Block harmful rays

Block harmful rays -

block harmful rays

As spring turns to summer buds and flowers bloom, we want to go more time in warmer weather. While spending time apart is healthy for the mind and body, it is important to ensure that our skin is protected against the harmful rays of the sun. This month is the month awareness skin cancer, and is dedicated to raising public awareness of the importance of the prevention of skin cancer, early detection and treatment. Helps prevent skin cancer by spreading the word!

Skin cancer occurs when "unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells triggers mutations or genetic defects that lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors" (the skin cancer Foundation). over 0% of skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet sun rays (UVR), which makes the skin cancer one of the most preventable cancers. If the diagnosed early, the skin cancer is easier to treat.

There are various precautions to protect your skin. Avoid being in the sun, especially between the hours of 10:00 and 16 hours. Avoid tanning booths and excessive tanning. When in the sun, do not let your skin burn. Protect yourself against UVA and UVB rays with sunscreen with broad spectrum SPF (15 or more) and wear hats, sunglasses, and lip balm for extra protection. See more tips from the Skin Cancer Foundation!

Did you know?

  • Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, affecting one in five Americans in the course of a lifetime.
  • Over 2 million Americans are affected by skin cancer each year.
  • Support 5 or more sunburns in youth increases the risk of melanoma by 80% life.
  • Skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers.

Tips for cancer identification skin

Knowing ABCDE s of melanoma. If you have concerns, check with your doctor

A symmetry :. If you draw a line through the area, the two sides will not match
B to : asymmetrical borders are a sign of melanoma
C olor : an area with a variety of colors is a warning sign
D iameter : cancerous moles are usually larger larger (larger than a pencil eraser)
E volving : Change over time is a sign of melanoma

Source Do you know your ABCDEs

Sources: skin cancer Foundation, LifeWork EAP strategies, Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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