7 best tips for portion control

7 best tips for portion control -

7 top tips for Portion Control

As portion sizes of foods have tripled or even quadrupled over the past two decades, so have our waistlines.


Twenty years, the average cheeseburger was 330 calories compared to 50 calories today. Many "single-serve" drink bottles and food packaging are more than one serving size. Make it a habit to read food labels and looking at the size of the portion.

When they are faced with too much food, even some healthy options, it can be difficult to lose or maintain weight. the key, often the challenge is part of "control". exercise burns calories and can help to ensure that our bodies are more "fuel efficient" and heart healthy, but we have to eat less. Even a small reduction in the part can yield positive results and help you work towards a healthy body weight

Check out these suggestions for food intake management :.

Portion Control

Incorporate small healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or a small salad between meals to reduce the risk of overeating.

  1. Use visual cues. visual clues can help you to determine a serving size of the food. Examples:
    • Cereal = size of a fist
    • Cooked rice, pasta, potatoes or = 1/2 baseball
    • peanut butter = a ping-pong
    • Fish = thickness and length of checkbook
    • chicken, beef, pork or Turkey = card game
    • apples, oranges = tennis ball
  2. Write in a food diary . A food diary is a great way to keep track of your portions and food-mood. Record what you ate (include calories), when you eat and why you eat. Enlist the support of a nutritionist to assess your case, or set up a weekly magazine with a friend to help keep each other accountable to your goals.
  3. Plan your meals. Restaurants tend to give oversized portions of food. Avoid overeating by splitting half your meal with a friend or put half the food in a to-go box before meals. At home, serve food on individual plates instead of placing family style bowls on the table.
  4. Avoid eating directly from a package. Measure the area you want to eat and put the rest. When we are distracted, it is easy to overeat. If you plan to watch the basketball games this March, do not give the chip bag a seat next to you on the couch.
  5. Eat a healthy snack between meals. If you tend to feel too hungry when you sit down for lunch or dinner, incorporate small healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or a small salad between meals to reduce your risk of overeating.
  6. Make your own packages portioned correctly. If the purchase amounts of family size, divide larger packages of food in individual portions in packaging or containers as soon as you get home from the store. This will make access to the right amount of food effort.
  7. Eat slowly and converse Share meals with others. Conversation and laughter are worth savoring! Focus on business and eat slowly to allow your brain time to process your stomach is full. Aim for 80% full after every meal, not 110%.

Quantity of food is important, but not the quality of negligence. Aim to cover half your plate with fruits and vegetables: choose red, orange and dark green varieties. whole wheat substitute for refined products.

If you are having trouble with portion control, talk with a professional. We often overeat because of stress or emotional reasons and it is important for you to be aware of the most-eating triggers and learn coping strategies that will work for you in the long term.

More information on healthy eating in the video below:

Sources: United States Department of Agriculture, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, LifeWork EAP and Washington strategies and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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