The ABCs of speech and hearing development

The ABCs of speech and hearing development -

The ABCs of speech and hearing development

New parents are still excited for the first word of their baby. While babies usually start to say their first words around 12 months, everyone develops a little differently. Speech comes easily for some babies; for others it is a little slower.

"Speech is something we all do, usually without much thought or work," says Jessica Smith, a language speech pathologist who works with children in Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Centre. "But when a child has trouble communicating, it quickly becomes frustrating for the child and his parents."

Fortunately, there are a few, simple daily things we can do to help our children develop their speech and language skills, long before they are ready to say their first word. It's easy to remember ABC:

  • A talk lways with your baby
  • B e that follow the word and hearing milestones
  • C ommunicate concerns with your baby's pediatrician

always talk with your baby

the best way to help your baby develop a strong vocabulary: talking with her

"We are wired to learn language through our ears," said Carolyn Horton, an audiologist at Shady Grove Medical Center "in their babies first year are just enjoying everything around them -. the sights and sounds "

Here are some simple ways to talk with your baby and expose it to a wide vocabulary :.

  1. describe the world around her, colors his room for animals in a book, and the trees and flowers outside.
  2. Read books. Reading for just 15 minutes daily is one of the best ways to give your baby the building blocks it needs to develop speech. the stories, rhymes and pictures in books can help develop a rich vocabulary and a love of language that will last a lifetime.
  3. play. babies love pat-a-cake, "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and peek-a-boo.
  4. Sing songs and say nursery rhymes. The soothing cadence many songs and rhymes also help strengthen the skills of the word of your baby before she can even sing or say rhymes with you.

Make sure to follow the speech and hearing milestones.

parents are always quick to record the first words of their baby. Since speech and hearing go hand in hand, it is important to monitor the hearing milestones along talking

Here are some steps to look with your baby's speech and the development of hear:.

  • startled at loud sounds 3 months
  • Babbles 6 months
  • Waves hello or goodbye 12 months
  • Following, the simple commands to a single stage by age 2
  • hear you call from another 4-year part of
  • most people outside family usually include age speech 4
  • tells a short story of 5 year

you can get the complete list of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Communicate concerns with your pediatrician.

Discuss your concerns about the speech or your baby's hearing development with your pediatrician. The gut feeling of a parent is often more accurate than any checklist.

"I practice for 30 years, and I still think that the concern of a parent is very important and must be taken seriously," says Carolyn.

Your pediatrician can refer you to a speech therapist or audiologist for a full assessment. for more information about Adventist HealthCare therapy programs, please call 240-826-7123.

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