Avoid gaining weight during the holiday season

Avoid gaining weight during the holiday season -

avoid gaining weight during the holidays

Research suggests that Americans earn an average of 2 to 5 pounds during the winter. This contributes to an average net weight gain of a person about a pound each year after efforts to lose weight. A book may not seem like much, but year after year this weight gain accumulates, and can have a negative impact on your health.

One pound equals 3500 calories. In terms of holidays, which is an additional dessert 2 or 3 times a week this month! This is easy to do, especially given the frequency of parties this month. In addition, your resilience to make healthy choices can be challenged because of the seasonal stress.

You can do it! You can face the challenges of nutrition holiday, and celebrate healthy. Having a plan is the key to taking care of yourself and managing your weight during the calorie season loaded

Here are some tips to help you maintain, and not to take, during the holiday season: .

  • Drink plenty of water. Water has no calories compared to the popular holiday drinks such as Eggnog, which can have 340 calories per cup! Water has many other valuable benefits, including keeping your skin hydrated during the cold winter months.
  • Eat regular meals. Do not skip meals to "bank" calories in sugary, less nutritious foods and beverages.
  • Eat slowly. Often, people eat so fast that their stomachs do not have enough time to register what they are full. Savor each bite, savor the taste of food and chances are you will eat what your body needs.
  • KEEP MOVING! Being active helps you manage your weight and stress. After a meal, a walk with your family to see holiday displays in your neighborhood or dance all night to burn about 350 calories per hour.
  • Keep holiday treats such as candy and cookies out of sight. If these high calorie foods are easily accessible on kitchen counters, end tables and desks, they become harder to resist.

While you are setting goals for the season, it might be useful to also establish goals for a particular event you may feel worried attend. Having a party plan put you in control

Some tips for parties include :.

  • Have something to eat before heading to the event so you do not swallow your way through the dessert table. A cup of soup can be very filling, and acts as a means of deterrence perfect sound for over indulging.
  • Bring a nutritious dish to a party to be sure it is a healthy option available to you.
  • Give yourself permission to perform on vegetables, healthy proteins and fats. Avoid appetizers, starchy cheese. If your favorite vacation is the high-calorie kind, enjoy it, but keep the party in moderation.
  • Make your calories count. Skip the current party foods like crackers, chips, cheese and dips. Enjoy something special like pumpkin pie. If you drink alcohol, reduce calories by alternating alcoholic soft drinks and low calorie.
  • Try to hold your party conversations away from food. Avoid a conversation chip bowl and mingle

Most importantly, enjoy the holidays, enjoy family and friends, and have fun without the extra calories

Sources :! National Institute of Health, nutrition Counsel, American Heart Association, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals.

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