Summer Grilling

Summer Grilling -

Summer Grilling

We will enjoy the warm weather while we have it! Most often, when we think of summer grilling, we think burgers and hot dogs, but have you ever tried grilling your side dishes or desserts? Grilling can be an interesting and heart healthy way to prepare food during the summer months. Some fruits and summer vegetables include apricots, avocados, beets, peppers, blackberries, blueberries, carrots, grapes, mangoes, melons, and much more!

There are an abundance of seasonal products loaded in nutrients and low in calories that taste wonderful on the grill. For your side dishes, grilled bell peppers, eggplant, sweet corn, summer squash, tomatoes or zucchini. Once you are done with your main dish, complete the meal with grilled peaches, plums, nectarines, apples, pears, pineapples or for dessert. Try adding mint with grilled apples, vanilla or grilled peaches for even more flavor!

These grilled fruits and vegetables not only taste delicious but are composed of natural ingredients that benefit your body. Take a look below for tips on cooking your next dessert!

Did you know?

  • Diets high in plant foods are associated with a reduced risk of several cancers (American Institute for Cancer Research).
  • Colorful fruits and vegetables peeling can be a source of phytochemicals, which protect our cells against oxidation.
  • farmers markets offer a wide variety of seasonal produce and homemade goodies. Visit the farmers market near you!

Tips for grilling Fruit

  1. Choose fresh fruit business is a little less than perfectly ripe.
  2. Cut the fruit in half (you can keep the skin) and soak it in water so it stays moist on the grill.
  3. squeeze a lemon in water to preserve the color of the fruit. Feel free to experiment with different spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg.
  4. Grill fruit over medium heat on a baking rack or clean aluminum. A higher temperature works best for certain fruits such as cantaloupe

Sources :. The American Institute for Cancer Research, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, LifeWork strategies, Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For more information, consult your doctor. feel Please free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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