Ebola discoverer sees progress to curb epidemic

Ebola discoverer sees progress to curb epidemic -

Tokyo- Peter Piot, a Belgian microbiologist who, with other identified Ebola in 1976 said today that he is optimistic that the current outbreak could come under control. Piot, now at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, was in Tokyo to attend a meeting of the board of the innovative technology for global health (Ghit) Fund. Ghit draws on funding from the Japanese government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and five Japanese pharmaceutical companies to support research on medicines for neglected tropical diseases. Ebola is not on the order of the day Ghit. But questions about Ebola dominated a press conference today. edited excerpts from the Q & A with journalists following:

Q: What are the implications for China Ebola

A: There are thousands of Chinese workers in Africa now. It is impossible that one of them [become infected with Ebola and] go to China. China is very vulnerable. In public hospitals in China, the infection control level is very poor. It got better through the SARS experience. Another bit of good news is that until the SARS epidemic, China has not been very open about epidemics. Today, this is very different. So there are good and bad news. But there is clearly a risk

. Q: What do you think of the media coverage of the Ebola virus?

A: When I look at the reports in the United States, for example, the largest epidemic the epidemic of mass hysteria. I think the media are extremely important [in informing] public. I have often said that journalists can save more lives than doctors, giving the right information. . But when I see that the media reports are about the dog nurse about Ebola itself, which tells a story

Q: Are there lessons to be learned from experience of SARS?

A: The major difference between SARS and the Ebola virus is that SARS is airborne. Therefore, in the case of SARS, I would say that sitting in a plane with a person with SARS can be very dangerous. Sitting next to someone with Ebola is not sick is not a problem. It is scary, but the rational side, it is not a problem.

Remember also that SARS started in China, went to Hong Kong, and then someone traveled to Toronto, the other side of the world, [and triggered] an epidemic. We are in a globalized world and we must be prepared for this kind of incident. It is impossible to be completely safe. What we can do is prepare, make sure it is the control of infection, education, and there is innovation in vaccines and drugs

Q:.? Is the Ebola condition improves

A: This depends on the country. It seems that in Sierra Leone, the epidemic continues to worsen. But in Liberia, there are early signs that in some parts of the country [infections are] down. My optimistic scenario is that by Christmas we will see a gradual decline everywhere.

The big problem with Ebola is that there is not over until the last person has died or recovered without infecting someone. One person is enough to revive an epidemic. This is very different from almost all other infectious diseases

* Ebola files :. Given the current Ebola outbreak unprecedented in terms of the number of people killed and the rapid geographic spread, Science and Science Translational Medicine made a collection of research articles and news on the viral disease available for researchers and the general public.

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