First cases of swine H1N1 - and mixed views on the human outbreak

First cases of swine H1N1 - and mixed views on the human outbreak -

The first pigs infected with the H1N1 flu sweeping the globe were found, but they are far Mexico, the supposed origin of the virus. There is also some optimism that the human epidemic of the virus is not as threatening as previously feared.

The strain of H1N1 that today has caused 898 human cases living in 18 countries has finally been isolated from pigs, Canadian officials announced yesterday. The virus has never been found in pigs to date. A farm in Alberta, Canada, became concerned about the sick pigs on 24 April, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has determined since the virus has infected 220 pigs from a herd of 2,0 animals. ( An exclusive transcript of a press conference last night with Canadian health officials is after the jump .) The agency suspects that a farm worker who returned to Canada from Mexico on April 12 and returned to work two days later infected pigs. Canadian researchers who have a genetic analysis of the virus in pigs found that it closely matches the H1N1 flu in humans.

This type of transmission of swine flu can be a first, says Christopher Olsen, a researcher of swine flu in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. "Honestly, I think a case where we have seen a movement virus from pigs to humans and back that way."

There is much concern that pigs infected with the H1N1 virus may be infected with a dangerous flu virus in poultry, such as the H5N1 virus that causes bird flu, leading to a very super dangerous bacteria . But Olsen said this is unlikely in large pig farms. "Most modern pig production facilities are unique species. The days of a small farmer with pigs and poultry and other animals all mixed together is really unusual in terms of modern commercial plague. My opinion is the modern hog facilities have improved biosecurity farms that once. "

Olsen also emphasizes that this finding is more a curiosity than a game changer." this is an interesting event of the scientific perspective but I do not think it changes the current priorities of public health at all. "

the discovery of Canada also dominated a press conference in Geneva this afternoon by the World health Organization (WHO). "It is no big surprise," said Peter Ben Embarek, a scientist from the safety of the WHO food. "We expected some point since this virus has the plague virus elements that we would find feasible virus in pigs in the area where the virus is circulating," said Embarek. Canada has quarantined the farm to prevent the spread.

Embarek stressed repeatedly that eating pork does not transmit the virus and that it presents a danger to pig farmers and slaughterhouses.

the worker agricultural recovered, Embarek said. "also for the animal population, it does not seem to be a very serious disease," he said.

WHO has not raised the threat level phase 5 to phase 6, which indicates that the H1N1 outbreak is a pandemic. for this, a country in a region outside the Americas should document the spread between humans sustained in a community.

the Mexican Health Minister José Ángel Córdova, said yesterday he believed the epidemic in the country stabilizes. Mexico has now confirmed 506 cases and 19 deaths. But at a press conference organized by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Anne Schuchat, interim deputy director for science and public health, warned people to keep bottles mouthfuls champagne. "I do not think we are out of the woods yet," said Schuchat. Much is still unknown about the spread or severity of the virus, she said, adding that they can not predict what he will do in the future. "We do not know if the virus will return in the fall and come back harder than it is now, and of course that is a major concern."

CDC is now reporting 226 confirmed cases and 30 US hospitalizations increased dramatically yesterday she said reflects that health officials are catching up with the backlog of samples rather than a increase in the spread of the disease or its severity. As part of this increase is because with CDC, many state laboratories can now perform confirmatory testing. "We know there are many probable cases out there," said Schuchat. "I think the numbers to jump a bit in the coming days."

Transcript News Conference - The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health - May 2, 09 - 18:00


DATE / DATE: Saturday, May 2, 09; 18:00 EST
PRINCIPAL (S) / KEY: The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of
Health Canada
Dr. David Butler-Jones, Chief Health public
Dr. Danielle Grondin, Assistant Deputy Minister Acting
Dr. Brian Evans, CFIA
Dr. Martine Dubuc, CFIA
M .. Tim Vail, director of communications for the Minister Aglukkaq

SUBJECT / TOPIC: Minister Aglukkaq holds a news conference /
teleconference regarding the H1N1 flu outbreak

Minister Aglukkaq: thank you, and thank you all for once again to
be here. First, 34 new cases of H1N1 virus have been confirmed today.
This brings the number of confirmed cases in Canada to 85. Thankfully all
case here in Canada remain soft.

It is important that Canadians understand that we take a
coordinated approach to deal with this epidemic Our government is working
with our partners to respond to the situation at home and the foreign.
I also informed the Prime Minister today, and it continues to follow the

Late yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Harper spoke with Mexican
President Calderon to discuss the H1N1 flu epidemic. President
Calderone expressed deep gratitude for the help of Canada
said was vital to Mexico's ability to respond to the situation.
They agreed that Canada and Mexico will continue to work closely
to mitigate the epidemic. Canada continues to provide support in Mexico
including testing at the National Microbiology Laboratory and sending two
additional scientists from the Agency of Public Health in Mexico.

As the number of confirmed cases continues to grow, it is more important
than ever that we have a clear and coordinated approach to our
communication. As we saw last week, Canada is well positioned
to deal with this epidemic. We have a national plan and we

I want to thank everyone here today to help share the messages
on prevention of infection, hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes with the
your arms are simple and effective steps we can all take.

Thank you and I will now turn to Dr. David Butler-Jones
Chief Public Health.

Dr. Butler-Jones: Thank you, Madam Minister, and thank you to all
We give to your attention the

We continue to see mild cases and full recovery in Canada but our
vigilance and effort. continue and our increased surveillance
will lead to cases increasingly confirmed. This is expected and we are
ready to deal with it.

Part of our increased surveillance efforts include the sale of the two
prescription and outside the duration of the flu medication. More than 3,000 pharmacies
across Canada help this effort. As we mentioned earlier,
followed the first 100 cases of this virus, looking at who it affects and
how is critical to our understanding of the virus H1N1 and
development process 'a vaccine. Under the direction of Dr. Frank Plummer,
researcher at the National Microbiology Laboratory have begun full genome
sequencing of the H1N1 flu. Laboratory Scientists
National Microbiology undertaken on the complete decoding of the genome. This
Research is very important. Many people wonder why the virus seems
be much more severe in Mexico, while in Canada and in other parts of
world, we continue to see mild cases. Genome sequencing of specimens
Canada and Mexico will help us understand whether the virus has mutated
which may help explain the increased severity of cases

Canada also sent a total now of 7 epidemiologists and laboratory scientists
in Mexico to assist in their investigation of the current disease. Some will be
help with things like lab tests while others will say, rural
Mexico to help do some detective work of the illness, as the tracking of patients
stories to know where, when and how they were exposed. They are also
in collaboration with the Mexican Ministry of Health to help their
the international public health efforts.

As mentioned Minister, information about confirmed cases in Canada
be updated on a daily basis to 4 hours late hour, and you
can visit the Public Health Agency Site Canada for more information.

Now, in Canada, we have 34 new cases today virus H1N1, 7
BC, seven in Alberta, two in Ontario, one in Quebec and 17 in New
Scotia. This brings the number of confirmed cases in Canada to 85.

Now while the risk to most Canadians remains low, we all need to practice
flu prevention basic techniques always.

I would now like to turn to my colleague, Dr. Danielle Grondin.
Dr. Grondin: Thank you. Today in fact, I'll take only
few minutes, you pay Update on the situation in Canada.
Thirty Four new CAS virus infection of H1N1 Were
confirmed in Canada Today: 7 in British Columbia, Alberta 7, 2
in Ontario, one in Quebec and 17 in New Scotland . This brings to 85 the
CAS number confirmed in Canada. This information, ie the
CAS number confirmed in Canada sera aussi Each day on the website
Agency of Canada Public Health to 14:00 hours of advanced
east .

And now I Would like to give the floor to our colleague Dr Evans.

Dr. Evans: Thank you Danielle, thank you David, thank you Minister. My
name is Brian Evans. I am the Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada.

As regulator Animal Health Canada inspection of Canada's food
Agency played a supporting role to the Public Health Agency of
terms of technical expertise and collaboration throughout the H1N1
problem of influenza. In addition, since April 24, we have worked closely
with provinces, territories, the swine sector and private veterinarians in
to improve awareness and monitoring of swine herds for all
change of state of health or disease.

With this very oversight, and close collaboration with
CFIA public health authorities were informed of a situation involving
Canadian who recently returned from Mexico on April 12 and undertook to do so
work on a pig farm in Alberta on April 14. This person has been exposed
like symptoms after their return, and may be exposed to pigs
farm to a virus flu. I can tell you that the traveler
recovered. I'll let my colleagues in the public health approach that also
element of the situation.

Regarding swine, flu signs was increased as the disease
after the contractor had been on the farm, but these animals are as well
on the way healing. Samples from the pigs are being analyzed in our
from the Winnipeg shared. We determined that the H1N1 flu virus
A found in these pigs is the virus that is followed in the
human population. Further analysis is under way to provide more insight and
contribute to research efforts.

Seeing flu infection in pigs is very common, and the transfer of
influenza virus in humans to pigs is known to occur. Pigs are known to
be susceptible to influenza virus in humans, other pigs, and from
birds. Fortunately, the infected pigs recover almost alway on their own within
one week. Whatever virus these pigs were exposed to behave
this exact manner as those we regularly see circulating in North America
and in swine herds in virtually every country around the world . Normally,
find flu in pigs would not generate specific response
CFIA, but obviously, the situation is somewhat different, and our
response aligns accordingly. The herd has been quarantined and
we work with our colleagues in public health to determine the most
next appropriate steps to ensure public health and animal health
remain paramount and protected . The chance that these pigs could transfer
a virus to a distant person, however, we follow a
measured approach appropriately.

I want to be clear now that there is no food safety issue related
this conclusion. pork consumption is not considered as a way of
transmission to humans. The World Health Organization and other
authorities all agree on this point. These animals are not at risk of food safety
. The CFIA is working closely with officials of Public Health
investigate all other situations where people with flu-like illness can
had contact with pigs.

In addition, it is important to note that the pigs in Canada are tested and
monitored for flu viruses on an ongoing basis throughout the country.
Unfortunately, we have already seen some trading partners implement
trade restrictions based on the detection of the virus H1N1 in
humans. We do not believe these restrictions are justified. This is not
just our view, but that of the international scientific reference organizations
to human health, the World Health Organization, and animal health,
World Health Organization health for animal health.

key here is that the flu virus does not affect the safety of pork,
Therefore, we ask the international community to ensure that
they base their decisions on facts not fears. This is not to time to
international community to prioritize which serve to confuse
rather than informing the pubis. On this issue, I am pleased to announce that
Minister Gerry Ritz has held talks with his counterpart, Secretary
Vilsack in the US and was assured that in no case
changes the commercial relationship between our countries.

I want to thank you for the opportunity to share this information with
public and we will continue to keep Canadians informed as we move forward.

Thank you and I would like to introduce my colleague, Dr. Martine Dubuc.

Dr. Dubuc: Madam Minister, distinguished journalists, the Agency
Canadian Food Inspection importance Regulatory Authority
for Animal Health collaborates with the Health Agency public due on
pay Canada Provide scientific and technical support in terms of
H1N1 influenza. SINCE April 24, the Canadian Agency a
son ​​enhanced level of supervision and work Facon Very Narrow WITH
provinces, territories, the swine industry, and doctors
veterinarians in private practice Improving monitoring of sO in
pig herds but also in the entire animal population
in Canada.

During this period monitoring Close collaboration Led
with public health authorities, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
aliments Was Informed That a Canadian income Mexico April 12 a
Worked on a pig farm in Alberta. The individual Having
Séjourné Mexico recently was presenting the symptoms similar to those of
flu. Consequent by the pigs from the farm this
Could DonC Having Summer exposed the influenza A H1N1. This
Self had similar symptoms to those of the flu, but
CURRENTLY is restored and our colleagues in public health
explain this aspect advantage of the situation.

As for the pig farm, after the visit of the EC
worker on the farm, THEY Have Symptoms Start Presenter
Respiratory similar to those of flu, Swine corn offices are also
Today in Restoring way. In the case of the son of investigation
the Canadian Food Inspection Agency took samples at
From pigs and analysis Was done in our laboratory
Winnipeg. Until now, analysis Have detected the virus of
influenza A H1N1. However, laboratory tests Performs Other pay
a successor ITS Improving Knowledge and Understanding the nature of this
new virus. It Is not abnormal e exceptional detect the virus
influenza A swine. Sometimes it happens même que le virus Let
Human transferred to pigs. CAN aussi Entrepreneur of The
virus influenza A car ILS sont également Vulnerables This virus Who
Being somewhat transmission Humans, the nominal pigs, the goal aussi

The pigs infected recover infected Almost Always Sami them to
about a week. Who Made The virus has infected the herd CURRENTLY
in question Features Way Similar to Other influenza A
who circulate regularly in North America. Normally, usually
the Agency Takes Special Measures when no NOTES CAS
Influenza A IN pig breedings. However, the current situation
is of course well Different, and that's why CURRENTLY, the herd
Was held in quarantine.

We continuously with our colleagues working in the public health
to define the appropriate measures to take pay protect health
public and animal health. Risks That office transmettes the pigs
virus to people CURRENTLY are very low. Nevertheless, we
and continue follow in June prudent and appropriate approach.

I wants Clearly specify aussi What this situation poses no danger
For Food Safety. Pork consumption Is not
considered as a transmission path of the virus. The World Organization
health and other officials are unanimous on this fact. Once
liver, animals offices do not constitute the UN daring For the Safety of

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is working with étroitement
the public health officials pour on to investigate other
OÜ situations manifesting Similar to Those people Symptoms of
flu could Have Been in contact with pigs.

It is important to Rated What pigs in Canada are also
testicles regularly and undergo tests for screening
influenza across Canada. Unfortunately PRESENT SOME of
Our Business Partners Have Already Impose restrictions [1945005Commerciales] Linked to the influenza virus A H1N1. We believe NE Que No restrictions CES
Let JUSTIFIED. This is seen no par SHARING Color of organisms
International scientific reference in the field of Autant
What human health animal health. The point to remember is That virus
influenza have no impact on the safety of pork, and
THEREFORE, We ask our Business Partners Founded Their
decision on facts and not the fear.

Today the Minister Ritz speaks to US Secretary of
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack paid informant our American neighbor of
situation. He made what Canadian hog producers
Have to continue access to the US market.

I thank you for We Have Given Today This opportunity
of you offices with shared information with the public, and we
continue to Keep Canadians across New Facts on this

M .. Vail: Now we are ready for your questions. Please limit your
issues to and follow. If YOU ask the questions just
two, please

. Question: Brian with CFRB, Toronto, CJD, Montreal. You said to
days that eating pork is not a problem. You said today that
transmission from pigs to humans is not a problem, but we must realize that
this will scare people, the panic out a little when they hear that
pigs were obtained from humans, although it may be seem normal to you, the
average person, they may not know. So how do you reassure them today
that although it will not happen the other way, either to a greater concern?

Dr. Butler-Jones: Certainly, two things I guess on one hand
as has been said, we see from time to time, which is something
people would not know that, in fact, human viruses can spread to pork. We
only see from time to time. From time to time we see pig viruses in
humans, but again maybe once a year in Canada. So it is not a common event,
but it produces. And so we expect to see in fact that to a
point in the whole process with a new human virus.

In the situation so comforting, one of the reasons to play
this is very closely because of the potential transmission of virus return
from pigs to humans. And that something we should be very careful
about. This is part of why the farm is quarantined, that's why
there is a close collaboration between public health and CFIA. The point
being however, we do not see this virus across Canada in
pigs. We do not see this as a risk of passage and certainly in terms of
Eating pork that is not a problem. And if you have eaten before, there
absolutely no reason not to eat today.

Dr. Evans: Thank you David and we appreciate the question and I
add to it again, just to stress again that we live in a reality of health, one world
. Bacteria, viruses, pathogens, they are not too selective
any species if they can find a way to multiply. And as David said
This finding is not in itself an outstanding or unusual event, even
specific to this particular circumstance virus. I think it's also
important for people to keep in mind the fact that most of what we are
case here is a rather unique circumstance having had exposure
directly in Mexico with pork heard. And we can assure you that all
Board in Canada since April 24, farmers across the country are
safety guidelines bio reapplication. There has been much publicity
around issues of people how they should go to the farms, how they stand
farms being distributed by veterinary practitioners and with
producers by industry . A lot of information out there, how
producers out there can ensure that their premises are actually good
set further exposure.

As shown in this farm is a vertical
integrated farm, he piglet that move in this farm, there is no
sales outside this farm to other farms in Canada. There are no shopping
on this farm any other farm in Canada. Again, we believe the
containment is up, we are dealing with a very unique event. In
all fairness, I want to give all the credit to the veterinary profession and
in the province of Alberta for what I think was exceptional beginning
detective work, early detection and early reporting we all
collectively agree that the way we manage on a basis before go

issue :. with respect, you said there is a concern that you want
monitor the potential for this to go back. Is it a concern
once it passes from human to pigs back then it mutates and becomes
more difficult for you to track and deal with it. You have two different
strains there in the human population?

Dr. Butler-Jones: So far basically what we see in the pig
from the same strain as we see in humans. The problem is that if
circulating in a pig herd that other humans could come to the farm
be exposed and be at risk, then we want to protect against that.

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