Hundreds Turn Out for Pro-Rally Animal- Research at UCLA

Hundreds Turn Out for Pro-Rally Animal- Research at UCLA -

Pro-test rally organizers today at the University of California, Los Angeles, say he succeeded beyond their hopes. Hundreds of people, including many students and postdocs, came to show their support for biomedical research. American scientists who use animals in their research were attacked by extremist animal rights in recent years, and UCLA was the epicenter. Many scientists have been reluctant to speak in defense of their work for fear of provoking further harassment. But now that has changed.

"I'm amazed," said UCLA neuroscientist David Jentsch participation rate (campus police put the crowd at about 700). Jentsch organized the rally after waking one night last month to find his car in flames. The activists animal rights later claimed responsibility. Jentsch modeled today's rally on events at Oxford University who helped turn the tide of public opinion against the extremist animal rights who opposed the construction of a research laboratory over there. Despite the time and effort he removed his research and e-mail hatred he endured, Jentsch said the rally was worth it. "I think putting our faces on what we do humanizes the effort and makes it more difficult to write obscene things in the middle of the night and brutalize the people."

Pro testers gathered on the edge of the UCLA campus as against a protest by animal rights groups was winding down in the street. The anti-vivisection rally, part of the world's annual Week for animals in laboratories, attracted less people-tens and sometimes there seemed to be almost as many journalists as protesters. The media, including CNN and several local television stations, had turned perhaps hoping to see a confrontation. There was not one. The visible police presence may have helped, but everyone on both sides seemed to be on their best behavior.

Well, more or less.

A man in a gorilla suit and dark glasses carried a sign that read: ".. Bring it on f ** kers End the animal holocaust" He declined to give his name, but described the animal research as "stupid and cruel" A young woman standing with her a little developed ". What they found in monkeys that they have to be tested on people of all way, "she said." It's useless. "

others had more nuanced views. Third year UCLA law student Jill Ryther, member of the animal law Society campus, explained that his group opposes animal research on the grounds that it is cruel, costly to taxpayers, and potentially harmful to human health. She cited the drug Vioxx as an example of a therapy that has shown benefits in tests on animals, but ended up being blamed for many deaths in humans. at the same time, Ryther said she does not advocate firebombings and other illegal attacks against researchers. These tactics "give animals rights activists of bad name, "she said.

when the anti-vivisection protesters marched outside to hear several speakers sympathetic to their cause, a larger crowd had gathered in the street. Many had brought home-made signs. A reading: "Animal research is pro human life is not terrorism" UCLA neurobiologist Shlomo Dellal wearing his lab coat in the hot sun... "That's what I am," he said when he asked why. "I do not want to hide it." Dellal said he came to the rally to defend their colleagues who have been victims of threats and harassment.

In the crowd I spotted UCLA neuroscientist Dario Ringach who announced in 06 that he would give up his research on animals if activists would stop harassing him and his family. "I came because I do not think people should have to face a choice between security of their families and their research, "he said later. "I came to defend academic research and academic freedom."

As the group walked to the quad of science, Tom Holder, the energetic young British activist who played an active role in the Pro-Test movement at Oxford University, ran alongside do his best to get the songs started. Lynn Fairbanks, the first researcher attacked in the recent spate of incidents at UCLA, was among the first speakers. she said she was not speaking as a scientist, but as the mother of a son who had juvenile diabetes. "animal research saved the life of my son," she said. "It is not true when they say it does not work."

Other speakers briefly discussed additional arguments commonly made by animal rights activists that animal research is unnecessarily cruel, it is not regulated, it reveals nothing that could not be learned tissue culture experiments, computer modeling, and other methods. The lack of public understanding of these issues has been exploited by extremist animal rights, said John Young, director of comparative medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and chairman of the board of the group pro- research Americans for Medical Progress. He urged scientists to take pride in what they do and help educate the public. "The public wants to hear our story," he said.

After Young spoke, Holder, who had acted as MC, finally managed to get a fairly consistent singing go. "No more threats, no more fear, animal research wanted here. "Maybe it was a little hokey, but at least the scientists seemed to speak with one voice, and loudly.

UCLA video Holder, and some of the others here:

You can see our coverage Twitter rally here

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