3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this Holiday Season

3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this Holiday Season -

3 tips to lower your risk for heart disease this holiday season

Combine temptation book treats, mix in the stress that comes from finding the perfect gifts and mix in more cooling temperatures. What do you get? A risky recipe when it comes to your heart health. We have prepared a healthier roadmap to guide you this winter and help reduce your risk of heart disease.

1) Identify your risk

sites of the American Heart Association the following uncontrollable risk factors:

  • increasing age :. people 65 and older account for 85 percent of those who die of coronary heart disease
  • Sex: men have a higher risk of having a heart attack and heart attacks earlier in life than women
  • heredity :. African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans have a higher risk of heart disease compared to Caucasians. family history of heart disease may also put you at a higher risk.

2) Take Action

Dr. Geetha Pinto, cardiologist at Washington Adventist and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital identifies risk factors following controllable that you can change according to changes in your lifestyle

  • blood pressure and cholesterol. Work with your doctor to manage high blood pressure and cholesterol
  • diet and exercise :. Choose a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, vegetables and fruit. Participate in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week
  • Tobacco :. By avoiding cigarettes and second hand smoke, you can reduce your risk of heart disease in half.
  • depression :. If you are depressed, seek treatment with medication and tips to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease

3) Get Heart Smart in 2013

Join us on January 9 at the Washington Adventist hospital heart Smart: A FREE heart healthy cooking and event detection [pourcommencervotrenouvelleannéedubonpied. Gain expert advice on how a healthy diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease and learn how to make the heart healthy dishes. Join today to www.TrustedHeartCare.com!

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