Shedding light on the threat of cancer of the Sun

Shedding light on the threat of cancer of the Sun -

Sunlight can use a punch one to two to trigger skin cancer. Ultraviolet (UV) light damages a key gene in skin cells involved in the fight against tumors, and yet appear to help these dangerous mutant cells survive exposure to the sun, according to a report in the issue of November 26 of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

A team of Yale University, Connecticut Center for Plastic Surgery, and the National Cancer Institute found that skin samples removed during plastic surgery of healthy individuals were many tiny patches of cells with damaged versions of the gene p53 tumor suppressor. These spots are larger and more frequent in skin exposed to the sun (such as samples of nose jobs) and in armored areas (such as belly-tucks).

"The number of [patches] was amazing," says co-author paper Douglas Brash, a Yale oncologist. On average, the skin of armored sun had three plates of mutant cells per square centimeter, while exposed skin was 33. the patches accounted for up to 4% of the epidermis of the skin exposed.

the cells with mutant p53 genes are sensitive to carcinogenic mutations and radiation survive UV more frequently than normal cells undergoing programmed cell death when damaged by the sun. "It is a double whammy," says Johns Hopkins University oncologist Michael Kastan, who said the study "implies as a UV first step "in skin cancer. Amato Giaccia, a radiation oncologist at Stanford University, agrees." it's a very important study, "he said.

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