trusted friends, family or professionals such as clergy or counselors can help you help to make positive change objectives. Reach out for the support that you too can experience the satisfaction of achieving a goal that is important to you

Sources :. Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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