Medical Monday: advanced heart failure

18:49 Add Comment
Medical Monday: advanced heart failure -

Heart failure occurs when your heart doesn work, AOT as well as it should, and enough blood pump can, for August meet your body's needs, OSA. While this sounds scary, and certainly can be, the heart failure doesn, AOT means that your heart has stopped and there, AOS nothing you can do about it.

Millions of people live with heart failure in the United States, and there are many options for treatment. Here, you, Äôll learn more about:

  • basic heart failure, its causes, symptoms and risk factors
  • The difference between the right and the left heart failure
  • treatment options for heart failure
  • what is healthy lifestyle changes can help manage heart failure
  • d ventricular assist devices, or VADs, and what to expect from the surgery VAD

  • medicalmonday

    Infographic: Qu 'do you need to know about heart failure

    more than 5 million people in the US living with heart failure, making it the most common reason older adults go to 'hospital. Read on to discover the types, causes, symptoms of heart common chronic disease. See
  • Businessman Grabbing Chest

    How different heart failure between the left and right sides?

    all heart failure is not the same. When your heart weakens and isn, AOT able to keep the blood flowing through your body, what is called heart failure, which can occur either on the left or right side. Read on to discover the difference between heart failure on the right and the left. See
  • heart drawing

    Discover the best treatment of heart failure for you

    Heart failure is a chronic disease that may lead to symptoms such as swelling, shortness of breath and fatigue. treatment approaches vary depending on the cause, type and severity of the condition, but generally it focuses on three main objectives: recovery, repair or replacement. Read on to find treatment options for heart failure. See
  • Couple Running in Woods

    heart failure management with healthy lifestyle

    Heart failure is a chronic, what happens when your heart fails to pump enough blood through your body. Read on to discover the lifestyle changes such as following a nutritious diet, which can help your heart work properly and avoid complications in the future. See
  • man looking into the distance

    What is a ventricular assist device (VAD)?

    Depending on the severity of your heart failure, treatment options can vary greatly. One such option is a ventricular assist device (VAD). This device works by drawing blood from your heart and pumping through your body, which is why it is also called, Äúartificial heart. At Read on to find out if a DAV is the right option for your heart treatment of insufficient. See

A World Without Dialysis?

15:46 Add Comment
A World Without Dialysis? -

healthy glow.
The renal cells in mice with Alport syndrome with light marker of bone marrow transplantation (green); GBM is displayed in red.

Raghu Kalluri

Kidney disease can condemn patients to dialysis for life with a transplant the only chance for relief. Researchers have now shown that stem cells from bone marrow could one day provide a better alternative. Mice receiving a bone marrow transplant containing these cells experienced a dramatic reduction of symptoms associated with Alport syndrome -. A genetic disease in which the kidneys filter system breaks down

The kidneys filter waste from the blood with a dense network of capillaries called the glomerulus. High blood pressure in this region of the forces of undesirable molecules through the basal glomerular sievelike membrane (GBM) and its associated cells. The waste flows in the renal tubule, from which it is eventually excreted in the urine, while the purified blood returns to the veins.

But in Alport syndrome, this filter often fails. Patients have a mutation in the genes that code for its main component - a wiry, a fibrous protein called collagen type IV. suitable pore formation does not occur, so that the proteins and leakage of blood in urine. And because the cells that help the filter will interact with the WBG correctly, the products are not all waste is removed from the blood.

Harvard biologist Raghu Kalluri and his colleagues wondered if help could come from bone marrow stem cells, which have been shown to grow into other body tissues ( science NOW, November 19, 03). The team gave mice with a mutation of type IV collagen gene, a bone marrow transplant, where all cells, including stem cells were labeled with a fluorescent marker. Thirteen weeks later, 10% of cells in unhealthy kidneys shone, including podocytes (which are thought to produce collagen type IV) and the mesangial cells (which support the structure of the GBM).

Kalluri is uncertain whether this means that the cells of the bone marrow had actually become podocytes mesangial cells or new, or whether the new cells were fused with the old or transferred their nuclei. Either way, the effect was dramatic given the low percentage of glowing cells :. Mice infused with stem cells from bone marrow had 70% to 80% less protein in the urine and 86% less toxic urea in their blood than controls

"it is encouraging because it means you do not need to convert large numbers of kidney cells to see an improvement, "said Kalluri, whose team publishes its findings online this week in Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences . How the stem cells reach their destination remains a mystery. the team believed that cells in damaged kidneys attract stem cells with a chemical lure that are not present in healthy kidneys.

researchers still need to nail down exactly how the new therapy works, said Richard Poulsom histopathologist of Cancer research in London research Institute in the UK, in order to avoid side effects. If the transplanted cells exchange genetic material with the original cells, for example, essential genes may be closed or those potentially harmful could be activated.

Related Sites

  • More information about kidney disease and kidney
  • Alport syndrome

Avoid gaining weight during the holiday season

21:40 Add Comment
Avoid gaining weight during the holiday season -

avoid gaining weight during the holidays

Research suggests that Americans earn an average of 2 to 5 pounds during the winter. This contributes to an average net weight gain of a person about a pound each year after efforts to lose weight. A book may not seem like much, but year after year this weight gain accumulates, and can have a negative impact on your health.

One pound equals 3500 calories. In terms of holidays, which is an additional dessert 2 or 3 times a week this month! This is easy to do, especially given the frequency of parties this month. In addition, your resilience to make healthy choices can be challenged because of the seasonal stress.

You can do it! You can face the challenges of nutrition holiday, and celebrate healthy. Having a plan is the key to taking care of yourself and managing your weight during the calorie season loaded

Here are some tips to help you maintain, and not to take, during the holiday season: .

  • Drink plenty of water. Water has no calories compared to the popular holiday drinks such as Eggnog, which can have 340 calories per cup! Water has many other valuable benefits, including keeping your skin hydrated during the cold winter months.
  • Eat regular meals. Do not skip meals to "bank" calories in sugary, less nutritious foods and beverages.
  • Eat slowly. Often, people eat so fast that their stomachs do not have enough time to register what they are full. Savor each bite, savor the taste of food and chances are you will eat what your body needs.
  • KEEP MOVING! Being active helps you manage your weight and stress. After a meal, a walk with your family to see holiday displays in your neighborhood or dance all night to burn about 350 calories per hour.
  • Keep holiday treats such as candy and cookies out of sight. If these high calorie foods are easily accessible on kitchen counters, end tables and desks, they become harder to resist.

While you are setting goals for the season, it might be useful to also establish goals for a particular event you may feel worried attend. Having a party plan put you in control

Some tips for parties include :.

  • Have something to eat before heading to the event so you do not swallow your way through the dessert table. A cup of soup can be very filling, and acts as a means of deterrence perfect sound for over indulging.
  • Bring a nutritious dish to a party to be sure it is a healthy option available to you.
  • Give yourself permission to perform on vegetables, healthy proteins and fats. Avoid appetizers, starchy cheese. If your favorite vacation is the high-calorie kind, enjoy it, but keep the party in moderation.
  • Make your calories count. Skip the current party foods like crackers, chips, cheese and dips. Enjoy something special like pumpkin pie. If you drink alcohol, reduce calories by alternating alcoholic soft drinks and low calorie.
  • Try to hold your party conversations away from food. Avoid a conversation chip bowl and mingle

Most importantly, enjoy the holidays, enjoy family and friends, and have fun without the extra calories

Sources :! National Institute of Health, nutrition Counsel, American Heart Association, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals.

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Blood clots and Travel: Staying healthy

17:48 Add Comment
Blood clots and Travel: Staying healthy -

When you take a long trip, you want to get up and stretch your legs, right? In addition to keeping you from feeling stiff and sore, this simple gesture can also reduce your risk of having a blood clot, a potentially dangerous health issue.

Blood clots and travel can be linked, especially if you have certain risk factors. By learning some basic facts and tips, you can ensure you stay healthy and keep your risk low blood clots.

What is a Blood Clot?

Blood clots usually form when you injure a blood vessel, such as a cut or bruise. To prevent you from losing too much blood, bits of cells called platelets stick together to form a clot. Once you've cured your blood clot usually dissolves on its own.

Coagulation helps your body heal itself, but certain medical conditions, behaviors and situations can cause dangerous blood clots to form. This can be life threatening if a clot travels and blocks blood flow to the brain, heart or lungs.

Travel and Blood Clot Risks

Travel four hours or more, Äî if they Aore by plane, boat, train, bus, or car, Äî can increase your risk of having a blood clot. While you are sitting, the blood flow in the legs slows down, making it more likely to form a blood clot.

That you, Aore flying halfway around the world or driving across the state, it, AOS a good idea to get up and move around during your trip. Overall, most people have a lower risk of forming a blood clot travel, but some factors can increase your risk. These include:

  • 65 or more
  • obesity
  • Recent surgery or injury
  • The use of control pills birth or estrogen
  • Pregnancy
  • a personal or family history of blood clots
  • the treatment of cancer or cancer

Stay healthy

You can do simple things to keep your blood flowing and your low risk. On your next trip:

  • Get up and move around at least every two hours; if you Aore driving, stop for a few minutes out of the car, and walk
  • Stay hydrated the day before your trip and during the trip
  • Drink lots of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing
  • Avoid crossing
  • legs

exercises to keep your blood flowing

  • Toe raise: keep your heels on the floor and raise your toes on the floor
  • heel raise: keeping your toes on the floor and raise your heels on the floor
  • ankle flex: move your legs straight in front of you, bend your ankles, pointing your toes toward you
  • knee to the chest: bring your knee to your chest and hold for 15 seconds and repeat with your other knee

it, AOS important to manage your health and minimize the risk of blood clots. This can help you avoid many health problems down the line.

Have you had your blood cholesterol and checked recently? Make an appointment with Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC to get tested today.

Better Tanning Through Chemistry

14:45 Add Comment
Better Tanning Through Chemistry -

mice with chemically induced tans are sandwiched between their more pale brothers

:. Orazio et al. Nature 443 340 (21 September 06)

Redheads rejoice! Scientists have found a way to chemically stimulate the tanning process without exposure to sunlight. The approach not only offers the elusive bronze wan tan, but also could one day reduce the risk of melanoma -. A cancer that kills 6,000 people mostly light-skinned per year in the US

The dominant theory of how bronze skin postulates that damage to ultraviolet (UV) light of the DNA of cells called melanocytes, which causes a pigment darkening overproduction of melanin. But a report in tomorrow's issue of Nature reveals that UV light is the night keratinocytes, the most abundant cell type in the skin. Once damaged, the cells release melanocytes stimulating hormone (MSH), a compound that binds to a receptor on melanocytes known as MC1R, which in turn stimulates the production of melanin and blackens the skin.

The discovery explains why many people with fair skin and red hair can not tan, says lead author of the study David Fisher, a medical oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston and the Boston children's Hospital. According to a 1995 study, these people tend to have a mutation in their MC1R gene that prevents MSH from binding to the receptor and signaling release melanin.

To see if there is any hope for tanless, Fisher's team applied a topical cream in mice genetically engineered to have clear skin and a dysfunctional MC1R receptor. The cream contains a chemical plant derivative called forskolin, which bypasses the receiver, either directly activating a series of reactions normally stimulated by MC1R. In a few weeks, mice with fair skin turns dark brown. Tests revealed that the melanin in the darkened mice was chemically identical to the melanin produced in normal mice. In addition, the newly tanned rodents gained benefits typically granted to people with dark skin: When repeatedly exposed to UV light, they were much less likely to develop skin cancer than are mice that received no forskolin

But do. t rush and start to mess with the plant extract. Forskolin probably has too many side effects for human use, Fisher said. However, he notes, many currently available drugs stimulate the same pathways as forskolin, including certain prescribed for asthma. "We still do not know if [these results] hold in humans but there is sufficient circumstantial evidence to suggest that this would be the case," said Meenhard Herlyn, a biologist of the tumor at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . Working with human skin has already begun, said Fisher, who hopes to report preliminary findings in about a year.

Related site

  • Learn more about skin cancer from the American Cancer Society

3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this Holiday Season

20:39 Add Comment
3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this Holiday Season -

3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this holiday season

Combine temptation book treats, mix in the stress that comes from finding the perfect gifts and mix in more cooling temperatures. What do you get? A risky recipe when it comes to your heart health. We have prepared a healthier roadmap to guide you this winter and help reduce your risk of heart disease.

1) Identify your risk

sites of the American Heart Association the following uncontrollable risk factors:

  • increasing age :. people 65 and older account for 85 percent of those who die of coronary heart disease
  • Sex: men have a higher risk of having a heart attack and heart attacks earlier in life than women
  • heredity :. African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans have a higher risk of heart disease compared to Caucasians. family history of heart disease may also put you at a higher risk.

2) Take Action

Dr. Geetha Pinto, cardiologist at Washington Adventist and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital identifies risk factors following controllable that you can change according to changes in your lifestyle

  • blood pressure and cholesterol. Work with your doctor to manage high blood pressure and cholesterol
  • diet and exercise :. Choose a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, vegetables and fruit. Participate in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week
  • Tobacco :. By avoiding cigarettes and second hand smoke, you can reduce your risk of heart disease in half.
  • depression :. If you are depressed, seek treatment with medication and tips to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease

3) Get Heart Smart in 2013

Join us on January 9 at the Washington Adventist hospital heart Smart: A FREE heart healthy cooking and event detection [pourcommencervotrenouvelleannéedubonpied. Gain expert advice on how a healthy diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease and learn how to make the heart healthy dishes. Join today to!

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The importance of check-ups and Heart Screenings for men

16:47 Add Comment
The importance of check-ups and Heart Screenings for men -

Men can take many steps to be heart-healthy, but many give a very important habit to have a balance regular health with a doctor. Think you're too busy? Think about this: heart disease kills one in four men in the United States, and many men do not know they are at risk

Early treatment can save your life, and regular checks you give. the chance to talk to your doctor about your risks, habits, how to make choices and heart health

Basics Cardiovascular

All men must take - . and takes - heart-healthy habits to reduce their risk of heart disease and serious medical problems. These include:

  • A healthy diet for the heart
  • smoke Get regular exercise
  • Finding ways to cope with stress
  • Stop, or not starting in the first place
  • Have a checkup with your doctor every year, and keeping up with health screenings you get older

Qu ' is a heart screening?

screening is a test that gives you basic facts about your health. The projections can take place in the office of your doctor, and many communities have free screenings at health fairs and other events.

What kind of screening do I need?

It is always best to talk to your doctor whose projections you need. Most men need basic tests to check blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood every few years

You may need tests more often if you have :.

  • A family history of heart disease
  • medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or obesity
  • Habits that increase your risk, such as smoking

in your 20s & 30s

Get a checkup every year for your overall health. Talk to your doctor about your family history, your lifestyle, and your risk of heart and vascular disease

Your projections should include :.

  • body mass index (BMI): from 20, get checked every year
  • blood pressure: from 20 years, having checked every two years
  • cholesterol level: from 20 years, is checked every six years

in your 40s and 50s

Even if you are busy with work, family, and community activities, it is important to keep this annual checkup with your doctor. If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or other condition, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Even if you do not have symptoms or begin to feel better, stay on your medications and stick with the diet and activity by your doctor gives you.

In addition to BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol, your projections should include:

  • blood glucose level: from 45, having checked every three years

in your 60s and beyond

As you age, your risk becomes higher. At your annual checkup, talk to your doctor about how to keep your low risks and symptoms of heart and vascular disease. Chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms may be signs of problems.

Based on your history and risk, you may need exams more often. You might also need to projections

  • abdominal aortic aneurysm: especially if you smoke, get checked from 65
  • disease of the carotid artery (CAD): to check your risk of blocked arteries or narrowed in your neck that bring blood to the brain, which can cause strokes
  • peripheral arterial disease (PAD) to check your risk arteries blocked or narrowed in your legs and pelvis, which can cause symptoms such as pain and difficulty walking and can lead to limb loss

by having your checkup annual, you can stay in touch with your doctor about your cardiac and vascular health. Free heart screenings are also offered in many communities, so visit the UPMC Institute of Cardiology and vascular or call 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484) to learn more about upcoming events in your area.

To find a UPMC primary care physician near you, call 1-800-533-UPMC, or request an appointment online .

A Gene Fix for Parkinson's?

13:44 Add Comment
A Gene Fix for Parkinson's? -

Encouraging signs are emerging of the first gene therapy trial for Parkinson's disease, researchers report in the June issue 23 Lancet . Although their study was only designed to test the safety of a gene in the brain cast of 12 patients, the researchers found that the patients have improved slightly on a scale for measuring engine capacity.

Parkinson's disease affecting 1.5 million Americans, occurs when the brain loses neurons dopamine. This loss disrupts the balance of neurotransmitters that control movement, resulting in tremors, stiffness, poor balance, and other problems. Patients can take a called levodopa, which is converted in the brain to dopamine, but it causes side effects and often stop working over the long term.

Alternatively, a team led by Michael Kaplitt and Matthew During of the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York want to add a gene called glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) to cells in the subthalamic nucleus, is hyperactive in Parkinson's patients. The gene encodes the enzyme that makes gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter which inhibits the firing of neurons. Their idea is that if they can get the crank GABA cells, it will calm activity in the subthalamic nucleus and other parts of the brain. It was five years ago, the group reported in Science This strategy seemed to work in rats with Parkinson-like disease.

Now these researchers tested their idea in 11 men and one woman with advanced Parkinson's disease. Working with others in New York, New Zealand and Neurologix, a company in Fort Lee, New Jersey, and during that Kaplitt founded the first team harnessed the GAD gene in a harmless virus, called adeno-associated virus (AAV), for transporting the gene in cells. They then infused a solution containing the viral vector through a catheter in the subthalamic nucleus of the 12 patients, who took about 1.5 hours. As a precaution, patients were given the drug in one side of the brain.

The researchers saw no side effects related to treatment reassuring news because AAV caused immune reactions in other gene therapy trials. And 3 months after treatment, patients began to improve a test of motor function called Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS Unified). 12 patients showed an average improvement of 25% in the UPDRS after 1 year, with five improvement from 40% to 65%. Gains were mainly on the side of the body opposite to the side of the brain that has been processed. Brain imaging of metabolic activity also showed changes only on the treated side.

Although the improvement was "modest," said Durant, it is "highly encouraging from our point of view." The majority of patients are still doing better until 4 years after treatment, said Durant, now at Ohio State University in Columbus.

"These data are very promising," says Martha Bohn, a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago. Bohn said the placebo effect are "notoriously high" in Parkinson's studies, but the fact that patients have improved mainly on the treated side suggests that the inserted gene was the reason. But Ole Isacson of Harvard is skeptical, noting that there have been no published studies show that the therapy works in non-human primates. The improved motor function could result from an effect "drive" that patients have improved in tests over time, he suggested.

In the group plans to launch a larger trial later this year. Two other companies are also conducting trials Parkinson's disease gene therapy using different genes.

Related Sites

  • Learn more about Parkinson's disease
  • More gene therapy about

Home Safety In winter

19:38 Add Comment
Home Safety In winter -

Home Security During the winter

Winter often means more time inside, bringing with loved ones for family dinners, gift exchange and storytelling. It is important to keep your home safe for parents and friends of all ages, especially children and the elderly who are at higher risk of injury. Check out these home safety tips to help you make a safe winter

Home Safety Tips for the children of the American Pediatric Academy:

  • Close bathrooms when they are not used.
  • Preventing injuries or burns faucets by covering the spout, blocking the reach of children in mouth, and teach children not to touch the spout.
  • Keep the temperature on your hot water heater set below 0 ° F. Or, install an anti-scald valve to prevent water to go above 0 ° F
  • Keep harmful elements such as shaving razors, hairdryer, radio and curling irons out of reach.
  • Store cleaning supplies and medicines in a safe place like a locked cabinet

Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors Adventist Home Care services :.

  • Adjust the height of your guest bed so it's easy to get in and out.
  • have a night light to reach bed that is easy to turn on.
  • Use night lights throughout your home especially in hallways and bathrooms.
  • Remove tripping hazards in your home such as loose rugs lay, cowardly son or cords where people can walk or uneven ground in the doors.
  • Place a mat skating show in the bathtub or shower.

If you have a fall or an accident resulting in an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. The Department Adventist Hospital Shady Grove Emergency, emergency center Shady Grove Adventist Germantown, Adventist and emergency department of Washington are equipped with 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet the urgent needs of our community .

Are you or someone in need of health care services like home? Adventist Home Care Services is there to help you. Adventist Home Care Services was to serve the community for over 40 years, providing personal care to qualified help from a nurse or a therapist. Our Adventist Home Health division is the only home health agency in the Suburban Maryland area and one of only two Maryland state agencies to be appointed to top 500 2012 HomeCare Elite.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-610-2447

Sources :. Home Security Council, the American Association of Retired, Ready America, and Washington and Shady GroveAdventistHospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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15:46 Add Comment
Neurosurgery -

UPMC is ranked among the best hospitals in the country for neurosurgical care by US News & World Report. Additionally, UPMC is one of the few medical centers in the United States - and the world - with expertise in the full range of surgical options for the brain and spine conditions. Our world-renowned experts are committed to finding the best treatment approach for each patient, which maximizes the benefits of surgery while minimizing risks.

From Flu to Superflu

12:43 Add Comment
From Flu to Superflu -

Out sick.
Pneumonia bacteria modified to shine show the amount of infection in the lungs of mice injected with an influenza virus containing a 1918 version of the PB1-F2 protein.

Jonathan McCullers / St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Just in time for the flu season is the discovery that a single protein may explain much the unprecedented deadliness of the 1918 flu epidemic the discovery should help infectious disease experts spot future flu viruses that pose the greatest risk of causing a new global pandemic

1918 epidemic -. Also known as the Spanish flu - was the deadliest strain of the flu virus the world has ever seen ( science NOW, January 17). Estimates of deaths range 4-100000000. Some people have experienced the flu virus itself, but most of the deaths were due to pneumonia that people developed as a result of damage to their lungs. Why so deadly virus? Scientists suspect that a recently discovered protein called PB1-F2, which is found in many flu viruses, including the strain of H5N1 bird flu that killed 202 people, may hold answers.

To get a better handle on the role of PB1-F2 of the epidemic in 1918, a team led by Jonathan McCullers, a virologist at St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, genetically modified a strain virus mouse influenza to produce a protein PB1-F2 identical to the strain of 1918. When the researchers dripped high doses of the modified virus into the noses of mice, all animals died within 8 days and had more lung inflammation than animals receiving similar doses of the same influenza virus with unaltered PB1-F2.

In a separate experiment, the researchers gave mice nonlethal doses of the modified flu virus and then infected with the bacteria causing pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae . All animals died within 4 days and showed signs of severe pneumonia, the team reports in the October issue of Cell Host & Microbe . In contrast, 80% of mice that received the unmodified virus were alive 4 days after exposure to the bacteria of pneumonia and 20% were still alive when the study ended at 14 days.

"This is one of the big reasons 1918 was so bad, because PB1-F2 allowed bacteria to cause more problems due to lung inflammation and damage," McCullers said. How PB1-F2 amplifies flu virulence remains uncertain, but he says the protein could be a potential target for drugs against influenza, the aim being to delete it to help reduce lung damage and subsequent pneumonia.

Terrence Tumpey, a microbiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, said monitor protein PB1-F2 in flu viruses could help determine which ones pose the greatest threat to public health. "This could help us recognize whether a particular virus is something we have to watch," said Tumpey.

Related Sites

  • The study
  • influenza surveillance site of the World Health Organization

Self Discipline

18:37 Add Comment
Self Discipline -

Self Discipline

Are you still on track with your New Year resolution? The first weeks in the new year are always watched with the most amounts of vigor and hope, but now your resolve may have backfired; which is then self-discipline comes in.

Self-discipline is needed to achieve optimal health during the breaking of a habit (eg smoking) or rebalancing health problems caused by excess.

  • Self-discipline helps you stay focused on your goals. It allows you to stay in control of yourself and your response to any situation. Self-discipline is like a muscle: the more you train, the better you become. Lack of self-discipline can lead to low self-esteem.
  • According to an article in Psychological Science, self-discipline is a better predictor of academic success than IQ. One study found that highly self-disciplined adolescents outperformed their more impulsive peers on every academic performance variable, including report card notes, the results of standardized achievement tests, admission to a competitive school, and attendance.
  • Self-discipline is to make wise choices. The food you eat to the amount of exercise you do depends on how disciplined you are. For example, exercise promotes a sense of control over the body that can result in an improved sense of control over other aspects of life which is a defense against the key stress. Those who exercise regularly show higher levels of self-esteem and maintain a sense of self-discipline. The five pillars of self-discipline is acceptance, will, work, industry, and perseverance.
  • Acceptance is the most fundamental challenge people face. They fail to perceive and accept their current situation accurately. It is important to identify an area where your discipline is weakest. Assess where you stand right now. Recognize and accept your starting point, and design a program for yourself to improve in this area.
  • Willpower is a concentration of force. Choose your goal. Create a plan of attack, then execute the plan. Your will is at its lowest when you feel stressed.
  • The hard work is what many people try to avoid doing what is easiest. But a major challenge is often linked to strong results.
  • Industry develops the ability to put in the time and effort.
  • Persistence allows you to continue to take action, even if you do not feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results. Persistence will ultimately provide its own motivation.

Self-discipline becomes very powerful when combined with goal setting, passion and planning. Write your goals once more and make sure that you do everything in your power to stick to it. Always finish a task you set before moving on to start another. For some, the idea of ​​setting a goal can be overwhelming. Reach out for the support that you too can experience the satisfaction of achieving a goal that is important to you

Sources :. Washington Post, University of Kentucky, a rare knowledge, Ezine Articles, US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Insights personal development, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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What is an aortic aneurysm?

14:45 Add Comment
What is an aortic aneurysm? -

Your aorta is your biggest blood vessel which carries blood from your heart to all other areas of your body. A aortic aneurysm develops when the aorta wall weakens and balloons or bulges outward. This can be life threatening, especially if the aneurysm bursts.

Below, you can learn about the signs of this condition and what you can do to reduce your risk.

What is the Aorta?

your aorta is main blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to your legs, pelvis and abdomen. It is shaped cane and out of your heart, through your chest and your abdomen (the lower part of your stomach).

Types of aortic aneurysms

There are two types of aortic aneurysms

  • Thoracic aneurysm aortic aneurysm (TAA) , what happens in the part of the aorta in the chest. This may include the ascending aorta (short cane rod), the aortic arch (the handle of the cane), and the descending aorta (longest stem of the cane).
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) , what happens in the part of the aorta in the abdomen.

What are the symptoms of an aortic aneurysm?

aortic aneurysms usually develop over many years. In most cases, there is no early warning signs of development. As such, it is important to understand your risk factors, and talk with your doctor about whether you should be screened for an aneurysm.

In some cases, symptoms may occur.

Thoracic aortic aneurysm symptoms

The symptoms of TAA may include:

  • jaw pain
  • back pain
  • Breathlessness

symptoms aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

symptoms of AAA can include:

  • a feeling pulsation near your navel, like a heartbeat
  • severe pain in the abdomen or back that comes and goes

If an aneurysm bursts, it can cause massive internal bleeding, which can be fatal. A burst aneurysm is a medical emergency, so if you think you or someone else has this condition, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Who is? risk for aortic aneurysms

aortic aneurysms usually occur in men over 60, but other risk factors may include:

  • smoking
  • atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries
  • hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • obesity
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema
  • family history of aortic disease

to help reduce your risk, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating a diet heart-healthy and getting regular exercise. Your doctor may also put you on medicine to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Are there treatments for aortic aneurysms?

Early diagnosis can save your life, so talk with your doctor your risk and what tests you may need. Once you are diagnosed, your doctor may recommend treatment based on aneurysm size and location, as well as your medical history and other risk factors.

  • The small aneurysms can be seen with regular follow-up visits to your doctor, ultrasound tests, and lifestyle changes, like quitting smoing or lowering medications blood pressure.
  • Large aneurysms may require surgery to repair before they erupt.

to schedule an appointment for an evaluation, contact the Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC 412-802-3333 .

Third Gene Copy Is a Charm

11:42 Add Comment
Third Gene Copy Is a Charm -

Reports dating back half a century have suggested that people with Down syndrome may have a reduced risk of breast cancer, colon and other cancers. The reason has been a mystery, but some researchers think it has to do with one or more of the genes on chromosome 21 that people with Down syndrome have three copies instead of the normal two. A new study supports this idea, linking a gene that is triplicated in Down syndrome with a lower risk of colon cancer in mice.

geneticists Thomas Sussan Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Roger Reeves of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, both in Baltimore, Maryland, and colleagues mated mice prone to colon cancer with mouse commonly used to model the Down syndrome. These mice have extra copies of genes 108 - about half as many triplets genes as in Down's syndrome. Offspring who inherited tripled genes and genetic susceptibility to cancer had only half the number of intestinal tumors as their parents predisposed to cancer and tumors that did develop were smaller, the team reports in the January 3 issue of Nature [

additional experiments with several other strains of mice have suggested that a gene called Ets2 - whose human counterpart is triplicated in people with the syndrome Down - accounts for much protection. Ironically, Reeves said, Ets2 has already been identified as a promoter of cancer. He can not explain why having an extra copy of the gene would produce the opposite effect. "I think it will be quite a complex thing to work," said Reeves, adding that Ets2 encodes a transcription factor that influences the activity of at least 0 other genes.

paradoxical finding a gene that promotes cancer in certain contexts can suppress other could have important implications for understanding and eventually treating, cancer in the general population, says geneticist David Threadgill University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. "I think we need to reassess the way we look at many of these genes associated with cancer."

Related site

  • Basic information about Down syndrome from the National Institutes of Health

Living in a World of Unfamiliar Voices

22:41 Add Comment
Living in a World of Unfamiliar Voices -

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - Imagine not being able to tell your son's voice from that of a perfect unknown. Welcome to the life of a 60-year-old British woman known as KH. Although a handful of people have lost the ability to recognize voice after a stroke or other brain damage, researchers believe KH is the first documented case of a person who did not develop this ability first place.

The case came to light a few years ago when KH read an article in New Scientist magazine on people who can not recognize people by their faces. The article struck a chord, and she contacted the magazine, explaining that she had a similar voice recognition problem. As long as she could remember, the voices of even his closest relatives were indistinguishable. New Scientist contacted Bradley Duchaine, a cognitive neuroscientist presented in the article, and Duchaine KH invited to visit his laboratory at University College London.

A successful management consultant, KH scored average or above on a variety of memory tests and reasoning. His hearing was normal and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed no obvious flaws. She told investigators her problem was limited to recognize the voice of the people, explaining that she sometimes comes to different business customers by names so that when they called she could identify them based on who they request.

Additional tests supported the account of KH, says collaborator Duchaine Lúcia Garrido, who presented the findings here since April 13 at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. In one experiment, the researchers played 96 sentences, half of them spoken by famous actors, politicians, and other celebrities, the other half spoke by unknown voices. KH did little better than chance when asked if each voice belonged to someone famous. Even when it correctly categorize such a famous voice she identified the right celebrity less than 5% of the time, poor performance compared to the six control subjects who took the same test. KH was similarly desperate in a second experiment in which she tried to learn six new voices and distinguish them from the voice she had never heard before.

"I think it's quite new," said Jamie Ward, cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Sussex in the UK He stressed that KH performed normally when asked sex or the emotional state of a speaker, supporting the researchers' conclusion that the deficit is specific to speech recognition. The underlying neurological mechanism in the case of KH remains a mystery, but Garrido said the team hopes to use functional MRI to study how the brain responds to voice KH.

Stress Management Tips

17:36 Add Comment
Stress Management Tips -

Stress Management Tips

The pace of life for Americans in the 21st century has become increasingly stressful. Although most of us recognize the negative impact that stress has on our emotional health, research shows that this can cause damage to our physical health as well

For example:

  • stress reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. There is evidence that stress affects human immune responses to viruses and bacteria. Stress can weaken our ability to ward off colds, flu and other infections.
  • Stress increases the risk of heart disease. Studies suggest that chronic stress is a hormonal chain of events that can raise cholesterol levels and blood pressure, two risk factors for heart disease. Stress can also affect the coagulation factors in the blood, making it sticky, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, studies show that the acute stress of catastrophic events can trigger heart attacks in people with pre-existing cardiac disease.

Pay attention to what your body tells you.

The American Academy of Family Physicians says that nearly 2 out of every 3 doctor visits are stress related. Consequently, many of the physical symptoms that we know such as headaches, backaches, stomach aches and insomnia can be the result of the amount of stress in our lives. These symptoms can be a way of telling us to slow down, to better manage stress and get our lives in the balance of our body. Unfortunately, because we are so busy, there may be a tendency to ignore the physical symptoms and continue at the same breakneck pace - .. By putting our health at risk

stress management practice all day

because of our lifestyle, it is important to take steps every day to manage your stress and keep your life in balance. stress management techniques can help you relax, relieve tension and counteract many of the negative effects of stress has on your health. In addition, relaxation techniques practice can improve the way a person responds to stress by physically :. heart rate slows down, lowering blood pressure, slowing breathing rate, which reduces the need for oxygen, which increases blood flow to major muscles and reduce muscle tension

Some best ways to manage stress include:

  • moderate exercise. The Surgeon General recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days per week
  • [1945008(ieunemarcherapidevéloratisserlesfeuillespelleterdelaneigeetc)] relaxing with your favorite pastime. Take time each day to do something you love if she is reading, gardening, spending time with a pet or just enjoy nature. Studies show that walking in a garden or a view on your window can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and relieve pain.
  • Pray or meditate. To relax your body, calm your mind and emotions and refresh your mind. Close your eyes and sit quietly and comfortably. Start by relaxing the muscles in your feet and working your body relaxing muscles. Focus your attention on your breathing. Breathe deeply and let your breath. Count your breaths, and say the number of the breath as you let it out (this gives you something to do with your mind, helping you to avoid distraction)

Sources :. The American Medical Association, Scientific American, WellTimes federal health bulletin of Labour and Washington and Shady GroveAdventistHospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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13:44 Add Comment
PH -

Division UPMC Respiratory, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine is among the nation's leaders in the treatment of chronic lung diseases. As part of a leading lung transplant centers in the world - with more than 1,400 combined lung and heart-lung transplants - our pulmonologists provide expert evaluation for transplant patients with fatal lung disease. With our specific disorders clinics, our doctors see and treat patients with a variety of respiratory conditions.

How much salt is too much salt?

16:35 Add Comment
How much salt is too much salt? -

How much salt is too much salt?

Most people consume nearly double the recommended amount of sodium per day and more is ingested in the form of sodium chloride, which is table salt. The American Heart Association recommends that adults limit daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams, or about one teaspoon, but adults are more than 4,000 milligrams.

  • The daily maximum for those with hypertension and those at risk of high blood pressure is 1500 milligrams. Recent research has shown that people consuming 1,500 milligrams of sodium diets had lower blood pressure even more benefits.

Reducing the amount of sodium can help reduce or prevent high blood pressure. Sodium makes maintaining the fluid body. To pump the added fluid, the heart has to work harder. Too much salt can worsen symptoms such as swelling and shortness of breath and cause weight gain.

  • Those who have high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke, the killers # 1 and # 3 in the US today. Currently, one billion people worldwide and about 72 million Americans have high blood pressure.
  • international health experts warned in a report that uncontrolled hypertension will increase dramatically, triggering a worldwide epidemic of cardiovascular disease unless governments and the health care makers take immediate corrective action and far-reaching. An expected increase of 60% over the next 18 years -. 1.56 billion people is estimated that the world could be affected by the condition
  • Consuming too much salt has been associated with stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and early death. Moreover, evidence suggested links to the stomach cancer and osteoporosis. Scientists have shown that salt has an adrenaline inducing effect on people with high blood pressure.
  • According to research, diets rich in salt can trigger asthma induced by exercise. It has been demonstrated that the salt consumption Modified for two weeks amended airway inflammation and the flow of oxygen into the blood stream.

After the sugar, the salt is the second largest food additive of the nation. In addition to its role as a flavor enhancer, salt is used to improve characteristics of the paste and the action of yeast in bakery products, to control maturation and bacterial growth in cheese, and to heal preserve and fermented foods. Other additives containing sodium in processed foods include baking powder, baking soda, MSG, soy and milk solids.

  • In November 07, the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the American Medical Association both urged the FDA to revoke the GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status of salt . During the public hearing day, the two organizations have asked the FDA should limit the salt content in foods and include a warning of hypertension on the labeling of salt.
  • Research shows that parents are confused about the salt content of foods and the dangers of eating too much salt. Regardless of 2,000 polled by Consensus Action on Salt and Health knew that the popular sweet foods may contain more salt than snacks associated with salt.
  • Sixty-six percent of the food consumed by Americans are prepared and consumed at home. Processed foods account for most of the sodium and salt intake. Americans get up to 75 percent of their sodium from processed foods such as tomato sauce, soups, condiments, canned foods and prepared mixes. Pickled, cured, smoked, soy sauce and broth may indicate that a dish is rich in sodium.

Trimming the salt content in processed foods and restaurant half would save at least 150 000 lives per year. The American Medical Association has urged the US government to encourage food manufacturers to reduce the salt content of 50 percent over the next 10 years

Sources :. American Heart Association, Mayo Clinic, BBC News Medscape Today, New York Times, Medical News Today, Indiana University, Medical Research News, National Heart Lung & Blood Institute, MedPage Today, and Washington and GroveAdventistHospitals Shady. For more information, consult your doctor.

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To Stop a Seizure

21:40 Add Comment
To Stop a Seizure -

fast recovery.
ASIC1a ionic channels help bring mouse brain activity related seizure under control ( top ). The attacks channels mice lacking suffer more severe and prolonged ( down ).

Seimann et al., Nature Neuroscience , Advance Online Publication (June 8, 08)

Sometimes the crises become an endless nightmare. About 15% of epileptics will, at some point, experience status epilepticus, a medical emergency in which seizures can be stopped with powerful anesthetic. The researchers found a piece of cellular machinery - ion channel-- activated by an acid that helps bring the seizures under control. They hope the discovery will lead to new drugs that could stop these fatal events.

For decades, researchers have suspected a link between the brain acidity and seizures. In 1929, doctors noted that patients breathing CO2 had shorter crises; the gas increases the acidity of the blood from reaching the brain. Even without intervention, the brain pH may drop during a crisis due to changes in respiration and metabolism. John Wemmie, a psychiatrist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City and colleagues wondered if an ion channel called ASIC1a could play a role, as he is known to activate neurons by pumping calcium and sodium through the membrane cell when the brain becomes acidic.

team against normal mouse Wemmie with those that have been genetically modified to lack the channel. When they injected these knockout and controls with chemicals that cause seizures as normal mice did much better than those without ASIC1a. A compound called kainate produced serious convulsions of the whole body in the seven knockout mice, while six normal mice had only minor crises in their heads and forelimbs. A second KO group injected with another drug, PTZ, had longer crisis than control mice - and those seized were several times more likely to become fatal entire seizures brain tonic-clonic (formerly entered name "grand mal "). In contrast, mice genetically engineered to have twice the normal number of channels ASIC1A had shorter and less severe attacks than wild-type mice, reports online this week in team Nature Neuroscience .

Wemmie and his colleagues began studying whether ASIC1a also has a role in epileptic humans. If it does, Wemmie hope new drugs can help turn the channels on and stop seizures in patients who enter a bad state - possibly without the side effects of high doses of anticonvulsants currently available, which can also cause patients to stop breathing or experience kidney failure.

Jeffrey Noebels, a neurologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, said a survey of status epilepticus is "good news," adding that the discovery may help clinicians understand why some people are more likely than others to experience the condition. Epileptologist Douglas Coulter of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia acknowledges that the study is "convincing", but noted that much more work is needed to understand exactly how the channel exerts its beneficial effects.

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  • entered Predicting

Safety Home for Aging Parents

15:34 Add Comment
Safety Home for Aging Parents -

Home Safety for aging parents

You can take simple steps to protect your family and the support your elderly parents and relatives. in creating a secure environment

The Security Council Home recommends the following actions at home to prepare for an emergency:

  • Make an appointment -you through your home. Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide safety locks for children, and first aid supplies.
  • Get an emergency kit. The US Department of Homeland Security provides emergency supply checklist.
  • Make a family emergency plan and stay informed.

If you are caring for aging parents, and as you age, keep in mind that individuals face a common problem is when their home no longer fits their needs and abilities . You can evaluate and adapt the home environment now to prepare for the future. As you evaluate the security of your home or the home of a relative, consider improving the lighting and to make changes to reduce the risk of falls.

The older you get, the right lighting becomes more important. In addition to adequate general lighting, it is recommended that you:

  • Elderly Parents Having a second light source that shines directly on what you need to see.
  • Make sure that all the lamps have shades to avoid glare.
  • Put a switch up and down the stairs to avoid the darkness at each end.
  • Do not let cord coming out where people can stumble.
  • Do not try to do your own electrical work. Hire a licensed professional.

Half of falls occur at home doing everyday activities and your risk increases as you get older. To help prevent falls:

  • Install carpet short, dense fur rugs and secure with double-sided carpet tape.
  • This may seem obvious, but do not leave things on the floor where you can stumble.
  • Put handrails on both sides of stairs that are the right height for you.
  • Arrange furniture so you can easily get around.
  • Keep the steps, sidewalks and terraces clear logs and sticks, wet leaves, and other debris.
  • Clean up spills in garages or driveways, like oil or grease, immediately.
  • Most falls occur in homes in the bathroom. Apply non-slip strips to tub and shower floors, or provide a non-slip mat. Install grab bars in showers, bathtubs, and near the toilet.

It is important to have your vision checked by a professional at least once a year. also participate in regular exercise to improve balance, coordination and strength in the lower body, after obtaining the approval of your doctor. In practice healthy behaviors, adults are more likely to live safely and independently at home and incur fewer health-related costs

Watch the video below for more information about Adventist HealthCare Home Care Services :.

Sources: Security Council Home, the American Association of Retired, Ready America LifeWork Strategies, and Washington Adventist Hospital and Shady Grove. For more information, consult your doctor.

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Heart and Vascular Institute

11:42 Add Comment
Heart and Vascular Institute -

As an acknowledged leader in cardiovascular care - with a rich history in clinical research and innovation - the Heart and Vascular Institute offers UPMC a full range of cardiovascular personalized services. As a leading heart centers in the US, UPMC has made a significant contribution to the advancement of cardiovascular medicine.

Madness: Price of a Big Brain?

20:39 Add Comment
Madness: Price of a Big Brain? -

A new study suggests that schizophrenia debilitating disease can be a byproduct of genetic changes that have fueled the evolution of the expansive human brain. The idea, still preliminary, is that the massive energy demands of the brain can make it vulnerable to mutations in genes related to metabolism.

Up to 1% of people will eventually be diagnosed with schizophrenia, a disease that can cause delusions and hallucinations and severely impair the ability of a person to communicate with others. No one knows what causes schizophrenia, although recent research involves defective genes. Because schizophrenia affects "social cognition", a characteristic of human evolution, some researchers have speculated that the disease is caused by aberrations in key genes of the expansion of the human brain evolution.

To test this hypothesis, an international team led by evolutionary biologist Philipp Khaitovich of Biological Sciences Institutes in China and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, under Shanghai see how many genes linked to brain implicated in schizophrenia have undergone positive natural selection diverged from humans and chimpanzees from a common ancestor there are between 5 million and 7 million years.

First, the researchers studied the published databases of genes in the brain positively selected, which were classified into 22 categories according to function. They found that six categories included a high proportion of genes also involved in schizophrenia; genes in these six categories concern energy metabolism.

So the team focused its research on energy pathways in the brain. Using a technology called spectroscopy by nuclear magnetic resonance, the researchers measured levels of 21 metabolites key for nerve function in the brains of 10 deceased patients with schizophrenia and 12 normal human controls. Specifically, they studied an area of ​​the prefrontal cortex involved in social cognition. Nine of metabolites, such as lactate, choline and acetate, showed significantly different levels - an upper portion, a lower portion - in schizophrenic and normal humans. This finding, the authors say, confirms previous studies that the brain's metabolism is "substantially changed" in schizophrenia.

The researchers then examined whether these new metabolites could be important in the evolution of the human brain. When they measured the concentrations in the same area in the brain of the chimpanzee, the team found that the differences between chimpanzees and normal human were much greater for those nine for the 12 non metabolites involved in schizophrenia, this suggesting that energy pathways involved in schizophrenia have also been modified by human evolution, the team reports in this week Genome Biology . And 40 genes involved in these new pathways related to schizophrenia also differ much between chimpanzees and humans that genes associated with the other 12.

The authors suggest that the human brain, which uses 20% of total body energy supply compared to 13% for non-human primates, is "very close to the limit of its metabolic capabilities." So close, they say, that small changes in energy-related genes could relatively easily cause mental problems.

"Schizophrenia can be the price we pay for our large brains and complex," said Jonathan Burns, a psychiatrist at R. Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa, called the findings "very exciting. "But Daniel Geschwind, neurogeneticist at the University of California, Los Angeles, warns that it is too early to link changes in metabolism to" any human cognitive specificity. "

Vegetarian Nutrition

14:33 Add Comment
Vegetarian Nutrition -

Vegetarian Nutrition

well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle.

The American Dietetic Association considers properly planned vegetarian diets for healthy and nutritious and can help prevent and treat disease. Vegetarian diets are often associated with lower blood cholesterol levels, lower risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure levels and lower risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes research also showed that vegetarians are 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat eaters.

vegetarian diets

People who follow a vegetarian diet can get all the nutrients they need.

a vegetarian diet is defined as one that does not include meat (including poultry) or seafood, or products containing these foods. In general, there are four different types of vegetarians:

  1. strict vegetarian or vegan: excludes all animal products, including eggs and dairy products
  2. Lactovegetarian: excludes meat, poultry, fish and eggs, but includes dairy products
  3. lacto-ovovegetarian: excludes meat, poultry and fish, but includes eggs and dairy products. Most vegetarians in the United States fall into this category
  4. flexitarian: .. The emphasis on vegetarian food with occasional meat consumption

People who follow diets vegetarians can get all the nutrients they need. The following are nutrients that vegetarians should pay attention to include in their diet:

  • The calcium, used for the construction and maintenance of bones and teeth, may be obtained from green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale and calcium-fortified foods. calcium-enriched soy beverages can provide calcium in amounts similar to milk.
  • Protein has many important functions in the body and is essential for growth and maintenance. Eat a variety of foods made from plants such as nuts, peas and tofu. Build meals around protein sources that are naturally low in fat, such as beans, lentils and rice.
  • iron functions primarily as an oxygen carrier in blood. Iron sources for vegetarians include breakfast cereals fortified with iron, spinach, beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, turnip greens, molasses, whole wheat bread, peas, and some dried fruit, such as apricots and raisins.
  • Vitamin B12 can be obtained from fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, soy-based beverages, veggie burgers, and nutritional yeast.
  • zinc is necessary for many biochemical reactions and also helps the immune system function properly. zinc sources include many types of beans (eg kidney beans, beans and chickpeas), breakfast cereals enriched zinc, wheat germ and pumpkin seeds.

For lactovegetarians and lacto-ovovegetarians, milk and eggs are a source of vitamin B12, calcium, protein and zinc.

If you are considering becoming vegetarian, to meet a dietitian to maximize the health benefits of your diet. Most vegetarians healthy does not need to take supplements although there may be exceptions

Sources :. United States Department of Agriculture, American Dietetic Association (, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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Building a New Prostate

19:38 Add Comment
Building a New Prostate -
Starting from a single stem cell, scientists have now produced a functional prostate gland. This marks only the second time researchers have generated a whole organ from a single stem cell, which represents major progress for research on stem cells and our understanding of prostate development, experts say.
Creating viable transplant organs for patients in need is a holy grail of research on stem cells. The first success came in 06 when researchers created the mammary glands after discovering mammary stem cells in mice. Since then, researchers have worked hard to coax stem cells in other organs formation. The prostate is a promising target because previous studies in mice have revealed that it contained cells with the same protein markers as other known stem cells, suggesting that the necessary stem cells may be relatively easy to find.
These studies have suggested that the nearest region of the prostate urethra may be rich in stem cells. So biologist Wei-Qiang Gao developing and colleagues at Genentech in South San Francisco, California, examined how these cells react when they castrated six mice, which kills parts of the prostate, and inject them with testosterone to stimulate regrowth. The Gao's team used a form of reaction analysis of polymerase chain reaction to analyze cells for signs of various proteins, including some previously found in stem cells and some known to play a role in the development of prostate.
They turned a dark horse. The cells with a protein marker called CD117 +, not previously associated with prostate stem cells, proliferated after castration and testosterone injection, the researchers found. When 97 cells with a particular set of markers including CD117 +, were implanted in mouse kidney, 14 of the transplanted cells generated almost full size prostates researchers report online today in Nature . These stem cells generated prostates secreted the same proteins that normal prostates of operation.
The analysis of human prostates protein was also detected the protein CD117 +. If the protein appears to be a marker for stem cells of the prostate in humans as well, Gao said it should prove useful to researchers studying the hypothesis that prostate cancer originates from stem cells that have gone wrong.
"This is a very important finding," said Stephen Badylak, a specialist in regenerative medicine at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. This study marks an important step towards the goal of organ regeneration, Badylak said, but more work is needed to ensure that the cells in regenerated organs know when to stop growing and form to take.

The Dash Diet & Sel

13:32 Add Comment
The Dash Diet & Sel -

The Dash Diet & Sel

DASH stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension" and emphasizes the heart health and lower blood pressure the DASH diet is not really a diet at all;. it is a lifestyle food Change- incorporating plenty of fruit and vegetables, fiber, lean protein, legumes and dairy products limited.

a step almost all of us can do to improve heart health is to reduce the amount of salt in our diet. Just one tablespoon of salt coffee has 2,325 milligrams (mg) this sodium is more than the consumption of recommended daily salt for a healthy adult. lowering the intake to no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day may be an effective way to prevent or lower high blood pressure.

salt is essential for our body in small quantities, because it helps us to maintain a balance of fluids in our body and transmits nerve impulses; it also influences the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Sodium attracts and holds water causing your blood volume to increase, in turn, focus on the heart and increases the pressure in your arteries. Excess salt can raise blood pressure and the risk of heart attack and stroke.


Lowering salt intake to no more than 1500 mg per day may be an effective way to prevent or lower high blood pressure.

It is essential to read food labels. The label is on most packaged and processed foods nutritive value indicates the amount of sodium in each serving. In general, try to avoid products with more than 0 mg of sodium per serving. Do not forget to take into account the size of the portion. It also lists if the ingredients comprise salt or compounds containing sodium, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), baking soda, baking powder, disodium phosphate, sodium alginate and sodium nitrate or nitrite.

American Heart Association suggests avoiding "Salty Six", which are common foods that tend to contain excess salt increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. The "Salty Six" are bread, cold cuts and sausages, pizza, poultry, soup and sandwiches. Visit the American Heart Association Web site to learn more about Keep the following tips before your trip grocery shopping next to help you make smarter, healthier choices the heart of "The Salty Six."

  • Always check the serving size and the sodium content of the foods you buy.
  • Look for "low sodium," "reduced sodium" and "no salt added" varieties where possible. Look on the package for a "Heart Check" brand certifies that it conforms to guidelines established by the American heart Association as a healthy heart
  • instead of salt to add flavor to your food, try using herbs and spices, citrus lemons or oranges, roasted vegetables, caramelized onions, roasted nuts and beans, and garlic.
  • wary of spice mixes you buy store in plastic containers as many contain high amounts of sodium and do more harm than good to your health.

Before making changes to your diet, please consult your doctor or healthcare professional to discuss dietary recommendations based on your personal health conditions and history

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Heart Association LifeWork EAP strategies, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals.

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The Placebo Effect: Not All in Your Head

18:37 Add Comment
The Placebo Effect: Not All in Your Head -

real effect. Patients with a certain copy of a serotonin gene showed less activity in the amygdala ( left ), indicating the reduced anxiety after treatment with placebo .

T. Furmark et al. Journal of Neuroscience

For a drug to market, pharmaceutical companies must demonstrate that it works better than a placebo. But sometimes the placebo is just as powerful as the real thing. Just why our bodies react so strongly to fake drugs has long been a mystery, but researchers are a step closer to solving this puzzle, after choosing a particular gene that may be responsible for a type of placebo effect.

The placebo effect works because patients believe they are actually receiving treatment. Expecting treatment is similar to anticipate the reward, studies have shown, and the anticipation of reward triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which can help relieve the symptoms of chronic pain and depression. But what about placebo effects for other conditions

Tomas Furmark, a psychologist at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, suspected that a different neurotransmitter plays a role in placebo responses to an anxiety disorder social (SAD) - an abnormal fear of being judged by others. Brain imaging studies have shown that the amygdala, a brain area that regulates the response of fear, is particularly active in patients with SAD. In addition, healthy people with certain variations in two genes that regulate the neurotransmitter serotonin amygdalas were more active

Based on these results, Furmark and colleagues -., In collaboration with the company pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline - ran a placebo-controlled trial with 108 patients who had been previously diagnosed with SAD. The volunteers were randomly assigned to receive either a new drug serotonin or a sugar pill for 8 weeks. Early in the trial, patients had to prepare and deliver a speech to a small group of people - a trigger anxiety event - while the researchers tracked their amygdala activity using positron emission tomography. The technique allows researchers to track blood flow - and thus activity - in different brain regions. The study participants had to give a similar speech at the end of the treatment period, so that researchers can determine if their brain activity patterns had changed.

Even sugar was enough to defeat some cases of SAD. Of the 25 patients who received placebo, 10 reported reduced anxiety by the end of the study. (Figures for the treatment group are not released because the trial is ongoing.) Brain scans during the second speech showed their amygdalas were also less active. Genetic analysis revealed that eight people who got a placebo had relief of a particular version of a gene that regulates serotonin production called hydroxylase-2 promoter tryptophan (TPH2), the researchers report tomorrow in the Journal of Neuroscience . This is one of the same genetic variants linked to increased activity of the amygdala in healthy people. TPH2 is the first genetic marker linked to a placebo response, reports the team.

Find genetic markers for the placebo effect could raise ethical questions about how companies design their clinical trials, Furmark said. For example, "it might be tempting to screen all individuals ... and select only those with [the] nonresponsive phenotype [for the trial]."

psychiatrist Helen Mayberg of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, who has studied the placebo effect in depression, admits that the results could have important implications for the design of the research. But first, more research is needed to determine if genetic markers for SAD placebo relief can be generalized to other diseases, and what other genes may contribute to the phenomena, she said.

5 foods for health Fats

12:31 Add Comment
5 foods for health Fats -

5 foods for healthy fats

The words "healthy" and "fat" does not often get used in the same sentence. It is time to change this negative connotation: the healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, fish fats, and lawyers are among the healthiest foods we can add to our power

They help lower low-density lipoprotein. (LDL), increase high density lipoprotein (HDL), and lubricate our joints. They also provide building materials for the cells of our brain and heart. Besides being good for our overall health, they contribute to increased metabolism; think of them as fuel for our metabolic fire. Healthy fats also help to make foods more satisfying because they are the most calorie dense of all the macronutrients only 10 calories per gram, this means more work for our body to digest.


avocado mixed with red onions, tomatoes, lemon juice and a little paprika to create a delicious guacamole that can be used as a dip, dressing or condiment for most tasty meal .

The term "healthy fat" can be divided into two types of fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated means it contains a double bond, and polyunsaturated means it contains more than two double bonds, making it easier for our body to absorb and convert into energy. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated fats offer many health benefits such as increased brain health, joint lubrication and fat metabolism. Some common sources of fat and tips to incorporate them into your healthy diet include:

  • Nuts such as almonds, cashews, macadamia and nuts are great sources of monounsaturated fats that help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol). They are also excellent sources of fiber, plant sterols, and vitamin-E which helps in overall health. Mix a variety of nuts and dried fruit such as raisins or cherries, and to a mixture of healthy hike to take on the go for an easy snack.
  • Seeds like pumpkin, sunflower and flax provide sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help lubricate joints without animals, contribute to brain function, eye health and skin and help with fat metabolism in our body. Try roast the pumpkin seeds in a pan and add the seasoning of your choice, such as cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and a pinch of salt to add a new and delicious flavor profile that work well by themselves or add a little sparkle to a healthy salad.
  • Oils like olive, coconut and macadamia oil are all great choices when looking for oil or base cooking for a vinaigrette. Olive oils and macadamia nuts are full of monounsaturated fats. When cooking on a stove, it is recommended to use oil as macadamia nut that has a higher smoke point of olive oil. Try sautéing a mixture of greens, such as spinach, kale or collard greens, oil of macadamia nuts roasted garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Fish are well respected for their role in improving health and cardiac function. Salmon, herring and tuna are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids triglycerides and LDL cholesterol to help prevent heart disease and other health complications. Grill salmon with a little lemon juice and pepper, it goes very well with brown rice, pasta, vegetables or as an addition to a salad.
  • Fruits , especially lawyers, are a great source of healthy fats that can help curb your appetite and blood sugar levels. Avocados have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the risk of stroke. Lawyer mixed with red onions, tomatoes, lemon juice and a little paprika to create a delicious guacamole that can be used as a dip, dressing or condiment for most tasty meal.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WebMD, MayoClinic, National Institute of Health, LifeWork EAP strategies, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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Over the last 2 years Google and its nonprofit fallout has launched a variety of scientific projects in areas ranging from education of astronomy to lunar exploration to make electric car batteries work better. But the economic crisis in the Silicon Valley has forced the company to scale back plans to offer archival data services to scientists in the fields, including astronomy and biomedicine, Wired Science reported:

Palimpsests once known, but more recently going by the staid name, Google search datasets, the service would offer scientists a way to store massive amounts of data generated in a growing number of areas . About 30 data sets - for most tests - had already been uploaded to the site.

The dream seems to have fallen prey to tighten their belts to the most innovative company in Silicon Valley.

"As you know, Google is a company that promotes experimentation with new innovative products and services. At the same time, we must carefully balance as to ensure that our resources are used in the way the most effective bring maximum value to our users, "wrote Robert Tansley Google the name of the Google team research datasets to internal testers.

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5 Road Trip Safety Tips

11:30 Add Comment
5 Road Trip Safety Tips -

5 Road Trip Safety Tips

It's Almost the start of road trip season, and That means clustering lots of people driving for events and vacations. Before you hit the road safe make to check off thesis 5 road trip safety tips!

  1. maintenance check. Have your car Thoroughly checked before you depart in order to Ensure icts top performance . In the case of an unexpected breakdown or accident, it is wise to-have roadside assistance. Also make your tires are safe Properly inflated.
  2. Sleep Does the Body Good . Be sour to get enough rest before you head out on the road. Most adults need an average of seven to eight hours of sleep Each night. Without adequate Periods of rest for physical and mental repair, you May not be reliable to function at your peak.
  3. Eat before you go. Family on road trip To keep hunger at bay was long trip, at a balanced meal. Also, save costs by packing your own healthy snacks to help you AVOID buying sugary treats When You stop for gas. When you do stop, take a stretch break!
  4. Pack tools. A basic as emergency shoulds include kit pen, paper, maps, a first aid kit, flares, a blanket, and a mini fire extinguisher. Carry a mobile phone fully charged That Is. Make sure you-have the tools needed for the unexpected flat tire or dead battery.
  5. Secure your valuables. Avoid leaving valuables in your car Where They Can Be seen. If your belongings are in the back seat, sure to be a blanket put over top of 'em or if space is available, instead em underneath the seats.

Remember, seat belts save lives. Motor vehicle crashes are the number one causes of death for children and adolescents, so if you're riding with kids make sour they're using a seatbelt or are securely strapped in a car seat

. Sources: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Mayo Clinic LifeWork EAP Strategies, Washington and Shady Grove Adventist Hospitals. For medical advice, consult your physician.

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