Self Discipline

Self Discipline -

Self Discipline

Are you still on track with your New Year resolution? The first weeks in the new year are always watched with the most amounts of vigor and hope, but now your resolve may have backfired; which is then self-discipline comes in.

Self-discipline is needed to achieve optimal health during the breaking of a habit (eg smoking) or rebalancing health problems caused by excess.

  • Self-discipline helps you stay focused on your goals. It allows you to stay in control of yourself and your response to any situation. Self-discipline is like a muscle: the more you train, the better you become. Lack of self-discipline can lead to low self-esteem.
  • According to an article in Psychological Science, self-discipline is a better predictor of academic success than IQ. One study found that highly self-disciplined adolescents outperformed their more impulsive peers on every academic performance variable, including report card notes, the results of standardized achievement tests, admission to a competitive school, and attendance.
  • Self-discipline is to make wise choices. The food you eat to the amount of exercise you do depends on how disciplined you are. For example, exercise promotes a sense of control over the body that can result in an improved sense of control over other aspects of life which is a defense against the key stress. Those who exercise regularly show higher levels of self-esteem and maintain a sense of self-discipline. The five pillars of self-discipline is acceptance, will, work, industry, and perseverance.
  • Acceptance is the most fundamental challenge people face. They fail to perceive and accept their current situation accurately. It is important to identify an area where your discipline is weakest. Assess where you stand right now. Recognize and accept your starting point, and design a program for yourself to improve in this area.
  • Willpower is a concentration of force. Choose your goal. Create a plan of attack, then execute the plan. Your will is at its lowest when you feel stressed.
  • The hard work is what many people try to avoid doing what is easiest. But a major challenge is often linked to strong results.
  • Industry develops the ability to put in the time and effort.
  • Persistence allows you to continue to take action, even if you do not feel motivated to do so, and therefore you keep accumulating results. Persistence will ultimately provide its own motivation.

Self-discipline becomes very powerful when combined with goal setting, passion and planning. Write your goals once more and make sure that you do everything in your power to stick to it. Always finish a task you set before moving on to start another. For some, the idea of ​​setting a goal can be overwhelming. Reach out for the support that you too can experience the satisfaction of achieving a goal that is important to you

Sources :. Washington Post, University of Kentucky, a rare knowledge, Ezine Articles, US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Insights personal development, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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