Spring Forward

16:11 Add Comment
Spring Forward -

Spring Forward

It's time for warmer weather! One of the great joys that come about as we approach the end of winter is the Savings Time Day Light. This marks a transition nights longer, longer (and hottest) days with more sunshine!

As we know, too much light from the sun without proper protection can have negative effects on our health. On the contrary, too little sunlight can cause our body lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary necessary for many bodily functions, particularly bone development and strength. Without vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle and misshapen. Vitamin D also promotes overall cell growth and nutrient absorption, and strengthens our immune system.

Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. However, a healthy and balanced diet is also needed to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. See the tips below to increase the intake of vitamin D. Remember to consult your doctor to assess the levels of vitamins and establish appropriate measures to move forward

Did you know

  • Day Light Savings Time BEGINS Sunday, March 8, 2015 2.? 0:00
  • Benjamin Franklin conceived the idea of ​​the Day Light Savings Time
  • Nearly 10% of US adults are vitamin D deficient
  • individuals with darker skin pigmentation produce less vitamin D from sunlight
  • Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin islands, and Arizona are few regions in the United States who do not comply Day light Savings Time

Tips increase vitamin D

  1. Eat fortified beverages :. Enriched orange juice or glass of milk contains about 100 IU of vitamin D (about 16% of the daily recommendation)
  2. Diets high in vitamin D: fatty fish like tuna, salmon and trout; tuna and canned sardines; egg yolks and beef liver are great options
  3. Spend some time in the sun. 5-30 minutes of sun exposure 10:00 to 3:00 p.m. at least twice a week without sunscreen is recommended by researchers (if you decide to stay longer, make sure you protect your skin)
  4. vitamin D in other forms :. The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 0 IU vitamin D per day (700 IU per day for the 70). Consult your doctor to decide if a supplement is right for you

Sources: National Institutes for Health, WebMD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic LifeWork Strategies EAP, and Adventist HealthCare . The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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A "Horrifying" U.K. Project, "Heavy-Handed Bullying" in Canada

21:16 Add Comment
A "Horrifying" U.K. Project, "Heavy-Handed Bullying" in Canada -

Here is an overview of some of the stories that we followed on the blog of political science, science insider:

scientists welcomed with surprise and dismay a project to use DNA and isotope analysis of tissue from asylum seekers to evaluate their nationality and help decide who can enter the UK. "Appalling", "naive" and "flawed" are among the adjectives geneticists and isotope specialists have used to describe " Provenance pilot project Human ," quietly launched in mid-September by the Agency Their consensus borders UK the project is not scientifically valid -.. or even reasonable

is the "heavy-handed bullying" or simply a "misunderstanding between bureaucrats"? The suggestion that Minister of Science Canada threatened to punish one of the country's research funding councils to support a conference on the Palestinian state has revived the debate on story we reported this summer.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) faces another round of conservatives upset about the research on topics involving sexual behavior and drug abuse. Yesterday Joe Barton (R-TX) and Greg Walden (R-OR), minority members of the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, wrote NIH to express their concerns about the peer review of a dozen subsidies that they believe "do not seem to be of the highest scientific rigor"

supporters of President Barack Obama " approach to limiting greenhouse gas emissions scored two wins this week in the Senate :. in a battle on open ground and the other more clandestine way. both are in the debate the domestic-environment spending bill for next year.

China has made what appears to be its opening movement in trading execution until speaks of change International climate in November in Copenhagen. in an email conversation with Science insiders, climatologist Stephen Schneider of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and activist Keya Chatterjee of the worldwide Fund for nature is headquartered in Washington, DC, discuss scientific and policy issues facing the international community as developed and developing nations each weigh new commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

for the first time, the US Food and Drug Administration has publicly admitted that politics has trumped science. The agency acknowledged yesterday that it approved a device to assist in surgery knee replacement - a scientific agency own device often failed - only after receiving pressure from a Democratic Congress members cohort New Jersey, where the device manufacturer is.

For more on these stories and the latest news and analysis of science policy, visit science Insider.

Shake, Shake, Shake It Off!

15:10 Add Comment
Shake, Shake, Shake It Off! -

Shake, Shake, Shake It Off!

Be it work pressure, financial worries or relationship problems, most of us experience stress at some point in our lives. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, about 75% of Americans reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past month.

Many who have experienced pressure situations may have found that we do better in such circumstances. This instantaneous increase in the concentration and determination is due to answer "flight or fight"; a process that identifies threats and quickly releases hormones that encourage us to protect us from harm perceived. When our "fight or flight" overreacts after exposure to constant threats, harmful health problems can occur.

According to the American Institute of Stress, about 2 to 3 visits to the doctor are stress related. the current stress effects can have an impact not only our mood and our behavior but our bodies too. Do you have headaches, insomnia, chest pain, muscle tension, or stomach upset never known when you are stressed? it was not a coincidence. it's the way to tell us our body, it's time to slow down and relax. using stress management techniques, we can decrease blood pressure, the lower heart rate, slow breathing rate, and reduce muscle tension. Shake your stress for a healthy quality of life!

Did you know?

  • 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress, according to studies conducted by the APA.
  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines stress as "the brain's response to any request" the.
  • stress costs American industry more than $ 300 billion per year.
  • stress management is the management of your thoughts, emotions, timing and the way you deal with problems

4 has this to cope with a stressful situation

  1. Avoid unnecessary stressors
    . - Learn to say "no"
    - Distinguish between "should" and "musts"
  2. Change the situation
    - Manage your time and plan ahead
    - Express your feelings to prevent an accumulation of feelings and concerns
  3. Adapt Stressor
    - Regaining a sense of control by changing expectations and attitudes
    - Look at situations from a positive perspective
  4. Accept the Stressor and position
    - Accept situations you can not change
    - Focus on how you choose to react to the stressful situation

Source :. http: // www. helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-management.htm

Sources: Mental Health America, American Psychological Association, control centers and disease prevention, the National Institute of Mental Health, American Institute of stress, the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Pandemic Vaccine Delivery Delayed in the United States

20:15 Add Comment
Pandemic Vaccine Delivery Delayed in the United States -

As the number of swine flu cases is budding in the US, the vaccine is posted much slower than the government had expected. Vaccine manufacturers have notified officials that they can not make good on their targets, Anne Schuchat, director of the CDC National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a press conference aujourd 'hui.

As of Wednesday, about 11.4 million doses of vaccine against the pandemic H1N1 were available. There are a few weeks, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that at least 40 million doses would be available by late October and possibly double. The new estimate is 30 million, maybe a little less, Schuchat said today. It does not specify that manufacturers demand for trouble meeting but weaker than expected yields cities and strict quality control measures that the reasons for the delay. CDC has a "vaccine locator" on the home page of its flu.gov site Web to help people know where they can be vaccinated. But actually get the shots can be "quite difficult," conceded Schuchat, as demand far exceeds supply at the moment.

The delays add to the concerns expressed by some experts that most of the vaccine will not be ready before the H1N1 peaks. Now there influenza activity "widespread" in 41 states, Schuchat said that is four more than last week and nationally, 6.1% of doctor visits are for influenza-like illness, which said she is "very high for all the time, especially in October." the mortality from influenza and pneumonia is also rising, a survey of 122 cities has shown, and is now "above the threshold epidemic, "said Schuchat. "All these markers suggest that it is a flu season very busy and very difficult."

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

14:08 Add Comment
May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month -

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Sheila Overton, M.D., FACOG, is an OB/GYN at Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Canter

Sheila Overton, MD, FACOG, is an OB / GYN at Shady Grove Adventist HealthCare Medical Center

May is national Teen pregnancy prevention Month. pregnancy and birth in the US teens fell to historically low levels, so it might be tempting for parents, health care providers, community leaders and others to think, "the problem is solved! "and move on to another very important question of adolescence. But here's the reality :. Approximately 625,000 teen pregnancies still occur each year in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute

the term "teen pregnancy" does not begin to convey the cascade of public health and social problems that occur when teenagers become pregnant. the statistics of the national campaign to prevent teen and Unplanned pregnancy to show that the teen pregnancy is a major cause of school dropout among girls. and just 2 percent of teens will get a college degree by age 30. teenage pregnancy is a major cause of poverty. About 25 percent of teen mothers receive public assistance within three years the births of their children, often themselves and their children relegated to a life of unrealized potential.

In 1997, I co-founded and chaired a teen pregnancy and STD prevention program my hospital in Los Angeles. A key objective of this program and my work continued in this area is to educate parents and to facilitate their ability to guide their teenagers to healthy, intelligent, and decisions based on the values ​​on sexual health. After all, parents should be the first of their children sex educators, but too often they report feeling unprepared, or even awkward about this very important task of parenting. The following Pearls of Wisdom are extracted, Before it is too late. What Parents Need to Know about Teen Pregnancy and STD prevention

  1. Be an authorized parent-education is the key. Keep abreast of current information about pregnancy and prevention of adolescent problems, you will feel more confident talking to your teen.
  2. keep talking and please avoid this time, delicate moment, called "The Talk". You'll want to have many conversations with your child about the issues broad spectrum of sexual health. Some may be more formal, but teenagers prefer more impromptu, casual, and brief discussions.
  3. Emphasize your values ​​and morals, if you do, the vacuum will be filled with the highly sexualized abundant information in the media today.
  4. Partner with health-care providers you will not go alone. Choose a health care provider for your child who is between / teen friendly, has an interest in promoting sexual health, and is really willing to listen.

Sheila Overton, MD, FACOG, is an OB / GYN at Shady Grove Adventist HealthCare Medical Center and author of "Before it is too late: What parents should know about teen pregnancy and STD prevention, "which is available www.droverton.org. Follow her on Twitter @DrOverton.

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Swine Flu Spread Continues to Outpace Efforts to Treat and Prevent Disease

19:14 Add Comment
Swine Flu Spread Continues to Outpace Efforts to Treat and Prevent Disease -

Health officials reiterated today that the new H1N1 virus continues to spread rapidly in the temperate zones of the hemisphere North and kill hospitalization unusual number of children, young adults and pregnant women. The need for vaccines and antivirals remains pressing in those countries, and demand exceeds supply. Confusion also complicates efforts to treat and prevent the disease.

Between 1% and 10% of people who develop swine flu require hospitalization, according to a review of current epidemiological data released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). The new data were discussed 27-29 October at a meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of the WHO of Experts (SAGE) on immunization. Up to 25% of hospital patients are admitted to intensive care units, and between 2% and 9% die. Pregnant women account for 7% to 10% of hospitalized patients.

In a departure from formal recommendations addition, SAGE has announced that people regardless of age need only one dose of the H1N1 vaccine. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that children under 10 receive two doses. After the European Agency Committee for Medicinal Products for medicinal products for human use meeting 19-22 October, the agency recommended that everyone regardless of age receive two doses of vaccine against pandemic influenza approved for use here . Certainly different vaccines are used in different places, but the differences reflect that data from clinical trials of different vaccines in a range of ages is still preliminary. And questions of dosing impact both the effectiveness of vaccines and their availability, since they are rare everywhere.

At a press conference held today by the CDC, its director, Tom Frieden, discussed the differences on children under 10 years CDC based its decision to children under 10 to receive two doses on preliminary data from clinical trials of the vaccines used in the United States, but he said more comprehensive data should emerge soon. "Throughout this entire response, our approach is, look at the data and monitor data," Frieden said.

Frieden also revealed new data on deaths in children.

to date, 119 children with confirmed infection of the new H1N1 virus have died of the disease in the US. this is 19 more than 1 week earlier, the biggest jump seen in a single week. the virus now widespread in all but two states, the more activity yet published. Although the spread has begun to decline in some places, Frieden stressed that "we do not know if this is a fall before a further wave. "

As of today, CDC has 26.6 million doses of vaccine against H1N1, and Frieden stressed that this is 10.5 million more than they had 1 week ago. CDC is also in the race to track requests pediatric formulations of anti-flu drug Tamiflu. It has now published its entire stock of liquid Tamiflu, which equates to 534,000 during the drug. CDC also encourages pharmacists to make syrup for children of drug capsules adults. If the parents can not get Tamiflu pediatric capsules, CDC said, too, can be mixed with the syrup at home.

Listen to the boys!

13:07 Add Comment
Listen to the boys! -

Let us listen to the boys!

We'll hear ... for boys and men! Celebration Health Month men began May 31, 1994 to increase awareness of preventable health problems and encourage the detection and treatment of disease among men in early.

Most major health threats that men face are largely preventable. These include the heart, mental, and prostate health and cardiovascular health and diabetes. We encourage people to eat a balanced diet, participating in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and participate in preventive health examinations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests decreasing your consumption of salt and eat more vegetables to celebrate the week of Men's Health (June 15th-19th). Health Network of men invites you to be part of "wear blue", a campaign that celebrates the men in our lives. Show your support and pick a day this month to wear blue!

Did you know?

  • The third week of June (fifteenth to twentieth) Health Week is men.
  • suicide in the most common cause of death in men under 35 (Mental Health Foundation).
  • cancers that usually affect men are prostate, colon, lung and skin. (American Cancer Society)

Prevention Tips

  1. Screening of blood pressure -. Every year, men of all ages
  2. Colon Cancer screening - every 3 years, men 50 years and older
  3. screening for prostate cancer - Every year, men 40 and over
  4. cholesterol Screening - Each year, men 50 and over; Every two years, men 40-49; every three years, men 20-39

Consult your health care provider to determine if these projections are good for you and the benefits of earlier projections, especially if you are a member a group at high risk or have a family history of disease

additional preventive Screenings

Sources :. The National Institutes of Health. Mental Health Foundation, Centers for US Department of Health and Human Services, LifeWork Strategies EAP Disease Control and Prevention, and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Psychologist Wins Million-Dollar Prize for Work on the Adolescent Brain

18:13 Add Comment
Psychologist Wins Million-Dollar Prize for Work on the Adolescent Brain -

Temple University psychologist Laurence Steinberg was awarded the first prize of research Klaus J. Jacobs. The new award, worth $ 1 million, comes from the Foundation based in Zurich Jacobs, founded by tycoon Klaus Jacobs chocolate. It is designed to advance "revolutionary contribution to the improvement of young people's living conditions."

Steinberg is well known for his research on the development of the adolescent brain. He is a former director of the Research Network MacArthur Foundation on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice. And it was one of the experts who wrote a brief US Supreme Court arguing that 16 and 17 are too immature to be executed for capital crimes ( Science , 30 July 04 , p. 596). In 05, the court abolished the death penalty for these minors.

Better sleep for better performance

12:06 Add Comment
Better sleep for better performance -

better sleep for better performance

Do you find yourself struggling to get enough sleep at night? Is it difficult to move in the morning? Without it, our bodies are not able to reload and reset, making the day more of a challenge.

Humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping. During the different stages of sleep, the body heals. Steps 1 and 2 allow our bodies to relax and slow down. In stages 3 and 4, the blood pressure drops, breathing slows, muscles are relaxed, energy is restored, and the growth and tissue repair occurs. During the deepest sleep (REM sleep), the body is completely relaxed, but the brain is active, which causes dreams. This step provides energy to the body and brain in preparation for the day (National Sleep Foundation).

Sleep is essential to our health and well-being, just as much as healthy diet and exercise. Both the quantity and quality of sleep are important for body function. If you have trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep, it can cloud your judgment and productivity. If you encounter snoring, a pause in breathing, or gasping during sleep, consult your doctor. Identify and treat the cause of sleep disorders can help you get on the path of sleep a good night!

Did you know?

  • Melatonin, a hormone natural sleep can be found naturally in a variety of foods, such as tomatoes, grape skins, cherries and nuts.
  • The optimum time it takes to fall asleep is between 10-15 minutes, no less can be a sign of sleep deprivation.
  • A complete sleep cycle is 0 minutes.
  • At least 40 million Americans each year suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders (NIH).

Tips to Increase sleep

  1. Journal -. get your thoughts out of your head and on paper
  2. Establish a bedtime routine. - Regulate your body clock
  3. Drink herbal tea - try chamomile, lavender, peppermint or
  4. exercise regularly -. morning or early afternoon workouts improve sleep
  5. Keep a cool little room -. between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit

More advice from the National Sleep Foundation

Sources :. National Sleep Foundation Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, strategies LifeWork, Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For more information, consult your doctor. feel Please free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Neurologists to NFL: We're Here to Help

17:12 Add Comment
Neurologists to NFL: We're Here to Help -

The National Football League will require teams to consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon independent to determine when it is safe for a player to return to play after a concussion, FOX sports reported yesterday. The move comes in response to growing evidence that head injuries sustained in the field can lead to dementia and other problems later in life, as well as an embarrassing hearing last month in Congress which a representative compared the refusal of the NFL link between head injuries and dementia at initial refusal of the tobacco industry that smoking is harmful. (Perhaps more disconcerting, from the perspective of the NFL, was the suggestion that the government might wish to reconsider the antitrust exemptions granted to the league if it does not start taking it seriously).

The details of the new plan has not been announced, but the American Academy of Neurology has issued a statement earlier today saying he was encouraged by the news and would like to have the opportunity to work with the league.

Do not let Portions Control You!

11:05 Add Comment
Do not let Portions Control You! -

Do not let Portions Control You!

Watch your waistline! the food portion sizes have continued to increase, and so have our waistlines. For twenty years, the average cheeseburger had about 330 calories. Today, the average cheeseburger is about 50 calories, in part because of its size. Many items "single-serve" food and drink are more than one serving size. The bottle 20 is actually popular ounces portions and half (8 ounces per serving), and unless the content is water, it contains unnecessary calories! Be aware of portion sizes can help in your mission to live a healthy life.

When faced large portion sizes, even healthy options, it can be difficult to lose or maintain a healthy weight. The key, often the challenge is portion control. While exercise burns calories and makes our body more "fuel efficient" and heart healthy, eat less also contributes to body weight. Even a small reduction in the part can yield positive results and help you work towards a healthy body weight.

If you struggle with portion control, consider what you eat. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States, we have shown diets containing sufficient proteins to reduce fatigue, support healthy muscles and contribute to healthy aging, as well as play a role in weight loss. Eating more protein will fill you up and give you the energy you need to control your portions!

Did you know?

  • Every 5 years, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human services updates the dietary guidelines for Americans.
  • evidence suggests that constant consumption of vegetables and fruit reduces the chances of heart attack and stroke (USDA).
  • The average person needs 50 to 65 grams of protein per day. This is the amount in four ounces of meat over a cup of cottage cheese (NIH).

Tips for daily intake

Recommendations vary by age, sex and level of physical activity

  1. Fruits -. One to two cups a day. About a quarter of your plate should be fruits
  2. Vegetables -. One to three cups a day. Vegetables should take more than a quarter of your plate
  3. Grains -. Three to eight ounces per day. At least half of the grains you consume on a daily basis should be whole grains. About a quarter of your plate should be grains
  4. Protein -. Two to six ounces a day. Should include 8 ounces of cooked seafood a week. About a quarter of your plate should be protein
  5. dairy -. Two to three cups a day. Dairy includes milk-based foods and retain their calcium. Other options include calcium-fortified options, canned fish, soy products, beans and leafy vegetables
  6. Oils -. Three teaspoons. Includes canola, corn, cottonseed, olive, peanut, safflower, soybean and sunflower oils

Sources :. Sources: United States Department of Agriculture, Academy of Nutrition Dietetics Foundation, American Dietetic Association, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Yogis Unite!

22:04 Add Comment
Yogis Unite! -

Yogis Unite!

Take a deep breath. Inside and out. Repeat. Do you feel more relaxed already? Breathing and meditation are frequently practiced in yoga; a practice of mind and body with the historical origins of the ancient Indian philosophy (NIH). Different styles of yoga typically combine physical postures, breathing and meditation or relaxation techniques. This month, we celebrate the National Yoga Month!

designated by the Department of Health and Human Resources in 08, Yoga Month helps to encourage individuals to learn and get involved in yoga and lead a healthier life. Not only is it good for your body, it also promotes harmony in the lives of those who participate. Yoga is beneficial for your body and mind and can help reduce the negative effects of diseases such as diabetes, chronic back pain, and depression, among many other benefits. Overall, those who practice have a low rate of side effects and the risk of serious injury is low (NIH).

Yoga can also reduce stress in the workplace. Entering a practice of meditation can help you relax, open your mind and be more productive during your work day. Using a relaxation technique such as meditation or yoga can help you separate your work life from your home life.

Did you know?

  • September is National Yoga Month!
  • There are many styles of yoga including Ananda, Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, Viniyoga, and other
  • yoga can lower blood pressure and heart rate
  • Yoga is generally low impact and safe for healthy people when practiced appropriately under the guidance of a trained instructor
  • recent studies people with chronic low back pain suggest that a carefully tailored set of poses can help reduce pain and improve function

Tips for new yogis

  • not use yoga to replace conventional medical care or to postpone seeing a health care provider about pain or any other medical condition.
  • If you have a medical condition, talk to your health care provider before you start.
  • Ask a trusted source (such as your health care provider or a nearby hospital) to recommend a yoga practitioner.
  • Learn about the physical demands of yoga type in which you are interested and inform your instructor about medical problems you have.
  • Think the type of yoga you are interested.

more facts, risks and health benefits of yoga

Sources: Centers for the National Center for Complementary Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes for Health and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), Yoga Health Foundation, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Irish Supreme Court Rules Lab Embryos Not Protected

16:10 Add Comment
Irish Supreme Court Rules Lab Embryos Not Protected -

Irish scientists who want to work with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) got a boost today from the Supreme Court of Ireland, which held that human embryos outside the womb are not "unborn" and therefore are not protected under the constitution. The case before the court, in which a woman wanted implanting frozen embryos against the will of her former husband, does not directly concern the research on stem cells. "It is not a green light" for hESC research, says Siobhán O'Sullivan, Director of the Irish Council for Bioethics. However, she said the decision means "that certainly research on hES cells is not prohibited Ireland."

Ireland has no laws governing human embryos. Assisted reproduction and research with hESCs, which are derived from human embryos, are both unregulated. Scientists have been uncertain, however, whether the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which "recognizes the right to life of the unborn child" could prohibit the derivation of hESCs. public funding agencies were uncertain whether they should finance research using the cells.

O'Sullivan said that because of the legal vacuum, it is difficult to say how many hESC research is happening in Ireland. "If you use them, you would not want to publicize the fact," she said. But several scientists said they would work with the cells, and a handful have applied for public funding to do so.

In their decision, the judges urged the country's legislators to address the legal status of the embryo. O'Sullivan, said she and her colleagues called for the same thing. "The fact that the government has not yet settled this area is absolutely amazing and very unhappy indeed," she said. "It does not matter which side of the debate you sit on ;. What we have now is a territory cowboy "

Improve your financial welfare

21:03 Add Comment
Improve your financial welfare -

improve your financial well-being

Here in LifeWork Strategies, we focus on the four corners of welfare : social, emotional, physical and financial. In search of well-being, it is important to focus on all dimensions. financial well-being is often a neglected aspect of well-being, but it is equally important. financial well-being is defined as "an understanding of your financial situation and take care of it in such a way that you are prepared for financial change." This includes being comfortable with where your money comes and where it goes. in the National Sava honor for retirement this week, we focus on the financial well-being!

it may be useful to explore your current state of financial well-being. before improvements can be made, we'll know where you stand. Do you have a budget that you follow? This can help monitor and control your expenses. If you have debt, you are aware of the total amount of debt you have? are you currently saving for retirement? If not, how your current employer contribute? Although these questions can be overwhelming, they can help you discover and improve your financial well-being.

If you are concerned about your financial situation, fear not! Here are some ways to get your finances back on track.

Did you know?

  • 44% of full-time workers say they worry about personal finance during working hours
  • 68% of employees with excellent very good / health is very control of their finances
  • 40% of employees say they live paycheck
  • over half of American workers say they do not save for retirement

Tips to financial well-being

  1. budgeting: track your spending to see exactly where your money goes. Break down by category to see what expenses are really necessary
  2. Understanding your credit score. Lenders use your credit score to determine your interest rate. low credit rating could lead to higher interest rates that could quickly derail your finances
  3. Setting clear financial goals :. Whether you want to save up for a vacation, pay off debt or add to retirement, it is important to set clear and achievable financial goals
  4. Determine what the financial well-being for you :. . Determine your financial priorities and use those as your measure of success

Sources: definition of welfare, NBC News, FinWell Group, LifeWork and Adventist HealthCare strategies. Council health of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Why Light Makes Migraines Worse

15:09 Add Comment
Why Light Makes Migraines Worse -

Lit. Cells expressing retinal melanopsin, like the one shown here, could explain why light is so painful for migraine sufferers.

R. Noseda et al., Nature Neroscience , Advance Online Publication (January 2010)

Migraine sufferers often withdraw into a room dark or pull the shades down. All the light is simply the worst burning pain. Now scientists think they know why -. With the help of blind volunteers

Just why light worsens migraine is uncertain, because the brain regions that govern vision do not overlap with those that transmit pain. To narrow vision which the cells could be behind this, anesthetist Rami Burstein, who works at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston, and colleagues tracked migraine sufferers who also happened to be blind. Of the 20 blind people who volunteered for the study, six could not perceive light at all; they lacked eyes or had a severely damaged optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. The other 14, who suffered from genetic and other conditions that lead to blindness, could not see, but they could feel certain shades of light.

Not surprisingly, the six people who had no vision at all don 't experience the pain of light when they had a migraine. But the other 14 did. It was an interesting clue, because these people had failed rods and cones, the cells of the retina that are most light detection work. They did, however, have other retinal cells that worked very well, especially those with a type of receptor called melanopsin. Melanopsin does not allow people to see shapes, but it reacts to light -. Specifically, light blue

At this point, said Burstein, "we should follow melanopsin," to see if the cells expressing it could connect with the cells that transmit pain. And indeed, in rat brain, the axons of the cells sensitive melanopsin light clinging to specific nerve cells in the thalamus that play a role in pain sensation, reports online this week in team Nature Neuroscience .

"This kind of approach is exactly the kind of thinking we need" in medicine, says Kathleen Merikangas, genetic epidemiologist at the National Institute of mental health in Bethesda, Maryland. it welcomes the decision of an exceptional group of people strategy, and then plot the results back in an animal model. the work "really breaks significant new ground" by assembling why light is so painful during a migraine, agrees David Berson, a neuroscientist at Brown University who helped discover the melanopsin receptors several years ago. He cautions, however, that voluntary blind study might still have sticks cells and cones intact, meaning that melanopsin could be only a piece of the puzzle in light of the pain.

Happy Turkey Day

20:02 Add Comment
Happy Turkey Day -

Happy Day Turkey

Turkey Day is just around the corner! Gobble gobble. Are not we all looking forward to the turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, green beans, and who does not like the joke? Thanksgiving, like many other holidays, reminds us to appreciate what we have. This day is also known as the biggest day of eating in the calendar year. Although this day is marked by a festival feast is how much?

Overeating just one day of the year may not seem like a major problem, but the amount of calories consumed is probably more than you expect. In fact, the average American consumes about 4,500 calories at Thanksgiving. That's more than twice the daily recommended calories (00)! Calories consumed on Thanksgiving would take 2-4 weeks to burn, depending on your body weight and type of physical activity daily.

To control your intake at Thanksgiving this year, try to plan ahead. Cook with healthier options low in fat, and focus more on the holiday itself rather than the holiday meal. Take a look at some healthy alternatives Thanksgiving below.

Did you know?

  • In 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to make Thanksgiving one week earlier in the hope that it would stimulate retail sales during the Great Depression.
  • The average American consumes more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving.
  • On average, 46 million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving.
  • A Thanksgiving leftover surplus in 1953 created the first TV Dinner

Tips for Holiday Health: ..

  1. Replace butter nonfat Greek yogurt in the potato puree recipe
  2. instead of creamy gratin of vegetables, just have the plain cooked or steamed and flavored with herbs and spices.
  3. Use a whole grain base for stuffing, like quinoa or whole wheat bread.
  4. Instead of cooking with saturated fats such as lard, coconut oil, or butter, substitute unsaturated fats like olive oil, sunflower oil or canola oil.
  5. Choose fresh fruits with cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice sprinkled on top rather than pies

Sources :. American Heart Association, US Department of Health & Human Services, LIVESTRONG.COM, TIME, National Institutes of Health, Sparkpeople, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Prion Diseases: No Accomplice Needed

14:08 Add Comment
Prion Diseases: No Accomplice Needed -

spongy mess. When injected into mice, synthetic prion punch tiny holes in the brain tissue ( right ) compared to healthy animals ( left ).

Wang Fei et al. science

Since 1982, neurologist and biochemist Stanley Prusiner first claimed to purify proteins to pray, controversy has dogged the field. Do prion - misfolded versions healthy protein related to mad cow disease and other neurological diseases - infect and cause disease all on their own? Or did they need a partner in crime? Some say a new study provides the strongest evidence to date for the assumption "protein only". But die-hard skeptics remain unconvinced.


Five years, Prusiner reported the first important evidence that prions act alone. He and his colleagues from the University of California, San Francisco, injected the brains of mice with prions they had created in the laboratory by folding of the normal prion protein, known as PrP. The mouse is down with a neurological disease. But the work had its limits: Rodents took over a year to get sick, and they had been bred to produce huge amounts of PrP, raising questions about whether they were susceptible to prion disease anyway

Jiyan Ma ,. biochemist at Ohio State University in Columbus, with colleagues there and in China, solved both problems by coaxing prion misfold as he believes they do naturally. Instead of refolding of healthy prion protein PrP, in amyloid fibrils, which have been linked to the disease, the team PrP combined with various mixtures of lipids - fatty molecules judged misfold in the cell. "This is like cooking," Ma said, getting the right combination of ingredients.

Finally, the group Ma came up with a recipe that looked promising and injected into the brains of 15 normal mice. In 130 days, all the animals developed what looked like a prion disease contracted their heads, they lost muscle tissue, and they became lethargic. The animals died a few months later. Control animals injected with a solution "harmless" remained healthy, the team reports online today in Science .

To ensure that prion was that made them sick mice, Ma conducted a series of tests to prove an infectious disease. Dissect the brains of animals, he and his colleagues tissue extract and injected into the brains of healthy animals. These animals are so sick as the previous group -. And all showed evidence of prion

This is something "we and others have tried to do for a while," said Claudio Soto, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. "This is proof of the protein only hypothesis."

for those who have already been convicted, the paper still "change the rules," says Adriano Aguzzi, a neuropathologist at the University of Zurich in Swiss . This is because Ma and his colleagues were able to create large amounts of synthetic prion, which Aguzzi believes it will be possible to study the prion structure in greater detail than was previously possible.

But will it convince the skeptics? "On the face of it, it looks like they have turned golden tin," said Laura Manuelidis, neuropathologist at Yale University who has long doubted that prions cause disease by themselves. ( she believes that viruses are involved) But Manuelidis feared that my claims as a success. - the speed with which the animals became ill. - rather suggests that something is wrong she wonders if the animals have actually contracted scrapie ., another prion disease, because of laboratory contamination Ma totally rejects this possibility: "There is no way" the mice could have contracted a natural prion disease scrapie as he said, because the laboratory did not work with prion natural

  • Correction.

The story incorrectly states that the laboratory Ma has never worked with prions naturally. In fact, he did, but not during the past two years conducting the experiments described here.

Conseils de la peau 6 d'hiver [1945001

19:01 Add Comment
Conseils de la peau 6 d'hiver [1945001 - ] 6 Conseils d'hiver de la peau

Comme la température baisse et les conditions météorologiques changent, il devrait en être votre routine de soins de la peau. Suivez ces conseils 6 hiver soins de la peau pour assurer la santé toute l'année de la peau!

  1. Choisissez le bon hydratant. Hydratants qui sont à base d'huile peuvent offrir une couche protectrice sur votre peau. Les exemples incluent l'huile d'amande, l'huile d'avocat, l'huile minérale et l'huile d'onagre. En hiver, appliquez une crème hydratante sur la peau humide dès que vous sortez de la douche pour bloquer l'humidité.
  2. Portez un écran solaire , même les jours d'hiver, et envisager d'utiliser des produits contenant des antioxydants parce qu'ils ont également des propriétés de protection solaire. Le soleil d'hiver, ainsi que la neige éblouissement, peut endommager votre peau; les écrans solaires étiquetés aide à large spectre pour prévenir les dommages du soleil qui pourrait conduire à des rides, des taches de vieillesse, ou même le cancer de la peau.
  3. Évitez l'eau chaude lors du bain . Les températures d'eau qui sont trop extrêmes peut réellement briser les barrières lipidiques dans votre peau et enlever les peaux huiles naturelles plus rapidement, ce qui peut conduire à une perte d'humidité. Utiliser de l'eau chaude et des savons doux, la peau sèche pat plutôt que de frotter et appliquer un hydratant après le bain.
  4. Portez une attention particulière à vos mains. La peau de vos mains est plus mince et a moins de pétrole glandes. Il est plus difficile pour vos mains pour retenir l'humidité, de sorte qu'ils sont plus vulnérables à des démangeaisons et la sécheresse. Assurez-vous de garder hydratée et porter des gants chauds et secs quand aller à l'extérieur.
  5. Gardez vos lèvres hydratées aussi. Lips ne possèdent pas de glandes sébacées, de sorte qu'ils se dessécher particulièrement facilement. Si possible, utilisez un baume à lèvres avec un FPS en elle. La gelée de pétrole est un hydratant peu coûteux pour les lèvres et fonctionne aussi bien sur les rugueux, fissurés pieds, les coudes et les mains et les cuticules sèches. Essayez de ne pas lécher vos lèvres et couvrir avec un foulard sur ces jours particulièrement froids et venteux.
  6. Pensez à utiliser un humidificateur . fours à air pulsé, radiateurs et systèmes de chauffage central blast air chaud et sec tout au long de votre maison et peuvent rendre la peau encore plus sèche. Si vous êtes particulièrement sensible à la peau sèche pendant l'hiver, pensez à placer de petits humidificateurs qui génèrent l'humidité dans l'air, autour de votre maison.

Les produits de soins de la peau ne sont pas soumis à l'approbation des États-Unis Food and Drug administration (FDA), de sorte que leurs avantages annoncés ne peuvent pas être testés de façon adéquate et leurs revendications peuvent être exagérées. Demandez à votre dermatologue pour des recommandations pour les produits de soins de la peau.

Gardez à l'esprit "blues de l'hiver" peut affecter votre peau ainsi. Le stress peut aggraver les conditions de la peau, comme le psoriasis ou la rosacée. Pratiquer des techniques de gestion du stress et de solliciter l'appui. Consultez votre dermatologue pour des traitements efficaces qui peuvent améliorer vos conditions peau, cheveux et ongles

Sources:. American Academy of Dermatology, Stratégies de VieTravail, Inc., et Washington et Shady Grove adventistes hôpitaux. Pour plus d'informations, consultez votre médecin.

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'Trust Hormone' May Improve Autism

13:07 Add Comment
'Trust Hormone' May Improve Autism -

Play ball. Researchers have tended social skills of autistic in this computer game launch.

Andari et al . PNAS Advance Online Publication (16 February 2010)

A dose of the "hormone trust" oxytocin can help bring some people with autism out of their shell. Patients with the condition usually have difficulty interacting with others, but when they inhaled oxytocin in a new study, they began to look people in the eye and acknowledge social concepts like fairness in a game computer. Although the results are preliminary, the work could lead to drugs to treat a variety of social problems, including schizophrenia and anxiety, says expert Evdokia Anagnostou, a child neurologist at the Bloorview research Institute in Toronto, Canada.

oxytocin appears to function as a kind of "social glue" for many mammals. mice and monkeys release the hormone when they groom and mate, for example, and humans who received a dose of oxytocin are more likely to offer a total stranger money, even if they get nothing in return. Autistic people have less oxytocin circulating in their blood than those without the disease, so neuroscientist Angela Sirigu of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience in Lyon, France, wondered if the rise of the hormone would make it more socially adept .

Sirigu team asked 13 adults with Asperger's syndrome - a high-level form of autism - to play a computer game to launch. On the "ground" were four boxes, indicating three players and the participant. To throw the ball to another player, the participant touched a given box. The computerized players were sometimes friendly, meaning that they have thrown the ball to other players, and sometimes bullies, which means that they kept the ball to themselves. The volunteers received either a placebo or a nasal spray of oxytocin formulations one day and then exchanged a week later. In this way, the researchers could observe how the same individual performed with and without the boost from the hormone.

Oxytocin has made a difference. Without the boost from the hormone, volunteers tended to also play with the good guy and the bully, indicating their difficulty grasping important social concepts like fairness and empathy. With the hormone, they tend to avoid playing with the bully.

In a second experiment, the researchers asked volunteers to look at a series of faces on a computer screen. Like many with autism, subjects tended to focus on the chin and mouth and quickly shifted their gaze, indicating agitation. But when given oxytocin, they began to look human eyes, a sign of social ease, reports online this week in the team Proceedings of the National Academy science .

Anagnostou agrees that patients with autism who take oxytocin and play the game seems to be learning how to interact with people. "There is in fact some form of social learning that happens," she said. But because this study has examined the effect of oxytocin after a single dose, she adds, it is not known if the hormone boosters will continue working for the long term.

In terms of therapeutic applications, Sirigu said studies have shown that the fight against early autism can sometimes help curb the condition. Thus, administration of a hormone like oxytocin during childhood can be a powerful weapon in the fight against autism, she said.

Anagnostou and her colleagues are currently administering oxytocin to Asperger patients every day for 6 weeks. But even if his study shows similar results, she said, it will take years for researchers and physicians understand the potential side effects and the appropriate dosage levels for the hormone.

Sondage: École Distributeurs automatiques [1945001

18:00 Add Comment
Sondage: École Distributeurs automatiques [1945001 - ] Sondage: École Distributeurs automatiques

Votez Adventiste HealthCare & You sondage de cette semaine! Assurez-vous de revenir plus tard pour voir les résultats

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Hopes Dashed for (Another) Alzheimer's Drug

12:06 Add Comment
Hopes Dashed for (Another) Alzheimer's Drug -

Researchers from Alzheimer's disease have faced a series of frustrations in recent years as a promising compound after another flopped in clinical trials at an advanced stage. Unfortunately, the chain continues with the announcement today that another trial monitored closely for a drug called dimebon-failed.

Dimebon was something of a dark horse. An antihistamine introduced in Russia in 1983, it is placed in a screen for Alzheimer potential drugs and led to a clinical trial that gave remarkably encouraging results: In 08, the researchers reported in The Lancet that 78 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease who dimebon showed significant improvements in memory and cognition, as well as the ability to carry out the activities of daily life.

The new study was conducted by Medivation, a biopharmaceutical company based in San Francisco Californai, and Pfizer (who would have paid $ 225 million to license the drug). It registered light 598 patients with moderate Alzheimer's disease. This time, there were no significant differences between dimebon and placebo groups. "The results are unexpected ... and we are disappointed for the community to Alzheimer's," President and Chief Executive Officer of Medivation, David Hung said in a statement.

Some researchers studying Alzheimer's disease mechanisms are not surprised, though. "I think many of us have said the same thing ... it sounds too good to be true, but hopefully not for the benefit of patients" says Rudolph Tanzi of Harvard University. From the beginning, it was never clear why an antihistamine protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease, Tanzi and others say. "There was not a single bit of data published on the mechanism of action," says Sam Sisodia of the University of Chicago in Illinois. Several possible explanations have been advanced, Sisodia said, but in his opinion, the actions of the drug are not included well enough to justify a trial. "Just take the drugs in people just because you have an idea that might work is illogical," he said.

Comment choisir le meilleur sac à dos pour vos enfants [1945001

16:59 Add Comment
Comment choisir le meilleur sac à dos pour vos enfants [1945001 - ] Comment choisir le meilleur sac à dos pour vos enfants

Les enfants ont besoin d'un sac à dos pour transporter des livres et des fournitures tout au long l'année scolaire. Mais il est important pour eux d'apprendre comment porter et utiliser des sacs à dos afin d'éviter les conséquences de la santé tels que la douleur ou des blessures arrière correctement.

Dr. Steven Tuck, chirurgien orthopédique pédiatrique à l'Hôpital adventiste de Shady Grove, dit que les élèves des écoles élémentaires devraient porter pas plus de 20-25 pour cent de leur poids corporel dans leur sac à dos. Les collégiens ou lycéens peuvent transporter 30-40 pour cent de leur poids corporel.

Le choix d'un sac à dos

School Backpack

Dr. Tucks note qu'il est important de porter des sacs à dos sur les deux épaules pour répartir le poids et le soutenir avec les plus forts muscles du corps

En outre, il recommande les caractéristiques suivantes quand il est temps de choisir un sac à dos.

  • un sac à dos qui est léger quand il est vide.
  • larges, bretelles rembourrées, qui sont moins susceptibles de creuser dans les épaules et causer de la douleur.
  • Deux bretelles et une ceinture sangle qui aide à distribuer le poids uniformément.
  • Sacs avec un dos rembourré pour aider à protéger contre des arêtes vives sur les objets à l'intérieur du sac.

sacs à dos roulants sont également une bonne option. Toutefois, votre enfant peut encore avoir besoin de porter ce haut des escaliers si l'école a plus d'un niveau. En outre, les parents doivent confirmer avec l'école de leur enfant que les sacs à dos de roulement sont autorisés.

En plus de choisir le bon sac à dos, le Dr Tuck dit qu'il est important d'enseigner aux enfants comment plier correctement lorsque vous portez un sac à dos. Cela comprend la flexion avec les deux genoux, et non pas à la taille.

Si votre enfant éprouve des douleurs de dos persistant, parler avec votre pédiatre.

Retour douleur et les problèmes articulaires peuvent survenir pour de nombreuses raisons pour les personnes de tous ages. Si vous ou un être cher connaît dos, la hanche, du genou ou un autre type de douleurs articulaires, le Centre des remplacements articulaires à l'Hôpital adventiste de Shady Grove peut vous aider.

Ne pas avoir un médecin de famille? Groupe médical adventiste, une filiale de Adventiste HealthCare, a des médecins de médecine familiale disponibles dans Montgomery et Prince George comtés. Pour trouver un médecin près de chez vous, appelez 1-855-4AMG-DOC.

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Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators

11:05 Add Comment
Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators -

This is a study to file under "impracticable, but very cool." A group of Japanese researchers has developed a mosquito that spreads vaccine instead of the disease. Even the researchers admit, however, that regulatory and ethical issues prevent the creatures to ever take wing at least for the delivery of human vaccines.

scientists have devised various ways tinkering with the DNA of insects to fight against the disease. One option is to create strains of mosquitoes that are resistant to infection with parasites or viruses, or who are unable to pass the pathogens to humans. Ceux- it would somehow have to replace mosquitoes, carriers of natural disease, which is a challenge. another strategy closer to becoming reality is to release transgenic mosquitoes when they mate with their wild-type counterparts, do not produce viable offspring. It would reduce the population over time.

The new study is based on a very different mechanism: Use mosquitoes to become what scientists call "flying vaccinators" Normally, when biting mosquitoes, they inject a tiny drop of saliva prevents blood. host of coagulation. the Japanese group decided to add a compound-an antigen that elicits an immune response to the combination of proteins in the saliva of the insect.

a group led by Shigeto Yoshida the molecular geneticist from Jichi medical University in Tochigi, Japan, identified a region of the genome of Anopheles stephensi -a malaria mosquito called a promoter that turns on genes only in the saliva of insects. for this promoter they attached SP15, a candidate vaccine against leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by sand flies that can cause skin damage and organ damage. in fact, mosquitoes SP15 products in their saliva, reports the team in the current issue of Insect Molecular Biology . And when the insects were allowed to feast on mice, the mice developed antibodies against SP15.

The antibody levels are not very high, and the team has yet to check whether they protect rodents against the disease. (Only a few laboratories have facilities for so-called challenge studies with this disease, says Yoshida.) In the experiment, the mice were bitten some 1,500 times on average; this may seem very high, but studies show that in areas where malaria is endemic, people are bitten more than 100 times a night, Yoshida says. In the meantime, the group mosquito also produce a vaccine against the malaria candidate.

Other researchers are impressed by the achievement. "Science is really beautiful," says Jesus Valenzuela of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, who developed the SP15. David O'Brochta vaccine, a molecular geneticist insects at the University of Maryland , College Park, calls "a fascinating proof of concept."

So why not fly? There is a huge variation in the number of mosquito bites a person received in relation to the other, so people exposed to transgenic mosquitoes would get very different doses of the vaccine; it would be like to give some people a jab measles and other 500 of them. No regulator would sign it, said molecular biologist Robert Sinden from Imperial College London. The release of mosquitoes also mean vaccinating people without their informed consent, ethical no-no. Yoshida concedes that the mosquito would be "unacceptable" as a delivery mechanism of human vaccines.

However, vaccinators, or "flying syringes" as some have dubbed them -may have potential in the fight against the flying animal diseases, O'Brochta said. Animals shall not give consent, and the variable dosage would matter less.

Cancer Institute Chief Says He's Avoided the Cliff

22:04 Add Comment
Cancer Institute Chief Says He's Avoided the Cliff -

Biomedical researchers are seriously concerned about a possible fall in their chances of winning a National Institutes of Health grant after its $ 10 billion in 2 years of stimulus money runs out in 2011. But the director of the National cancer Institute, John Niederhuber, does not seem too concerned. He told an audience in Washington today at the American Association for Cancer Research that NCI has understood how to facilitate the transition and avoid "the cliff" as it is known.

NCI did this, he said, using much of its stimulus money for 4-year grants to pay for the first 2 years with stimulus spending and "pledging" to find money for the third and fourth years. therefore, even if the applications are skyrocketing in 2011, as planned if people with 2-year stimulus funding are valid for new grants and other recycling their applications rejected the stimulus quality to cut funding would increase only from 16.8% to 15.7% of requests. "I think we did a good job of not having this down to 10%, for example "said Niederhuber.

So what this means NCI would be pleased with the 3.1% increase (to $ 5.26 billion) in the 2011 budget proposal from the Obama administration? "I do not want to send this message," said Niederguber Science Insider. If that's all NCI obtained meet the "promise" might require taking money from existing programs, including current subsidies, he said.

Éliminer la santé mentale La stigmatisation

15:58 Add Comment
Éliminer la santé mentale La stigmatisation -

Éliminer la stigmatisation de la santé mentale

santé mentale Mois de la sensibilisation a été créé il y a plus de 65 ans par santé mentale en Amérique (MHA) à éduquer et sensibiliser la population à ce sujet. Ce mois-ci, nous encourageons tout le monde à fournir un soutien pour les millions d'Américains qui vivent actuellement avec des conditions de santé mentale.

Les National Institutes of Health (NIH) définit un état de santé mentale comme un «état de santé qui change une personne de pensée, les sentiments ou le comportement (ou les trois) et que les causes de la détresse de la personne et de la difficulté dans le fonctionnement. "Ces conditions ne résultent pas nécessairement d'un événement. Le plus souvent la génétique, l'environnement et le mode de vie ont tous une influence sur si oui ou non quelqu'un développe un problème de santé mentale. la détection et le traitement précoces sont essentiels pour améliorer les résultats et influer positivement sur sa vie.

La santé mentale est une partie très importante de notre santé et notre bien-être. Tout comme les maladies cardiaques ou le diabète, certains problèmes de santé mentale peuvent être évités grâce à la détection précoce. Toutes les conditions de santé mentale peuvent être traités. En l'honneur de la santé mentale Mois de la sensibilisation, nous vous encourageons à lutter contre la stigmatisation entourant les conditions de santé mentale. Joignez-vous à "B4Stage4" la campagne de MHA pour soutenir les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale.

Le saviez-vous?

  • 1 dans 5 Américains éprouvent un problème de santé mentale chaque année.
  • 50% des problèmes de santé mentale commence par âge de 14 ans et 75% des problèmes de santé mentale développer âge de 24 ans (NAMI).
  • Cette année, MHA est en utilisant le thème «B4Stage4», de souligner l'importance de la la détection précoce.
  • une cloche de 300 livres sert le symbole de MHA pour la liberté des chaînes de maladie mentale.

les étapes d'une santé Condition mentale

Etape 1: une personne commence à montrer des symptômes d'un trouble de santé mentale, mais il est encore capable de maintenir la capacité de fonctionner à la maison

Etape 2: devient généralement évident que quelque chose est faux. Les symptômes d'une personne peuvent devenir plus forts et durent plus longtemps ou de nouveaux symptômes peuvent commencer à apparaître

Etape 3: symptômes ont continué d'augmenter dans la sévérité. Une personne peut se sentir comme si elles perdent le contrôle de leur vie

Etape 4: la combinaison des symptômes et des troubles extrêmes, prolongés et persistants se traduit souvent par le développement d'autres conditions de santé

En savoir plus sur la campagne MHA B4Stage4

Sources: national Institutes of Health, Alliance nationale pour la maladie mentale, Association pour la santé mentale, VieTravail stratégies EAP et Adventist HealthCare. Le Conseil santé de la semaine est à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils médicaux, consultez votre médecin. Sentez-vous libre de copier et distribuer cette ressource de santé.

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Brain Science a Factor in Supreme Court Decision on Juvenile Crimes

21:03 Add Comment
Brain Science a Factor in Supreme Court Decision on Juvenile Crimes -

Minors who have not committed murder should not be locked up for life, according to a decision of the Supreme Court of the United STATES today. In the case of Graham v. Florida , the court said it considered the brain and behavioral science in deciding that the life sentences for most young criminals are cruel and unusual punishment.

decision extends a decision 05 ( Roper v. Simmons ) the prohibition of the death penalty for minors. amicus curiae briefs submitted to the court by the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and others have questioned whether young people should be held to the same standards of culpability as adults because research suggesting that their brains are not yet fully mature.

in its decision, the court said it has taken these data into consideration:

No recent data give reason to reconsider the observations of Roper Course nature juveniles. As petitioners note amici, the evolution of psychology and brain science continue to show fundamental differences between youth and adult minds. For example, parts of the brain involved in behavior control continue to mature until late adolescence. ... Young people are more capable of change than adults, and their actions are less likely to have evidence of irretrievably depraved character than are the actions of adults.

Reset your resolutions

14:57 Add Comment
Reset your resolutions -

Reset Your resolutions

Happy 2016! According to an article in Forbes in 2013, only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions. In fact, even after only one week into the new year, many lose site of their goals. Why is it? Many agree that most people are motivated enough to make changes; the objectives we set, however, are sometimes just too overwhelming and unrealistic to achieve in the desired time.

Many psychologists suggest that successful behavioral changes occur when we created smaller, achievable goals that are relevant to our core values. When you set a goal this year, make sure it is a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) goal. Following the SMART model, you can specify what your goal is and think about a reasonable time to do this so you can stay motivated throughout the year.

Early this year, think about what you enjoy now. I got it? Good. With this in mind, where do you want to be at the end of 2016? Want to improve your eating habits? Stop smoking? Sleep more? Exercising more? Choose a behavior to add or change that will support this goal in the new year. More importantly, when your routine is thrown out, stay positive, and you pick up! There is always another day to keep trying

Resolutions "Top 2015 New Years:

  1. Losing weight
  2. Get Organized
  3. spend less, Save More
  4. Enjoy life
  5. Staying fit and healthy
  6. learn something exciting
  7. Stop smoking
  8. help others in their dreams
  9. Fall in Love
  10. Spending more time with the family

2016 Ideas SMART Resolution:

  • I want to sleep at least 8 hours a night for 5 nights a week by going to sleep for 10 hours.
  • I want to lose ten pounds over the next year by skipping desserts 5 nights a week and go to a fitness class cardio 3 days a week.
  • I want to read one book within 30 days by reading at least one chapter per night in the next month.
  • I want to give back to my community by volunteering at a local shelter or soup kitchen at least once a month in my city

Sources :. Forbes.com. StatisticBrain.com. LifeWork Strategies EAP and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Biomed Researchers Give Subjects a Larger Role in Studies

20:02 Add Comment
Biomed Researchers Give Subjects a Larger Role in Studies -

As tissue samples and DNA are shared more widely than ever, scientists and federal agencies are looking closer their responsibilities towards research subjects. Last Thursday, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) advisory committee has rejected a request to use 47 lines in research on human embryonic stem cells funded by the federal, saying donors had given too many rights. Moreover, researchers of a new DNA-based project's Hospital Boston Children planning to tell families about relevant findings to their own DNA. This information is traditionally not shared because it is easier to anonymize samples and not to worry about the findings are relevant for patients.

The NIH decision stems from an ongoing review triggered by the new guidelines from the Obama administration that were announced last spring. Among other things, the NIH requires that embryos that were brought to new cell lines were created by in vitro fertilization and no longer needed, and that couples gave informed consent for their use in research. So far, 67 new lines have been approved and 101 are under consideration, with 234 more in the pipeline.

The sort that lines the NIH-funded investigators can work and do not make the cut falls to a committee of ethicists and researchers. There is "a lot of work," says Landis history, director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the head of the NIH Stem Cell Task Force.

At a meeting last week of the Advisory Committee to the Director of NIH, Jeffrey Botkin, an ethicist at the University of Utah and the committee chairman, said that 47 of the 53 lines recently considered were deemed ineligible for federal funding. All were provided by the reproduction Genetics Institute (RGI) in Chicago, Illinois that specializes in helping couples who carry genes for rare diseases create healthy embryos can then be implanted. Indeed, 42 lines performed genetic defects, a trait that the NIH Director Francis Collins noted would have made interesting to study.

But the group Botkin blocked all 47 because "donors seem to be asked to give up the right to sue" in the form of informed consent, they signed. This clause constitutes a "language exculpatory" in which subjects have given up substantial rights, and NIH does not allow it in the stem cell lines. Botkin said RGI could return to the embryo donors and seek fresh consent. But in an article USA Today , a scientist at the clinic said it would be impossible for lines that date as far back as 03.

The Gene Partnership Project Hospital Boston children takes a different approach. The project will look at how genes and environment interact to drive the disease in children is different from its predecessors, said Kenneth Mandl, a physician and biomedical informaticist, and one of the project leaders childhood. "We took the decision not to go with a standard, lightweight consent" form that often comes with the gift DNA sample, he said. In these cases, the data is stripped of identifiers; if researchers find a gene that increases the risk of schizophrenia by 3%, for example, they do not have to worry about the possible impact on participants.

The Gene Partnership Project will weigh all kinds of questions, says Mandl. A committee is now considering the conclusions of which could be "relevant" to patients and therefore should be shared. The back and forth works in both directions: While researchers working on the samples will not know who they belong to, those running the project will confer with participants regularly to collect more data on their health, request samples additional or request their participation in the investigations. With most of biobanks, Mandl said, "If someone comes with a diagnosis of asthma, but four years later develops heart disease ... this person will be labeled with a diagnosis of asthma, but not heart disease. " However, he said, the record of each participant in the Boston effort will continue to evolve.

The project so far has collected hundreds of samples. At the end of the year, he hopes to be adding more than 800 samples per month.

Cancer Cooks: salmon and potatoes Coriander Fish Cakes

13:56 Add Comment
Cancer Cooks: salmon and potatoes Coriander Fish Cakes -

Cancer Cooks: salmon and potatoes Coriander Fish Cakes

Patricia Guay-Berry

Patricia Guay -Berry

one of the offers outstanding Aquilino Cancer Center is our monthly during cooking, led by Patricia Guay-Berry, outpatient dietitian in oncology.

in the first class of the year, Patty and her group looked at portion control. "If weight control is a goal, watch portion sizes, using smaller plates and eat more slowly with utensils or chop sticks can help us," said Patty. The class saw an example of extra large fork that some restaurants use. "people in the class thought it was a serving fork because it looks like a shovel instead of a fork!"

What goes into your body is important, Patty said, which is why it is essential to be aware of the food choices: "Enjoy good quality, tasty food!" Here is a recipe for class that will help you follow his advice

salmon and potatoes Coriander Fish Cakes

Salmon _Potato_Cakes 2.1.16. Ingredients:

  • 2 cups potatoes, cooked and mashed
  • 1 cup green onions, thinly sliced ​​
  • 2 teaspoon 'olive
  • oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper flakes
  • hot 1/4 cup skim milk
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon coriander
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 pound salmon, cooked and flaked


  1. making potato puree, adding enough milk to make soft.
  2. Heat oil in a skillet and saute onions and pepper flakes.
  3. Flatten the potatoes in the bottom of a large bowl and sprinkle flour on top.
  4. Whisk the egg and pour over the top. Add onion mixture, salt, coriander and pepper, and salmon.
  5. gently knead the ingredients until smooth.
  6. On a work surface dusted with flour, mixing roll into balls and flatten into patties. (You should have about 10 cakes).
  7. Coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray over medium heat. Fry the cakes in batches to fire medium until golden brown (about 3-4 minutes). Turn and brown the other side.
  8. Serve immediately with wilted greens and house dressing.

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Can a Stimulating Life Ward Off Cancer?

19:01 Add Comment
Can a Stimulating Life Ward Off Cancer? -

A provocative new study suggests that mice raised in spacious cages with lots of toys and companions are more resistant to cancer than mice living in standard cages. The work, which found that exercise alone does not explain the anti-cancer effect, attracts both excitement and skepticism.

The study is based on research from the 1960s, which found that the increase in mice in an "enriched environment" stimulates neuronal growth and learning. Recent research even suggests that stimulating cage environment in later life can help restore memory in animals with a neurodegenerative disease. Neuroscientists Matthew During and Cao Lei, both of Ohio State University and Cornell University, wondered if these profound effects on the brain may influence how the body reacts to cancer.

During his team studied the development of cancer in two sets of young male mice in groups of five animals housed in a standard cage (about the size of a bread box) with food, but nothing else, and groups of 18-20 mice raised in a larger cage (about the size of a portable crib) with food, toys, a maze, racing wheels, and where to hide. After the mouse has spent 3 to 6 weeks in their cages, the researchers injected under the skin with melanoma cancer cells and waited for tumors to develop.

The results were a surprise, says Durant. Mice who spent three weeks in enriched cages developed tumors that were 43% smaller in volume than those expressed in normal cages. The difference in mass of the tumor was 77% when mice past six weeks in special cages. And unlike mice bred in standard cages, some of those in enriched cages developed no tumors at all. The researchers obtained similar results for both types of mice prone to colon cancer.

Exercise alone did not explain the effect. high mouse in a typical cage connected to a wheel bearing tumors developed just as massive as those that have not cardio.

The anticancer effects seem related to metabolic changes, said Durant. Mice raised in the enriched environment had much lower blood levels of leptin, a hormone associated with obesity and cancer; they also had higher levels of corticosterone, a stress hormone. In addition, improved hypothalamuses caged mice had higher levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a growth factor that the researchers suggest sends signals to fat cells to produce less leptin. When the team turned off BDNF or ramp up in the brains of mice, they saw corresponding changes in leptin levels and tumor size, they report in tomorrow's issue of Cell .

speculates While mice in cages have improved "some anxiety" because of the life in a larger space and with more fellow mice to treat. "It is light stress. It is difficult system. "The moderate stress signals the brain to produce more BDNF and make less leptin promoting cancer, he suggests.

During said the results suggest that stress-free life can be less healthy than one with a slight stress. "Living a life of couch potato is not the best," During said.

Some researchers have shown the study with caution. First, it contradicts a lot of evidence that exercise protects against cancer, Henriette Van Praag says neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Maryland. She said that a problem with the paper is that the mouse "runner" in standard cages have not had the chance to run individually; in a group, some males can monopolize the wheel bearing. "The concept is good, but I do not think they can say conclusively that exercise is not an important factor," said Van Praag.

physiologist John Hall of the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson called the paper "an exciting new idea," but points to another reason to question whether the results will be applicable to persons: beta-blockers, which are drugs that block BDNF, have been widely used for heart disease since the 1960s, but there is "no evidence that they promote the tumor growth," he said.

Catch [1945001

12:55 Add Comment
Catch [1945001 - ] Catch

Personne ne dit «Je ne peux pas attendre de perdre une heure de sommeil." 13e Mars commence l'heure d'été de certains Z de Z Certains, ce qui signifie que nous mettons nos horloges avant, perdre une heure précieuse de Z de. D'un autre côté, les signes d'une nouvelle saison poussent vers l'avant et nous pouvons nous attendre à une maison de trajet lumineux. Par coïncidence, cette semaine du sacrifice de sommeil forcé est aussi la semaine de sensibilisation au sommeil. Savez-vous que plus de 1/3 des adultes aux États-Unis ne respectent pas leurs besoins de sommeil (CDC)? En fait, les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention est déclarant manque de sommeil pour être un vrai problème de santé publique!

Le sommeil est si important pour nous, car non seulement recharger notre batterie interne et nous permet d'être productif au travail, mais parce que lésiner constamment sur le sommeil est associé à l'obésité, l'hypertension artérielle, le diabète, la maladie coronarienne, accident vasculaire cérébral, la détresse mentale fréquente, et la mortalité (CDC). Les bienfaits du sommeil comprennent, mais ne sont pas limités à l'amélioration de la mémoire, la créativité, physique et performance mentale, l'attention et la gestion du poids / perte et à la réduction des niveaux de stress, la dépression et l'inflammation.

Consultez les Centers for Disease contrôle et la prévention en apprendre davantage sur l'importance du sommeil.

10 façons de frapper le Hay

  1. Couper la caféine à midi
  2. Évitez de manger des repas lourds près de l'heure du coucher . Mangez des aliments avec une combinaison de protéines et de tryptophane tels que la dinde, les noix, l'avoine, et les lentilles
  3. Prenez une douche ou un bain chaud quelques heures avant le coucher pour laisser votre température du corps baisse
  4. Trouver un yoga coucher ou routine d'étirement
  5. Éteignez l'électronique au moins 30 minutes avant le coucher
  6. Tamisez les lumières autour de l'heure du coucher pour promouvoir la production de mélatonine
  7. Arrêter toute lumière, y compris cette alarme électrique horloge
  8. Réglez le thermostat en dessous de 70 degrés
  9. Arrêtez l'utilisation son- un tapis épais, stores lourds, ou une machine à bruit blanc
  10. Gardez le calme et retirer tous les travaux de votre chambre

Raisons de REM

  • Obtenir des heures adéquates est crucial pour la sécurité routière. L'Administration National Highway Traffic Safety a rapporté la fatigue d'être plus mortelle que la dépréciation de l'alcool.
  • Le sommeil peut réduire les niveaux de stress et d'aider à contrôler les niveaux de pression artérielle et peut-cholestérol, qui contribuent à la santé du cœur.
  • Le sommeil est minceur! Une étude menée à l'Université de Chicago a constaté que bien reposé personnes à la diète ont perdu plus de gras que leurs homologues privés de sommeil (2010). La privation de sommeil est liée à une hormone de l'appétit de conduite appelé ghréline

Pour plus de raisons de sommeil ce soir visiter Health.com

Sources:.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Health.com, UChicago Nouvelles. CNN Santé, L'Administration National Highway Traffic Safety, Stratégies de VieTravail et Adventist HealthCare. Le Conseil santé de la semaine est à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils médicaux, consultez votre médecin. Sentez-vous libre de copier et distribuer cette ressource de santé.

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New Chief for Child Health Institute

18:00 Add Comment
New Chief for Child Health Institute -

Maggie Bartlett / NHGRI

main research institute in the nation dedicated to child development and reproductive health has a new director. Alan Guttmacher, 60, who was acting director of the Child Health and National Institute of Human Development, was appointed director of the NICHD yesterday by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins.

Guttmacher, a geneticist and pediatrician, was deputy director of Collins when Collins led the National Institute for Research on the human genome; he became director of NHGRI acting after Collins resigned in August 08. Last December as new NIH Director Collins asked Guttmacher temporarily bar the NICHD $ 1.3 billion, according to the director of 23 years, Duane Alexander left after cost overruns for the National children's study, a long-term planned study of 100,000 children requested by Congress.

Vanderbilt University pediatrician Jonathan Gitlin, a member of the Advisory Board who NICHD Guttmacher known for many years, praises his leadership skills and "incredible enthusiasm and energy." Guttmacher has already begun to shape a plan strategic for the Institute. A member of the longstanding NICHD staff said "people are pretty comfortable" with him.

Guttmacher's uncle was president of Planned Parenthood in the 1960s and helped found the Guttmacher Institute, a think tank with offices in New York and Washington, which studies sexual health and reproductive. He spoke of his family (yes, he was named after his famous uncle), and his own battles with the disease in an interview New York Times earlier this year:

Q. You had your own personal experiences with genetic diseases, right?

A. Yes. It was ten years ago, I suffered a near fatal heart attack, and five years later, I was diagnosed with leukemia. My only risk factor for both was family history. It's ironic. In a family physician, I am the only medical geneticist. And I'm the one who has inherited diseases.

Both diseases have gave me an idea of ​​the importance of the work we do at N.I.H. I, for example, feel that children growing up today with the genetic history of my family will not get leukemia when they reach my age. Because of advances in genetics and personalized medicine, there will be ways to prevent it from ever get away.

Spring in the well-being: Rejuvenate

11:54 Add Comment
Spring in the well-being: Rejuvenate -

Spring in welfare: Rejuvenate

Apart from a few nippy nights and rainy days, the temperature (and minds) rose we give winter a final farewell. Enjoy Mother Nature, AOS sweetest season and move your outdoor training session. Once you learn the benefits, you can tie your shoes to explore a nearby path

One of the advantages :. There is no cost. The large spaces are available for free. All you need is appropriate clothing, durable shoes and SPF. If you have a bike ride. If you, Aore not one for cycling, walking and jogging are fantastic exercises that strengthen bones. Another advantage: you, Äôll get a free dose of sunshine; antidepressant nature OSA. Sun exposure increases your mood and immune and metabolic function, helps your sleep cycle and helps your body to make vitamin D3. Remember to limit your exposure and protect your skin to prevent burns that cause cancer.

On a more global level, the external activity has been shown to have benefits for the mind and body. Outdoor activities, such as sports, affect the central psychological problems in the physical and emotional development, self-assessment, self-esteem, belonging and learn to overcome adversity (APA). outdoor exercisers experience greater energy and revitalization and reduced confusion, anger, depression and tension. You are free to move your body regardless of how you want and as fast or slow as it can go. Upon exercise, consistency is key. Outdoor exercise can be easier to stick with and therefore give you the results you want

Seasonal Smoothie

Fuel your outdoor adventures with the seasonal, ÄúSpring Awakening Green Smoothie at:

  • 1.5 ounces spring mix salad
  • 1 banana
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1 apple (chopped)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup ice

Place all ingredients in a blender. Pulse until the ingredients are mixed and smooth

Sources :. American Psychological Association, Fox News Health, GreenBlender, Huffington Post, LifeWork Strategies EAP and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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