Is Long Life in the blood?

Is Long Life in the blood? -

Still rocking 121. Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 at age 122, released a CD of the previous year which included a rap song.

The blood of very old people full of large lipid particles, according to a study of 213 Ashkenazi Jews with an average age of 98. The research, which also included the offspring of centenarians found too that most individuals carry a gene variant that influences the cholesterol balance. But how this particle size varying lipid and can ward off death are not clear.

Studying human longevity is not a simple task. Worms and flies carry unique genes that, when mutated, dramatically prolong life, but nothing clear has been found in humans.

geriatrician Nir Barzilai of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City, endocrinologist Alan Shuldiner of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, and colleagues gathered blood samples from three groups: centenarians, their children (who may have inherited the traits of longevity), and, as witnesses, 75 spouses of children and 183 others from studying the Einstein aging. Adding genetic diversity were similar data from the Framingham Heart Study, a cohort that was discussed for decades.

The group tested the levels of total cholesterol and its components lipoproteins "good" or high density (HDL), "bad" or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides. There was little difference between centenarian-plus-progeny group and controls, although some families had centuries-old high HDL levels. Ultimately, Barzilai and his colleagues tested the size of HDL and LDL particles, and they hit the dirt salary. Eighty percent of the centenarians had either large HDL or high LDL particles, or both, against 40% and 55% in controls. Offspring fell between the two, and the numbers were lowest in . the Framingham cohort

the group of Barzilai also tested for a gene that produces the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) CETP quarters LDL cholesterol to HDL molecules. CETP Inhibition help raise HDL. the researchers found that 25% of centenarians had a particular CETP gene variant that dulls the CETP activity, compared to 8% of controls, they write in the October 15 Journal of the American Medical Association .

"We need to really pay attention to that," said Jean-Pierre Després, Director of Research at the Quebec Heart Institute in Quebec, Canada. It is striking, he added that the size of LDL particles and not LDL levels - the target drugs and heart disease prevention efforts. - key appears Yet the results of the team will likely be debated for some time the size, the CETP Ni particles. "a predictor of whether you will become a centenarian," because most people with the right variant will die before 100, says James Vaupel, director of the Max Planck Institute for demographic research in Rostock, Germany. A crystal ball to predict the service life, if it exists, is probably years off.

Related Sites
Research at the National Institute on Aging
Background on exceptional longevity

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