The best exercise for heart health

The best exercise for heart health -

Best __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__ exercise for heart health

Your biceps and abs are not the only muscles which benefit from the exercise; Physical activity is essential to strengthen and protect your heart muscle. Exercise helps prevent and cardiac disorders such as hypertension and coronary heart disease-may reverse some.

Regular exercise increases the amount and rate of blood that pumps through our heart to our body that improves circulation and helps our bodies function more efficiently. Exercise has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress, which can also have a positive effect on our heart and overall health.

cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is one of the best types of exercise that we can do to strengthen our heart and our lung capacity. There are many forms of exercise that increases your heart rate; Examples include walking / running, cycling, weight training and sport. Strength training and stretching are also important elements of a healthy exercise routine for the heart.

The key to reaping the benefits for heart health of the exercise is to make it a habit! Find an activity you enjoy and make it a priority in your life

The recommended amount of weekly exercise for better heart health is as follows :.

  • 150 minutes moderate intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, cycling at a moderate speed, water aerobics, and house hold activities like mopping or vacuuming. Otherwise, you can do 75 minutes of aerobic activity vigorous intensity such as jogging / running, swimming laps, tennis singles or play basketball.
  • On at least two days of the week incorporate strength training activities that target all the major muscle groups such as your chest, back, arms, legs, abdominals and shoulders. There are many forms of strength training, such as using weights, resistance bands, kettle bells and medicine balls to name a few. Building the skeletal muscle endurance and strength helps us in performing aerobic activity. It also contributes to the circulation of healthy blood through the body, allowing the transport of nutrients from the blood to be dispersed throughout the body.

If you are starting an exercise routine, remember to break the activity into manageable amounts so it does not seem so overwhelming. For example, take a walk or jog for 15 minutes, 2 times a day 5 days a week that will help you achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week.

Sources: World Health Organization, the CDC, the American Council on Exercise, the American Medical Association, NIH National Library of Medicine, American Psychological Association , HealthDay, Reuters Health information, American Heart Association, the Mayo Clinic, the American Academy of family physicians, American Diabetes Association, USA Today, MedicineNet, President's Council on physical fitness and sports, and Washington and GroveAdventistHospitals Shady . For more information, consult your doctor.

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