What you need to know about pollution of indoor air

What you need to know about pollution of indoor air

- What you need to know about pollution of indoor air

Your House can be two to five times dirtier than the air outside. Dust, pet dander, mold, dander, chemical fumes, cigarette smoke, and radon are some of the causes for unhealthy indoor environment.

The quality of indoor air is among the three EPA health problems. Some examples that may suggest a poor quality of indoor air include: stale, unpleasant smell lingering air, air that causes irritation (eyes, nose, throat), the relative humidity levels below 30% or over 60%, tobacco smoke, excessive dust / allergens, and mold problems / mildew

  • other potential problems that are not as obvious as those listed above, but may be detected include :. natural radon gas, flue gas or smoke containing carbon monoxide, pesticides, asbestos from the insulation is deteriorated and lead.

    Asthma Inhaler

    Too much humidity in the home can lead to mold and other biological growth. This can cause common allergic reactions and asthma attacks

  • Your home needs ventilation. - The exchange of inside air with outside air - to reduce contaminants that can accumulate, causing health problems. Have at least exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen, and preferably a mechanical ventilation system for the entire house. Vent clothes dryers to the outside.
  • Below 30% relative humidity, people can be uncomfortable and can suffer from dry mucous membranes that may lead to nosebleeds and infections. In general, low relative humidity is only a problem during the winter months.
  • The bacteria and fungi often grow in the tanks portable humidifiers and console and can be released into the mist. Do not let the film and scale to expand in the humidifier and use distilled or deionized water.
  • Wood smoke contains a mixture of gases and fine particles that can cause burning eyes, runny nose, and bronchitis. The fine particles can aggravate heart or respiratory problems such as asthma. Even limited exposure can be harmful to health, especially for children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases. Inspect and clean ovens, flues and chimneys annually.
  • Too much humidity in the home can lead to mold and other biological growth. This can cause common allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) interfere with the distribution of oxygen in the body. All combustion appliances (fireplaces, gas stoves, heaters and ovens), car exhaust, and environmental tobacco smoke emit CO. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, nausea, and chest pain. CO can cause flu-like symptoms who clear after leaving home.
  • environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) contains a mixture of more than 4,000 chemicals, including 0 known poisons such as formaldehyde and more than 50 carcinogens. Exposure can lead to infections of the inner ear, asthma and lung cancer in non-smokers.
  • Radon is a toxic radioactive element whose source is the earth / rock under your house and it occurs naturally when uranium breaks down. Radon can enter the home through cracks in the foundation floor and walls, drains, unfinished basements, and in some areas, untreated well water. Studies show that lung cancer risk can be doubled or even tripled if you live for many years in a house built on the ground with uranium deposits.

If family members know unexplained symptoms or illnesses that might be linked to your home environment, it is important to discuss the situation with your doctor.

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